Fulton County Board- Finance & Insurance Committee Meeting Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone 309-547-0901- email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Finance, Insurance, Personnel, Legislative Committee
Meeting Place: Fulton County Courthouse, 100 N. Main St., Room 313, Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 5:45 pm
Date: September 12, 2023
1. Call to Order
Time: 5:46 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Barry Beck (present)
Jared Heller (present)
Laura Kessel (absent)
Brian Platt (absent)
Lauren Southwood (present)
Lisa Thompson (present)
OTHER BOARD MEMBERS: Chairman John Spangler
STAFF: Audra Miles – Comptroller, Assistant
ELECTED & APPOINTED OFFICIALS: Staci Mayall-Treasurer, Patrick O’Brian – County
Clerk, Julie Russell – Assessment, Justin Jochums – State’s attorney, Charlene Markley –
Circuit Clerk
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve: 1
st Heller, 2
nd Beck. Motion carried with all voting ayes.
4. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence
Update from Public Defender Nick Cotta, that a new Asst. PD has been hired thanks to the
assistance of the Finance Committee and increasing the salary.
5. Public Comments- None
6. Claims
a. Discussion/Action: Claims
Motion to approve: 1
st Southwood, 2
nd Heller. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
Name Yes No
Beck X
Heller X
Southwood X
Thompson X
b. Discussion/Action: ARPA Claims
The Village of Bryant went over allotment by $10,000. Bryant to receive $6,000.
$4,750 was spent for a time sensitive investigation tool.
Motion to approve: 1
st Heller, 2
nd Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
st claim 2
nd claim
Name Yes No Yes No
Beck X X
Heller X X
Southwood X X
Thompson X X
7. Transfer of Funds
a. General Funds Transfers
i. Discussion/Action: Resolution: $4,600.00 From #001-021-590100
Contingency To: #001-059-540100 Printing & Publication
Motion to approve: 1
st Southwood, 2
nd Helle. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
Name Yes No
Beck X
Heller X
Southwood X
Thompson X
ii. Discussion/Action: Resolution: $865.00 From: #001-016-525108 Contractual –
County Board To: #001-016-560100 Mileage & Travel Expenses
Motion to approve: 1
st Beck, 2
nd Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
Name Yes No
Beck X
Heller X
Southwood X
Thompson X
b. Other Funds Transfers
8. Immediate Emergency Appropriation(s) N/A
a. General Funds Immediate Emergency Appropriations
b. Other Funds Immediate Emergency Appropriations
9. Old Business
a. Discussion/Action: Opioid Settlement Fund – record keeping
The funds will be divided into 2 uses. States Attorney Jochums will draw up a contract with North
Central Behavioral Systems. Member Thompson will discuss uses of funds with North Central. A
Resolution will be drawn up with new line items. This will be included in FY 24 budget. Quarterly
reporting will also need to be completed.
Motion to approve: 1
st Heller, 2nd Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
Beck X
Heller X
Southwood X
Thompson X
10.New Business
a. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Trustee Parcels
Motion to approve: 1
st Beck, 2
nd Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
Name Yes No
Beck X
Heller X
Southwood X
Thompson X
b. Discussion/Action: GASB 74/75 Letter of Engagement
Motion for Treasurer Mayall to sign letter: 1
st Southwood, 2nd Heller. Motion carried by roll call vote
Beck X
Heller X
Southwood X
Thompson X
11.FY2024 Budget
a. Discussion/Action: Illinois Waterway Port Commission Contribution $33,609.00
(Census population = 33,609 X$1.00
This item will be tabled until next month.
12.Safety – Liability Insurance Risk Management N/A
Comptroller Miles reported that the 1
st quarter ends 9/30. Reports due in October.
14.Treasurer’s Report
Certified letters go out for past due taxes 9/14/23. Tax equity theft is a pending court case having to
do with delinquent taxes. No agreement or correspondence from the State of Illinois.
15.Assessment Report
Last day to file Certificates of Error in the Assessment office is 10/16/23
Personnel, Legislative
a. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Kathy Knox – Trustee Appointment London Mills
Fire Protection District
Bond corrected in Resolution from $5,000 to $10,000.
Motion to approve: 1st Beck, 2nd Southwood. Motion carried with all voting ayes.
b. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Jeremiah Ulm – Trustee Appointment London
Mills Fire Protection District
Motion to approve: 1
st Heller, 2
nd Southwood. Motion carried with all voting ayes.
17.Old Business None
18.New Business None
19. Executive Session None
20.Misc. None
Time: 6:20 p.m.
Motion to adjourn: 1
st Heller, 2
nd Southwood. Motion carried with all voting ayes.