Designation: Camping and Recreation Area Superintendent
Phone: (309) 219-2041
Office Address: 18773 N. Conservation Rd, Canton, IL 61520
Electric Golf Cart & Electric Side-By-Side Rules and Regulations for Seasonal Campers 2020
1. Electric golf carts and electric side-by-sides only. No 4-wheelers, 3-wheelers, or dirt bikes.
2. All golf carts and side-by sides must be registered at the campground office before use. Registration fee is $50.00 per camping season. If the fee is not paid, you will be asked to pay the registration fee or you will be asked to take your golf cart or side-by-side home
3. Before your golf cart or side-by-side is brought into the campground it must be inspected by campground employee and registered.
4. All golf carts and side-by-sides will need at least one working headlight, operational taillights or at least red reflectors on the backside, campground registration sticker, and your campsite number placed where it can be seen from the outside.
5. Upon registration you must provide a valid driver’s license for anybody who is not a seasonal camper who will be operating your golf cart or side-by-side at the campground. You must provide proof of liability insurance on your golf cart or side-by-side which cannot be an extension of your home owner’s insurance policy. Your golf cart or side-by side insurance must be a separate policy. Copies of driver’s license and insurance must be kept up to date and on file in the campground office.
6. No one under the age of 16 is allowed to operate any golf cart or side-by-side on campground property. Campground employees reserve the right to ask for identification and or driver’s license of anyone operating a golf cart or side-by-side.
7. Owners are responsible for any personal injury or property damage caused by golf cart or side-by-side operation. Fulton County Camping and Recreation Area assumes no liability for accidents, misuse, theft, damage, injury, or any other occurrence or mishap arising from golf cart or side-by-side operation on campground property.
8. Anyone operating a golf cart or side-by-side must carry a valid driver’s license while driving around campground property.
9. No operation of golf cart or side-by-side while a child is sitting on your lap.
10. All golf carts or side-by-sides must be operated in a safe and responsible manner. No reckless operation of golf cart or side-by-side. Operators must observe safe driving practices.
11. Avoid excessive speed and unsafe maneuvers. Obey posted speed limit signs.
12. Do not short cut across grassy areas or other seasonal campsites. Stay on campground roads only or your own lot.
13. Obey all No Trespassing, Private Property, and other posted signs.
14. Golf cart and side-by-side operation is limited to campground property only. Do not drive on highways or county roads.
15. Golf carts and side-by-sides may not carry more passengers than they are intended to carry. All passengers must be seated while the golf cart or side-by-side is in motion.
16. Golf carts and side-by-sides may not be parked in a manner which interferes with vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
17. Drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs is prohibited on the golf cart and/or side-by-side.
18. Golf cart and side-by-side usage is a privilege granted to seasonal campers only. No overnight campers are permitted to operate their own golf carts or side-by-sides.
*If you are in violation of any of these rules you will be asked to park your golf cart or side-by-side for up to 30 days or possible revocation of your golf cart or side-by-side registration to which you will take your golf cart or side-by-side home and not be able to bring it back for the rest of the season.*
*Fulton County Camping and recreation Area reserves the rights to change any or all rates and rules at its discretion. *
*If you see somebody violating these rules please call the campground superintendent immediately*
(309) 219-2041 cell
Golf Cart & Side-By-Side Registration Card
Camper’s name: ___________________________________________ Campsite: #___________
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________
*By signing, you acknowledge and confirm that you have read, understand, and agree to all the conditions of the golf cart and side-by-side rules and regulations set forth by the Fulton County Camping and Recreation Area.*
Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Authorized employee: __________________________________ Date: ____________________
Notes: (attach copy of insurance policy and valid driver’s license(s)
Monday - Friday 8AM to 4PM
100 N Main St. Lewistown, IL 61542
Copyright © 2025, Fulton County