Mr. Heller called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. at the Fulton County Highway Department, Canton, IL.
Call-in number for the Committee Meeting: 1-720-843-2906, meeting password: 1886497
Committee: Quorum Present – Heller, Murphy, Williams; Excused – Berry
Elected/Appointed Official(s): Keith Munter, County Engineer
Staff: Thomas Howe, Assistant County Engineer; Amber McKenzie, Executive Assistant
Announcements, Communications, and Correspondence
Call for Additions/Deletions to and Approval of the Agenda
Mr. Murphy made a motion with a second by Mr. Williams to approve the agenda. The motion passed (3-0).
Public Comments
Name: Mary Deushane
Address: Lewistown, IL
Topic: Culvert
Mary stated the previous entrance culvert to her property was plugged and damaged which caused flooding to her
buildings and fields. She thanked the Highway Department for replacing the culvert and complimented the maintainers
saying “They did a great job”.
Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
A motion was made by Mr. Williams and a second by Mr. Murphy to approve the minutes from 8-1-23. The motion
passed (3-0).
County Engineer’s Report
CH 15 Open
CH 2 Bridge tentative open date Oct. 6th, 2023
CH 2 Culvert replacement near Midway
Building Update – Bid Opening September 13th
Maintenance Work – Upcoming blade patching, pothole patching, & shoulder work
Hwy Maintainer II position opening to replace previous maintainer.
Consent Agenda Items
a. Claims
A motion was made by Mr. Murphy, a second by Mr. Williams to approve the consent agenda items,
and recommended they be put on the Board’s Consent Agenda. The motion passed (3-0).
Action Agenda Items
Other Business
Mr. Williams inquired about staff numbers and recommended a possible Campground Maintainer position be
added to the Highway Department.
Mr. Williams made a motion to adjourn at 7:49 a.m. with a second from Mr. Murphy. The motion passed (3-0)