Designation: County Clerk & Recorder
Phone: (309) 547-3041 Ext. 117
Fax: (309) 547-3326
Office Address: Fulton County Clerk/Recorder, 100 N. Main, P.O. Box 226, Lewistown IL 61542
Office Hours: Monday–Friday 8:00am–4:00pm
Term of Office: 4 year term Expires 2026
Birth records are not public records. You may receive your own birth certificate (if you are 18 or older), your child’s birth certificate, or birth certificate of person you are legal guardian or representative of (with evidence of such).
Fees – First certified copy is $17. Each additional copy of same certificate is $9.
To order a certified copy of your birth certificate by mail:
1. Print and complete the entire form available below.
2. Send a legible/readable copy of your driver’s license/photo I.D.
3. Send a money order (no personal checks) for required fee payable to Fulton County Clerk.
4. Mail all of the above to: Fulton County Clerk, PO Box 226, Lewistown, IL 61542
Search Fee Birth – $17 per name to be searched
If you do not have date information (a month and year), a Search fee is required. If the record is found, the Search fee includes a certified copy. If no record is found, the Search fee is retained and a “No Record Found” certificate will be sent.
If you have complete date information and no record is found, the fee will be refunded.
Monday - Friday 8AM to 4PM
100 N Main St. Lewistown, IL 61542
Copyright © 2025, Fulton County