Fulton County Board Committee Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone 309-547-0901-Fax 309-547-3326-email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Executive Committee
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln St., Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 7:30pm
Date: March 7, 2023
Call in information: 1-425-436-6307
Access code: 835427
1. Call to Order
Time: 8:21pm
Jared Heller (xxxxxx/absent)
Laura Kessel (present/xxxxxx) by phone
Brian Platt (present/xxxxxx)
John Spangler (present/xxxxxx)
Lisa Thompson (present/xxxxxx)
Karl Williams (present/xxxxxx)
STAFF: Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Board Administrative Assistant
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum was present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions to and Approval of Agenda
Chairman Spangler move agenda item 9a – 9e reports from committee chairs before old business.
Member Platt moved to approve the amended agenda with a second from Member Thompson. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
4. Approval of Previous Minutes – February 7, 2023
Member Thompson moved to approve the minutes from February 7, 2023 with a second from Member Williams. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
5. Announcements, Communication and Correspondence – None
6. Public Remarks – None
7. Reports from Committee Chairs
a. Community Development, Zoning
Member Kessel reported a tentative date for the 200th year celebration for Fulton County is August 19, 2023.
The Leeward Solar project public hearing was held on March 1, 2023 and the Zoning Board of Appeals approved the conditional use permit and a variance was granted. The solar project has 6 years to be completed.
b. Health
Member Platt reported the Health committee approved to raise the starting pay for RNs by $5.00 per hour. This will allow the Clayberg to compete with other facilities in the area for RNs.
Two cases of neglect were reported at the Clayberg and 2 CNAs are suspended from work. The finding of the report will be reported to the Department of Public Health.
Member Williams inquired about the $5.00 per hour increase for the CNAs, and the committee figure in the benefits package offered by Fulton County.
Member Platt stated the salary was only looked at and stated the lower salary being paid is why RNs are going to work for agencies for more pay.
Member Platt stated currently the Clayberg need to attract and hire RNs to reduce the cost for agency workers.
c. County Highway
Member Williams reported sealing and chipping is being done throughout Fulton County.
The work continues on the new building Highway Department building.
d. Finance, Insurance, Personnel, Legislative
Member Thompson reported the retirement recognition policy was approved.
The resolution for the County Clerk for recording fees was approved.
The Assessment township bills for 2022 work was approved.
TrueRoll software was approved to purchase for property exemptions accuracy audits for the Assessment office. ARPA funds of $16,245.00 will be used to purchase this software for one year. This will help maintain accurate property tax rolls by identifying unqualified and unclaimed homestead exemptions.
The procurement card for Coroner Rhodes was approved.
3 reappointments were approved.
e. Property, Public Safety
Member Williams reported on the tour of the jail, courthouse and old Dollar General. Member Williams reported the old Dollar General was a good investment and feels the building will make great storage for Fulton County.
The bell tower maintenance needs done due to the chipping of the outer layer of the bell tower.
A decorative wrought iron gate was discussed for the front of the courthouse to help eliminate people going to the front door.
The sidewalk on the northwest side of the courthouse needs repaired, the city of Lewistown has been contacted about repairing the sidewalk.
The outside lights around the courthouse need replaced or upgraded for better outside lighting.
The lighting in the elevators at the courthouse needs to be replaced and cameras need to be installed.
The courthouse entrance door needs to be reengineered to make it safe for wheel chair accessibility.
The hot water in the bathrooms is on a loop. The loop takes time for the hot water to reach the bathrooms.
The Jail has a few projects that are needed: A Sally port is needed for the delivery of the food for the jail, and is a safety issue for both prisoners and officers. An additional holding cell is needed for mental prisoners and new LED lighting is needed.
The fire alarm panel in the basement of the jail is working but is outdate, and will need to be replaced. The box gutters on the jail need painted.
Kiesewetter Insurance agency will be doing the Life Safety Study at the courthouse for no charge.
Member Williams discussed having a work day at the courthouse to bring in some dirt and do grass seeding.
The cement pad on the South side of the courthouse needs to be removed because it is broken and in disrepair.
Member Thompson stated there needs to be an asbestos inspection done at the courthouse. Member Williams stated he anticipates this will be addressed with the Life Safety Study.
8. Old Business – None
9. New Business
a. Discussion: County Administrator Job Description
Chairman Spangler stated the Finance committee had a lengthy discussion regarding the county administrator. Member Spangler suggested the Executive committee set up a special meeting to discuss the administrator position with all the department heads.
Member Thompson stated once revisions are completed to the job description. The job description will be sent out to all department heads to review prior to the upcoming meeting.
Member Williams inquired what the purpose of a county administrator is. Member Spangler stated the administrator would do a lot of the leg work that each committee chair is doing and manage the county. Member Platt stated Fulton County does not have an HR person and an HR person is greatly needed.
Chairman Spangler discussed dates for the Special Executive Committee meeting. The date of the Special Executive Committee meeting will be March 30, 2023 at 6:00pm at the Jane Boyd Building, Lewistown, IL.
b. Discussion: Data from counties of similar size with administrators – tabled
c. Discussion: Co2 Pipeline
Chairman Spangler discussed a meeting he and Member Thompson attended with Navigator regarding the Co2 Pipeline in Fulton County. Navigator discussed the project development agreement and presented the proposed agreement to Fulton County. If this agreement is approved by the board to have Navigator proceed with the pipeline in Fulton County, in return, Navigator would agree to pay Fulton County $330,000.00 per year for the next 30 years. Chairman Spangler discussed the pipeline would run through 3 Fulton County Board members’ property in Fulton County.
Member Spangler stated Navigator has refiled the permit with the ICC and the ICC has until January 2024 to respond to the application.
Chairman Spangler would like to have a meeting with the landowners, the Fulton County Board and Navigator to get everyone’s questions answered regarding the pipeline.
Chairman Spangler would like to get input from the landowners and the Fulton County Board how everyone feels about this offer from Navigator.
The meeting would be in the summer of 2023.
Chairman Spangler stated McDonough County has twice as many miles affected by the pipeline, and was offered twice as much money. The McDonough County Board voted to turn the funds down from the pipeline at this point.
Member Thompson stated Fulton County can vote not to accept the money and Navigator can claim eminent domain and put the pipeline in and pay no money to Fulton County. Member Thompson stated it would be good to hear what the remaining Fulton County Board members thoughts are regarding the pipeline.
Member Williams asked if Fulton County want sell their soul for money.
d. Discussion/Action: Landfill Solar Project
Chairman Spangler has been approached about putting solar on the landfill property.
Member Thompson stated solar can be put on the land fill but it is a top weighted system. This system does not drill into the landfill cap.
Member Williams stated this is a scam. A company gets grant funds from the government and access to the lands but never shows up to install the solar. Member Williams stated Spoon River Electric put a seminar on regarding a similar scam and not to sign up for this.
Member Kessel stated whomever is providing the grant funds should be following up on the grant to catch this company or persons involved.
10. Misc.
Chairman Spangler reported the Negotiations Committee is about to complete the Highway contract. The Sheriff contract talks just started and the Courthouse provided a list of items from the union and the Clayberg contract Negotiations have not yet started.
The Health insurance is the biggest issue with everyone’s contracts.
Member Thompson discussed there will be a presentation on the time clock plus software the week of April 3, 2023.
Chairman Spangler discussed the Farm Bureau asked for a Proclamation for Fulton County’s support of Fulton County Agriculture.
11. Adjournment
Time: 9:10pm
Member Thompson moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:10pm with a second from Member Platt. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).