Seasonal Campsite Lease 2017
This permit and lease made this________day of________________20¬¬¬____, by and between County of Fulton, P.O. Box 258, St. David, Illinois 61563 (hereinafter called “County”) and
City:____________________State:_____Zip Code:_____________(hereinafter called “Camper”)
Email Address: ____________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________
In consideration of the sum of ($775.00 Electric or $475.00 Non-Electric) $____________ County hereby grants to Camper the permit and lease for the period of January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 to use the following described campsite located within the Fulton County Camping and Recreation Area at 18773 North Conservation Road, Canton IL, 61520 (P.O. Box 258, St. David, IL 61563).
Campsite #_____________
Number of extra outdoor freezers or refrigerators #______________ ($50.00 fee per unit)
Gate card numbers: ____________,____________ (ON THE BACK OF THE GATE CARD- NO:0000???)
Campsite Payment Options (Check, money order, credit, or debit ONLY)
Option 1: ________Payment in full on or before January 1, 2017
Option 2: ________Payment of first half of yearly fee on or before January 1, 2017
________Payment of second half of yearly fee on or before June 1, 2017
________Late fee of $100.00 paid January 2, 2017 through January 8, 2017
If the Camper does not pay either payment by said due date, your campsite is then considered forfeit and will be posted for other campers to bid on after 14 days. You will have 14 days to remove all belongings, items, or property from your campsite. After 14 days, your items will be considered campground property and you will be charged fees for the removal of your items by the campground or your seasonal deposit will be applied to these charges. Fees and charges will be mailed first class to the camper. The state’s attorney will be requested to initiate appropriate procedures to collect such expenses from the camper. Camper agrees that if the state’s attorney or his designee files a court proceeding to collect such fees, the camper shall be responsible to pay attorney fees at the rate of $200.00 per hour plus all additional costs of the proceedings.
If your camper is removed for nonpayment from your campsite, the camper will be charged $75.00 per week storage and the towing fee to retrieve their belongings from lock up. After 14 days in lock up, your belongings become campground property and you will be charged for towing and removal.
New campers leasing a campsite after June 1, 2017 will be charged half of the yearly fee.
This permit/lease is subject to termination pursuant to terms of the most recently approved Metropolitan Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Permit.
This permit/lease is also subject to termination by the County for violations of the rules and regulations of the Fulton County Camping and Recreation Area.
“I have read and understand these rules and regulations and will abide by them”:
Camper’s Printed Name:____________________________________________________
Camper’s Signature:_______________________________________________________
We at the Fulton County Camping and Recreation, thank you kindly for camping with us and abiding all rules and regulations to ensure safety and happiness throughout the year. Please enjoy yourselves and respect Mother Nature, fellow campers, guests, and everything offered at our campground.
Please remember we are solely funded by all camping, gate, fishing, and any fees acquired at the campground only. We all would appreciate your help keeping our entire campground clean, beautiful, inviting, cost efficient, and relaxing.
Camping Rules and Regulations for Seasonal Campers
Please read thoroughly and initial after each rule to signify you understand and are aware of our expectations at Fulton County Camping and Recreation Area. We will be enforcing all rules and have set guidelines for violations as classified below. Please be aware of the new procedures and act accordingly. Overall, enjoy the time you spend at the campground and know we thank you kindly for your cooperation.
1. It is essential you and your guests abide by these and all posted regulations. As the permit holder, you are liable for any misconduct or violations by yourself and/or your guest(s).
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2. Violation of regulations and rules for the Fulton County Camping and Recreation Area, state, federal, and county laws will be addressed and determined by the campground superintendent and the level of violation.
Level 1 violation- violator will be issued a written citation/warning. Written warning will be signed by the superintendent and the camper in violation and placed in the camper’s file. If the violation requires any type of repair(s), the superintendent will give a fair amount of time to the camper to fix said repair(s) not to exceed 7 days. Violation will be reported to the economic and tourism committee in the superintendent’s report.
Level 2 violation- violator will be issued citation by the superintendent signifying a Level 2 violation. Violator will then be required to be heard before the committee. Possible committee determinations will be suspension from the campsite for up to 14 days, and/or possible site revocation. This also includes repeated Level 1 violations.
Level 3 violation- violator will be suspended immediately from the campsite and be required to come before the committee to face full site revocation. This includes a repeated Level 2 violation.
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3. Campsites are leased on a calendar year basis. Yearly rates are charged to campers and there is no pro-rating of lease/permit on a month to month basis regardless of when the permit is issued. (Exception Option B payment after June 1)
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4. The camper accepts camping privileges with the agreement that he or she does hereby release the County, its officers, and employees of all liability for loss or damage to property and injury to his or her person or guests on the premises arising out of his or her use of the camping facilities. The camper agrees to indemnify the County, its officers, and employees against claims resulting from loss or damage to property or injury to the person of any member of the family or guest(s) of the camper arising out of the use of camping facilities.
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5. Upon site revocation or eviction, there shall be no refund of the permit fee. Camper shall return to the campground all gate cards in their possession upon removal of their belongings and property located on their leased site within 14 days. After 14 days your items will be considered property of the Fulton County Camping and Recreation Area and you will be charged removal fees for labor removing your items from your site.
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6. Any camper who has been evicted from the Fulton County Camping and Recreation has lost all privileges to lease another site in the future.
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7. All Seasonal Lease Holders will make a $100.00 deposit for their seasonal lot. This is a onetime deposit only. The lease holder will receive the $100.00 back upon departure of FCCRA if and only if the seasonal lot is empty of all debris, possessions, trash, and personal property of the lease holder and all fines are paid. Lease holder must take these items home. The dumpsters at FCCRA are for bagged trash only. No mattresses, tires, TV’s, radios, lawn furniture, paint cans, boxes, or anything not tied off in a garbage bag are permitted to be placed into the dumpsters. If you are found doing this, your $100.00 deposit will not be returned and will be used towards extra charges from the disposal company. __________ (initial)
8. Campground employees and members of the Fulton County Board reserve the right to request identification of those inside the campground and its facilities. Campground employees and members of the Fulton County Board also reserve the right to request proof of ownership of the camping trailer.
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9. Lease holders agree and understand their site cannot be sublet. In other words, the person who signs the lease and pays for the site is the only person permitted to lease that specific site. The lease holder may give up their site at any given time and that site will posted as “open” for other campers to bid on. No site can be sold or given away along with a camper sold at FCCRA. You may sell your personal property, but remember there is a waiting list of people wanting seasonal sites and yours can not be given to whom you want to give it to.
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10. Due to liability reasons, county equipment cannot be used for towing of any kind.
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11. During November, December, January, and February of each year, turn off your breaker where you plug your camper in or unplug your camper. A $3.00 per day user fee will be charged for each day/night electricity is turned on. You must pay in advance to have electricity turned on. Drop payment(s) off at the office or directly into one of 3 mailboxes outside of the office BEFORE entering the campground. Nobody is allowed to stay continuously throughout the winter months.
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12. Any camper who cannot get along with their neighbor and feel their neighbor needs relocated will be given two options:
A. Campground superintendent will relocate you to another site chosen by the campground superintendent.
B. Remove your items from your site and turn in your gate cards within 14 days.
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13. The campground office does sell ice, firewood, bait & tackle, and LP tanks.
The following rules are guarded by Level 1 and 2 violations
14. Up to 2 gate cards will be issued per site. These are for the camper and the camper’s spouse. Anyone over the age of 18 including: children, friends, other family members, or any other guest must pay the gate fee of $5.00. Each lease holder will be issued 5 free day passes for their guest(s). Prior to letting a guest through the gate, you must turn in a pass to a campground employee or 1 of 3 mailboxes outside the office per vehicle you let through.
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15. All areas surrounding the campsite are considered public property subject to public use. No fences are allowed. Docks are not to be used by the public or other lease holders unless the seasonal camper(s)/lease holders are not at their campsite. You must remove all belongings and trash upon departure from people’s docks. Do not drive through seasonal lots. Lease holders may ask anyone to kindly remove themselves from their campsite when they are present.
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16. One prefab chain link dog run no larger than 10×10 per campsite is permitted.
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17. Quiet time is between 10 P.M. and 8 A.M. Noise complaints will be addressed by campground employees. If complaints continue the sheriff will be called. All children need to be at their campsite by 10 P.M. If running a generator, you must be courteous of your neighbor(s). If your generator is too noisy, you may be asked to agree upon a quiet time with your neighbor(s).
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18. Pets are welcome. Pets must be on a leash when off your campsite. Service dogs only in the shower house. Please do not leave your pet unattended at your campsite. Please keep barking at a minimal. Excessive barking will not be tolerated.
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19. Each camper is to maintain, mow, and police their campsite. Grass is not to exceed the height of 8 inches. Grass over the maximum height will be mowed by the campground employee(s) and the camper will be charged a mowing fee of $50.00 to be paid in full before the issuing of their contract for the following year. Upon the second mowing charge of $50.00, your site will be considered vacated and open for a new lease holder.
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20. Tied off bags of trash only in the dumpsters provided. If your trash man would not accept it, neither will ours. Please do not bring your trash from home. No dumping of tires, TV’s, mattresses, couches, chairs, lawn furniture, or any other items trash pickup will refuse to take or charge us extra for taking. If you are caught dumping items other than regular garbage, you will be responsible to pay our extra fee.
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21. Campfires permitted in fire rings only. No burning anything except wood and paper. No burning piles of leaves or brush permitted except inside your fire ring.
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22. No woodcutting allowed. This means no chain saws or pole saws are permitted. Call the office if you feel the need to use a chainsaw to trim limbs/trees on your lot.
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23. No alcohol or illegal drugs are allowed.
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24. No fireworks permitted at any time.
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25. No smoking permitted in the shower house.
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26. No swimming or wading in any of the lakes or water areas.
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27. No littering.
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28. No ATV’s, snowmobiles, or mobile homes allowed.
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29. No speeding. Obey speed limit signs. Area speed limits are 10-20 mph in most areas. Watch for children and wildlife. Wildlife has the right of way.
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30. No disorderly conduct will be tolerated towards or from campground and county employees or campers and guests at the Fulton County Camping and Recreation Area.
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31. Electric golf carts and electric side-by-sides are allowed when registered through the campground office. A $50.00 yearly fee, proof of insurance, headlights, and campsite number placed on the golf cart is required. These electric vehicles must be registered before use at the campground.
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32. Campsites are permitted to allow overnight guests at their site. Any guest(s) (over 18 years of age) who set up a tent (up to 2 tents) on a seasonal campsite will be given a discounted rate on overnight fees. Please have the guest(s) register at the office. The guest will be charged $9.00 per night.
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33. Any and all guests with a camper/RV must stay in the overnight electric camping area and not at your seasonal lot. (Exception: Non-electric seasonal site lease holder’s guests and fee is $10.00 per night).
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34. Electrical hook-up is allowed for the camping trailer only. No auxiliary or secondary wires allowed providing power to any type of camping unit. No burial of wires of any sort.
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35. Any camper who has an outdoor freezer or refrigerator not part of their camping unit will be charged a $50.00 fee per freezer or refrigerator. The campground superintendent has the right and responsibility to ask any camper to unlock storage sheds to inspect for units that have not been approved and paid for. (camping trailers with built in outdoor kitchens that came with the trailer do not count towards extra fee)
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36. Each campsite is allowed one placement of a temporary storage shed at no additional cost. The following restrictions do apply:
A. There shall be no permanent construction and no concrete.
B. Only one small shed not exceeding 10 ft by 12 ft per campsite.
C. The shed will be on the camper’s campsite only.
D. The shed will not be attached to or considered as an addition to the camping trailer.
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37. No abandoned vehicles are allowed to be stored on a campsite or campground property. All vehicles and camping units must have a current registration sticker or you will be asked to remove them from FCCRA.
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38. All air conditioners and lights must be turned off when the camping trailer sits empty for 24 hours or more.
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39. All boats stored on campground property must have camper’s lot number on the boat(s). All boats must be licensed through the state and the IDNR sticker must be placed on the boat(s). All boats must be equipped with life preservers as required by State regulations. Boats that do not have a lot number on them will be towed to the lock-in area. Cost to retrieve your boat is $25.00. After 30 days boat(s) will become responsibility and property of FCCRA and will be sold.
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40. No gasoline outboard boat motors allowed to be used out on the lake(s).
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41. Fishing poles only. No trotlines, jugs, bank poles, or other means of catching fish is permitted.
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42. All docks must have a site number for which the dock belongs to. Un-numbered docks and all numbered docks that are deemed unsafe by the campground superintendent will be removed from the lake. If you wish to build a dock, please talk to the campground superintendent or assistant superintendent about dock specifications to follow according to our insurance company’s standards. (starting January 2016)
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The following rules are guarded by Level 3 violations
43. No hunting allowed on any property leased by FCCRA or belonging to MWRD.
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44. The purpose of the campsite is to provide temporary camping accommodations. The site is not to be used as a permanent residence or one’s principle place of abode. Proof of permanent residency may be asked for by the campground superintendent at any given time.
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45. All sanitary waste must be held in plastic holding tanks and be disposed of in the provided dump station located near the shower house. Sanitary waste is defined as any water discharge (black or grey water) coming from the camper or outhouse.
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46. All payments are due on the date written in the contract. We accept credit or debit in person or via telephone, checks, and/or money orders only. No cash payments allowed. There will be a $100 late fee assessed for anybody who pays up to 7 days after the given due date. If camping fees and or fines are not paid by said date on your contract, your site will be considered forfeit and will be posted as “open” for others to bid on. You will be given 14 days to remove all of your belongings from your site. All items left after 14 days will be considered property of the Fulton County Camping and Recreation Area. Removal fees will be your responsibility and you will be charged for all labor involved moving your items. (Payments, lease, and rules must be mailed in. If you feel the need to do it in person, there are 3 mailboxes outside the campground office you can utilize. It is very important you return all paperwork to the office for proper record keeping purposes. All receipts will be mailed out along with the Spring Newsletter).
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*Please return this copy to P.O. Box 258, St. David, IL 61563*
*For a copy of your lease/seasonal rules, please make a copy before returning to the campground office, visit under “camping”, or view a posted version under the pavilion at the campground entrance gate*
*In case of severe weather, the shower house is your storm shelter. There is a tornado siren located at the campground.*
*Site superintendent reserves the right to evict any camper or guest for improper behavior or failure to observe and obey the rules.*
*Please stop at the pavilion at gate entrance regularly for campground updates and information*
All questions, comments, or concerns should be directed to the campground superintendent. Thank you and happy camping!!
Stephanie Duffield-FCCRA Superintendent
(309) 668-2931 office or (309)219-2041 cell (click on “camping”)
Find us on Facebook “Fulton County Camping & Recreation Area”
Monday - Friday 8AM to 4PM
100 N Main St. Lewistown, IL 61542
Copyright © 2025, Fulton County