The Fulton County Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 W Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL.
Phone: Janice Emmons at (309) 547-0902
Committee: Zoning Board of Appeals
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 W Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL.
Time: 4:15pm
Date: Wednesday, October 25, 2023
1. Call to Order
Time: 4:15pm
2. Roll Call/Quorum
Roll Call was taken, quorum present
Bob Ackerman (Absent)
Sally Jo Clark (Present)
Cathy Eathington (Present)
Mat Fletcher (Present)
Jayson Herrick (Present)
Bill Phillips (Present)
Damon Roberson (Absent)
ELECTED & APPOINTED OFFICIALS: Janice Emmons Zoning Director
GUEST(S): None
3. Additions, Deletions, and Corrections to the Agenda.
Member Clark moved to approve the agenda with a second by Member Eathington. Motion carried by voice vote with all voting ayes.
4. Approval of Minutes – June 28th and July 5th 2023
Member Clark moved to approve the minutes with a second by Member Eathington. Motion carried by voice vote with all voting ayes.
5. Public Remarks — None
6. New Business-Continuation
a. Discussion/Action: Public Hearing for a conditional use to establish a family cemetery on parcel #05-04-03-100-016.
Chairman Phillips swore Thomas Waltz into the ZBA meeting.
Chairman Phillips stated the finding of fact is that it is a private cemetery, a reasonable effort to start a trust and maintain, and comply with Illinois law.
Chairman Phillips asked for a motion to record the finding of facts. Member Clark moved to record the finding of facts, with a second from Member Eathington. Motion carried by voice vote with all voting aye.
Chairman Phillips asked for a motion to grant a personal use permit. Member Clark moved to pass, with a second from Member Eathington. Motion carried by voice vote with all voting aye.
b. Discussion/Action: Public Hearing F to rezone parcel #09-08-25-303-015 from R2 to B
The requirements have been met for rezoning from AC to B.
Chairman Phillips stated the finding of fact is that this would be a good use for the property, there is no objection from the neighbors, and access is well defined, and won’t cause problems for adjacent neighbors.
Chairman Phillips asked for a motion to record the finding of facts. Member Clark moved to record the finding of facts, with a second from Member Eathington. Motion carried by voice vote with all voting aye.
Due to the acceptance of the finding of facts, Chairman Phillips asked for a motion for the ZBA to recommend that the Fulton County Board approve the rezoning. Member Eathington moved to recommend that the Fulton County Board approve the rezoning, with a second from Member Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote
c. Discussion/Action: Review pricing structure for solar/battery storage
Zoning Director Emmons is working on resourcing different prices from surrounding Counties. Janice asked for the committee to review the documents she provided and give feedback on the pricing stricter from other counties. The committee suggested having a different price for solar and battery storage.
7. Old Business – None
8. Other – None
9. Executive Session – None
10. Adjournment – 4:50 PM
Member Clark made a motion to adjourn at 4:50 PM with a second from Member Herrick. Motion carried by voice vote with all ayes.