May 10, 2022
Chairman Roger P. Clark called the Regular Session, May 10, 2022, meeting to order at
6:34 p.m. in Courtroom 201 at the Fulton County Courthouse in Lewistown, IL.
County Clerk Patrick J. O’Brian called the roll and found the following members present: Quorum was present. (Present-P; Absent-A)
Cindy Arnett – P |
Vicki S. Hoke – A |
Brian Platt – P |
Barry Beck – P |
Donna Hudson – P |
John Spangler – P |
Stan Berry – P |
Laura Hepp Kessel – P |
John E. Taylor – A |
Steve Bohler – P |
Dan Kumer – P |
Lisa Thompson – P |
Roger Clark – P |
Nestor Madson – P |
Karl Williams – A |
Mary Deushane – P |
BJ McCullum – P |
Heidi Wilner – A |
Susan Duquenne – P |
Craig Medus – A |
A. Regular Session – April 12, 2022
Member McCullum moved to accept the minutes and place on file the regular session April 12, 2022 minutes with a second from Member Berry. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
Chairman Clark added to the announcements e. Comcast f. UCCI g. UCCI Leadership program and h. Cole McDaniel – SRPED.
Member Bohler moved to approve the amended agenda with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
A. 2021 Audit Report – Jeff McPherson
Jeff McPherson, Auditor with Gray Hunter Stenn LLP, discussed the audit performed in January 2022. The books and record are in good shape. The audit report received an unqualified opinion.
The actuarial amount for post-employment benefits is $24,000,000.00 and this number actually went down $2 to $3 million dollars. This causes the General Fund to have a deficit. The actuarial valuation number comes from Health Insurance being offered to people that retire from the county.
Fulton County is one of the few counties that offer post-retirement health benefits for retirees.
The revenue was good for the year and the county received $3,500,000.00 in funds from the US Treasury and $1,000,000.00 from Covid related revenue. The Clayberg, Campground, Health Department and Highway Department are included as part of this audit.
The one finding from the audit was segregation of duties. This continues to exist due to the limited number of accounting staff to give a stronger internal control of the accounting practices. The audit went well and the auditors received great cooperation from all county employees.
Member Thompson inquired about the post-employment benefits and if the auditors recommend any action be taken to correct the deficit. Jeff McPherson discussed Fulton County needs to be aware of this and pay close attention to the numbers every year. The discount rates make a huge difference on the actuary numbers. If the interest rate goes up, the liability goes down. McPherson feels next year with the interest rate being higher, the liability will go down. The county could try to do a trust but this is a difficult situation, given the General fund is receiving as much of the tax revenue as it can get. The other option is the county could do something with the retiree insurance benefit to help offset the numbers. Currently the retirees pays 30 percent, and the county might want to have the retirees pay 35 percent and see what the parameters might be.
Jeff McPherson discussed the Circuit Clerk’s audit is a special audit and the auditors go into the Circuit Clerks office and test transactions. Basically all of the funds in the Circuit Clerks office are owed to someone. The funds are fines collected and distributed. There is a schedule J that the Circuit Clerk puts together and is submitted to the State of Illinois. Everything was good on this audit.
B. Letter to Vistra
County Clerk O’Brian corrected that this was a grant to DCEO.
C. Resignation letter Jim Mitchell
Julie Russell discussed the retirement of Jim Mitchell from the Fulton County Board of Review.
D. 2018-2021 IDOT TBP Documentation Review
E. Comcast
Chairman Clark discussed the quarterly payment from Comcast.
Chairman Clark discussed the refund for meeting attendance of $800.00.
G. UCCI – Leadership program
Chairman Clark discussed information regarding the UCCI leadership program and information is available if anyone is interested.
H. Cole McDaniel – SRPED
Cole McDaniel discussed the Fulton County Small Business grants. Cole thanked the Finance committee for supporting this program and the impact to the community has been substantial.
The issuance of the grant checks by the county has been great.
The Small Business Grant applications were accepted from February 14 to March 31, 2022. A total of 80 applications were received and 63 grant awards were given totaling $757,500.00. The most common grant was issued for $15,000.00.
17 applications were not funded, 8 applications received grant funding that excluded them from having a decreased revenue of $2,500.00. 6 applications did not meet the program eligibility guidelines and 3 applications were fraudulent and a report was filed.
The industry breakdown for grants issued; 19 for bar/restaurants/food service, 10 retail businesses, 15
service businesses, 3 health fitness, 1 agriculture, 7 tourisms, 7 nonprofits and 1 manufacturing or industrial business.
The number of grants awarded by __cpLocation are: 32 Canton, 13 Lewistown, 6 Cuba, 2 Farmington, 2 Banner, 1 Bernadotte, 1 Vermont, 1 Ipava, 1 Norris. This gave Cole McDaniel the opportunity to make the communities aware of SRPED and SRPED is a resource to all of Fulton County. This grant project was very impactful to business owners and is on the forefront and forward thinking.
Member McCullum commended Cole McDaniel and SRPED for the work done and the impact the grants have on all the communities in Fulton County.
Cole McDaniel stated it takes time spent in the communities to know what is needed for Fulton County.
A. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Fulton County Disaster Proclamation
Member Thompson moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
B. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Tonya Holmes – Retirement from Highway Department
Member Kumer moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Madson. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
Member Bohler moved to approve the consent agenda with a second from Member Kessel. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
Claims- Sheriff, Jail, Board of Review, Zoning, County Board, Miscellaneous, Public Defender, Merit, Property, Supervisor of Assessments, ESDA, Animal Control, Highway, VAC, Clayberg, Camping & Recreation, Spay/Neuter Program, Fulton County Public Transportation
Reports- Animal Control, Treasurer, FCCRA POS Report, VAC, Zoning, SFY22 3Q PCOM Report
Other Reports- Public Defender, State’s Attorney/Circuit Clerk, Sheriff, County Clerk
a. Resolution: Samantha Braden – Fulton County Board of Review
b. Resolution: Leonard Rounds – Trustee appointment – Copperas Creek Fire Protection District
c. Resolution: Chad Holloway – Trustee appointment – Farmington Community Fire Protection District
d. Resolution: David Andreas – Trustee appointment – Vermont Fire Protection District
a. General Fund Transfer
b. Other Funds Transfers
i Resolution: $346,000.00 From: #087-143-595904 ARPA Expenses To: New line item #087-143-595906 Governmental Unit Grants
ii Resolution: $850,000.00 From: #087-143-595904 ARPA Expenses To: New line item #087-143-595907 Community Grants
iii Resolution: $2,600,000.00 From: #087-143-595904 ARPA Expenses To: New line item #087-143-570150 Capital Improvements
iv Resolution: $86,900.00 From: #087-143-595904 ARPA Expenses To: New line item #087-143-575301 Hazzard Pay
v Resolution: $68,000.00 From: #087-143-595904 ARPA Expenses To: New line item #087-143-570100 Vehicle Purchase
vi Resolution: $106,650.00 From: #087-143-595904 ARPA Expenses To: New line item #087-143-550150 Software
c. General Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations
d. Other Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations
Treasurer Mayall reported County General expenditures of $1,017,259.31 and revenue of $1,475,126.23. The Surplus for April is $475,866.92.
Treasurer Mayall discussed the Property Taxes are completed and the first installment is due June 3, 2022. The second installment is due September 2, 2022.
Member Kessel reported the Fulton County Health Department is preparing for the Covid vaccine for children ages five and below.
Member Kessel reported an outbreak of Covid at the Clayberg and most of the nursing staff was out with Covid. Currently, six residents are testing positive for Covid and Covid testing is being done weekly.
Sherry Miller is the new Director of Nursing at the Clayberg.
Member Kessel reported staffing is better and with the last pay increase, the staffing issues have been much better at the Clayberg.
Member Hudson discussed the need for child care and the lack of child care available everywhere. Child care is more of a problem for shift working parents. Member Hudson inquired if the Clayberg had considered offering childcare for its employees.
Member Kessel agreed child care is an ongoing problem and at this time nothing has been mentioned regarding child care for the Clayberg employees.
Currently there are 39 residents at the Clayberg.
Member Madson reported County Highway #2 is closed due to bridge work. County Highway 34 maintenance work is being done.
The guard rail project work is being worked on.
Member Madson thanked Tonya Holmes for her years of service to Fulton County and wished her a happy retirement.
Member Madson stated it is planting season for all area farmers and for everyone to be aware and watch for slow moving farm equipment on the roadways.
1. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Courthouse Cannon Restoration
Member Deushane discussed sending a thank you note to Hitchcock’s Scrap Yard for the restoration of the gun and cannon.
Member Deushane moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
The air conditioner work has been sent to Bill Phillips to get bids on the project.
The bell tower work is projected to start in the fall of 2022.
The courthouse bathrooms and air handlers work that needs to be done was discussed.
Member Hudson inquired about the changing of the lighting in the courthouse to LED lights. Chairman Clark stated the lighting has all been changed to LED lights.
1. Discussion/Action: Coronavirus Policy
Member Thompson discussed the Coronavirus Policy has been amended to keep a and b only in the policy.
Policy A and B:
A. General Provisions
i. Effective: April 1, 2020
ii. Covered Employees: All employees of the County of Fulton (hereinafter “employee” or “employees”).
B. Coronavirus/COVID-19. Any employee who tests positive for the Coronavirus/COVID-19, or becomes ill with or displays symptoms of the Coronavirus/COVID-19, should notify their supervisor immediately. Employees testing positive for Coronavirus/COVID-10 shall notify their supervisor as soon as practicable upon learning of such test results Guidance on quarantine can be found at the following link: COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation | CDC. Any medical information provided by employees will be kept confidential by the County. The County will take steps as reasonably necessary to maintain a safe workplace.
Member Thompson moved to approve the Coronavirus Policy with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
1. Discussion/Action: Setting of Salaries for Sheriff
Member Spangler discussed the new resolution will be 80 percent of the States Attorney salary each year. The State of Illinois will reimburse Fulton County 66 2/3 percentage of the Sheriff’s salary and Fulton County will be responsible for 33 1/3 of the remaining salary. The salary will change every year with the change of the States Attorney’s salary. The new Sheriff’s salary will be approximately $146,000.00 or $147,000.00 per year currently. This will cost the county approximately $50,000.00 per year. Sheriff Standard stated the Department of Revenue will start reimbursing the Sheriff’s salary July 1, 2022 to the county but the County will not start paying the new Sheriff’s salary until December 1, 2022.
Member Spangler moved to approve the Salaries for Sheriff with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
2. Discussion/Action: Setting of Salaries for County Clerk
Member Spangler discussed the salaries for the County Clerk and recommended the salary for the County Clerk of $65,740.00 plus a 2% raise for four years plus an additional $1000.00 ARPA stipend for the next three years. The ARPA stipend will be paid quarterly starting in December 2022 plus the equitable adjustment to the salary. The finance committee spent a lot of time comparing salaries from other counties to determine the salary. Member Kumer inquired an additional stipend will be given to both the Clerk and the Treasurer from the ARPA funds. Member Spangler stated yes the stipend is in addition to the State stipend and is for the additional work being done on the ARPA funds.
Member Hudson stated this is salary job and salary jobs do not get paid for additional work is being done on the job.
Member Thompson stated the $6,200,000.00 is additional work and is half of the General fund that is currently managed by the Treasurer and is a considerable amount of additional work being done.
Member Duquenne stated if the Treasurer and the Clerk did not work on this, the county would need to hire someone to do the additional work.
Member Spangler moved to approve the Salaries for County Clerk with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (14-1) with Member Hudson voting nay.
3. Discussion/Action: Setting of Salaries for County Treasurer
Member Spangler recommended the County Treasurer’s salary of $69,736.00 plus a 2% raise for the next four years and a $5,700.00 ARPA stipend for the next three years.
Member Kumer inquired about the salary for year number 4 how was this salary amount determined.
Member Spangler discussed the salary is based on the job. The goal is to get the elected officials salary at the same amount.
Member Spangler moved to approve the Salaries for County Treasurer with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
4. Discussion/Action: Acceptance of FY-20-21 Audit
Member Spangler moved to approve the Acceptance of FY-20-21 Audit with a second from Member Madson. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
5. Discussion/Action: Acceptance of FY20-21 Circuit Clerk Audit
Member Spangler moved to approve the Acceptance of FY20-21 Circuit Clerk Audit with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
6. Discussion/Action: ARPA Funds
Member Spangler discussed the need for a new color plotter for the Zoning office.
The Finance committee approved the use of ARPA funds to purchase a new plotter for $5,391.00.
The old plotter was obsolete and ink could no longer be ordered for the plotter. Currently, the printing of GIS maps has to be printed in the Assessment office.
Member Spangler moved to approve the use of ARPA Funds for a new plotter for the Zoning office with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
County Clerk O’Brian stated early voting starts May 19, 2022 in the Fulton County Clerk’s office.
Member Deushane made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:53pm with a second from Member Arnett. The motion carried with all present voting ayes (15-0).
Patrick J. O’Brian, Fulton County Clerk &
Ex-Officio Clerk of the Fulton County Board
C E R T I F I C A T I O N:
I, Roger P. Clark, Chairman of the Fulton County Board, State of Illinois, do hereby certify that I have examined the record of the May 10, 2022 Regular Session of the County Board of Fulton County, Illinois and find the same to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, this day approve the same.
Witness this 14th day of June, 2022.
Roger P. Clark
Fulton County Board Chairman
Minutes Fulton CO Board May 10, 2022