Fulton County Joint Advisory Health Insurance Committee Minutes
May 2, 2022
SIU/Graham Learning Lab, 175 South Main Street – Canton, IL 61520
1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Co-Chair, Jaclyn Webb.
2. Roll Call – Committee members present were: Laura Kessel, Barry Beck, Patrick O’Brian, Katie Lynn, Mary Ellen Carmack, Beth Hadsall, Jaclyn Webb, Tonya Holmes (on phone), and Trudy Williams.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes- No minutes
4. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to Agenda – Motion made by Kessel, second by Beck to approve the agenda. Motion carried by roll call vote (9-0).
5. New Business – Member O’Brian opened the bid packages. Copies of the bids were passed to the committee members to consider. Discussion followed until four (4) bidding agencies were selected as finalists to be scheduled for interviews. A motion was made by Carmack, second by Webb to name the four (4) finalists as follows: American Central Insurance, Hiett Insurance & Consulting Services, Snedeker Risk Management, Ltd., and Unland Insurance & Benefits/Kiesewetter Insurance Agency. Motion carried by roll call vote (9-0).
6. Member O’Brian will contact the four (4) finalists to schedule interviews which will be held May 12, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.
7. Old Business – None.
8. Adjournment – Motion by Kessel, second by Carmack, motion carried by roll call vote (9-0). Meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Minutes by: Trudy Williams
Minutes JAHIC May 2 2022