The Fulton County Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 W Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL.
Phone: Janice Emmons at (309) 547-0902
Committee: Zoning Board of Appeals
Meeting Place: Dunfermline Village Hall, 709 Center Street, Dunfermline, IL 61524
Time: 5:00 PM
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2023
1. Call to Order
Time: 5:00 PM
2. Roll Call/Quorum
Roll Call was taken, quorum present
Bob Ackerman (Present)
Sally Jo Clark (Present)
Cathy Eathington (Present)
Mat Fletcher (Present)
Jayson Herrick (Present)
Bill Phillips (Present)
Damon Roberson (Present)
ELECTED & APPOINTED OFFICIALS: Justin Jochums, State’s Attorney
Julie Russell, Supervisor of Assessments
GUEST(S): Reuben Grandon, Kathleen Phillips, and Chuck Anderson
1. Additions, Deletions, and Corrections to the Agenda
Member Fletcher moved to approve changes to the agenda with a second from Member Roberson. Motion carried by voice vote with all ayes.
2. Approval of Minutes – None
3. Public Remarks – None
4. New Business
a. Discussion/Action: Public Hearing for a Conditional use permit to construct a commercial solar facility on Parcels #14-14-02-200-015 & 09-08-35-400-019
Chairman Phillips swore Reuben Grandon into the ZBA meeting.
Representing GreenKey Solar for Buckheart Creek Solar 1, LLC, Mr. Grandon summarized that this project site plan is on the southeast corner of the intersection between East Sam Scott Street and Main Street, just south of Canton and the acreage being looked at is about 25 acres. This will generate just over ten million kilowatt-hours each year, which will sold to Ameren to provide their utility customers power. This project is entirely self-contained, construction will be about six to nine months.
It was asked by Ms. Phillips what kind of seed would be used after construction, Mr. Gradon answered that they would source the seed locally and are trying to achieve a score of 85 or higher on
7 the pollinator-friendly scorecard with the IDNR.
Chairman Phillips set the conditions that the applicant will be required to pay real estate taxes for land and real property, improvements of a ground-installed solar energy system under 35 ILCS 200/10-745, that an emergency response plan will be provided before construction to Fulton County and Canton Emergency Personnel, and the County will have the ability to review and negotiate the estimates for decommissioning before issuance of the applicant — of the construction permit.
Member Fletcher moved to adopt conditions with a second from Member Clark. Motion Carried by roll call vote. (7,0)
Member Roberson moved to approve the conditional use permit with a second from Member Eathingon. Motion carried by roll call vote (7,0)
b. Discussion/Action: Public Hearing for a Conditional use permit to construct a commercial solar facility on Parcel #14-14-05-100-005
Mr. Grandon stated that this project is located West of Canton on the corner of North Shields-Chapel Road and West Hickory Road or East County Road Number Five. This project is 30 acres.
Chairman Phillips set the same conditions that was adopted for the Buckheart Solar 1 project.
Member Eathington moved to adopt conditions with a second from Member Roberson. Motion Carried by roll call vote. (7,0)
Member Clark moved to approve the conditional use permit with a second from Member Ackerman. Motion carried by roll call vote (7,0)
c. Discussion/Action: Public Hearing for a Conditional use permit to construct a commercial solar facility on Parcel #14-14-05-100-005
So whereas Hickory Road Solar 1 was in the northwest corner, this one’s in the southwest corner.
Chairman Phillips set the same conditions that was adopted for the Buckheart Solar 1 and Hickory Road Solar 1 project.
Member Roberson moved to adopt conditions with a second from Member Eathington. Motion Carried by roll call vote. (6,0) Member Herrick absent.
Member Clark moved to approve the conditional use permit with a second from Member Ackerman. Motion carried by roll call vote (6,0)
5. Old Business – None
6. Other – None
7. Executive Session – None
8. Adjournment
Member Eathigton moved to adjourn at 6:40 PM with a second from Member Roberson. Motion carried by voice vote with all ayes.