Fulton County Board – Health Committee Meeting Minutes
Committee: Health
Meeting Place: SIU/Graham Learning Lab, EP Coleman Building, 175 S. Main St. Canton, Illinois
Time: 5:30 PM
Date: Thursday, March 3, 2022,
Conference Call-in Information: 425-436-6333
Access Code: 3726216
1. Call to Order: 5:36pm
The Governor of the state of Illinois has issued a disaster declaration related to public health concerns and Fulton County is covered by the disaster declaration. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/7, The Fulton County Board Chairman has determined that an in-person meeting or a meeting conducted under the Illinois Open Meeting Act is not practical or prudent because of the disaster, and board member’s physical presence at this meeting is waived and may be made by audio or video conference pending the termination of the State of Illinois Disaster Proclamation.
2. Roll Call: Laura Kessel, present; Nestor Madson, present; Susan Duquenne, absent; Cindy Arnett, present; Heidi Wilner, present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Meeting Agenda: Nestor Madson made a motione to approve the agenda, 2nd by Heidi Wilner. Roll Call: Laura Kessel, aye; Nestor Madson, aye; Cindy Arnett, aye; Heidi Wilner, aye.
4. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – All Health Facilities: None
5. Public Remarks: None
Members of the Public who wish to address the Board must provide the Chairperson with prior written notice of their intent to speak. The written notice shall identify the name and address of the speaker, as well as a short statement indicating the speaker’s topic. Each citizen is limited to five (5) minutes. Citizen’s remarks shall not exceed 30 minutes per meeting.
6. Review of Minutes from Previous Month’s Meetings: Nestor Madson made a motion to approve the minutes, 2nd by Heidi Wilner. Roll Call: Laura Kessel, aye; Nestor Madson, aye; Cindy Arnett, aye; Heidi Wilner, aye
7. Claims/Review of Accounts’ Payable Items – All Health Facilities Discussion/Action: Reviewed Claims, several outstanding due to meeting falling so early in the month, which are noted on spreadsheet. Heidi Wilner made a motion to pay claims, 2nd by Nestor Madson. Roll Call: Laura Kessel, aye; Nestor Madson, aye; Cindy Arnett, aye; Heidi Wilner, aye
8. Transfer of Funds – All Health Facilities – None
9. Immediate Emergency Appropriations – All Health Facilities – None
10. Resolutions for Board Meeting – All Health Facilities:None
11. Old Business
a. Discussion/Action: Financial Update – Previous Month’s Facility Data Review
1. Admissions/Census (Clayberg) 2/1/22 38, had 2 admission and 1 discharge, 2/28/22 39
2. Accounts’ Receivable/Aging (Clayberg) – reviewed aging and medicare payments, reviewed treasure’s reports.
3. Facility Operational Status Updates (Clayberg) – CMS infection control survey from Aug 2021, received letter we were receiving a fine in the mail this week. DON resigned today. DSM is doing very well.
b. Discussion/Action: Facility Capital Improvement Projects
1. Bids for Shower Room
2. Bids for Kitchen Floor Tile – potential arpa fund contribution (not likely to be received) IDPH approval for project receive today. Will start bid review process.
3. Door Alarm system – still seeking vendor.
12. New Business
a. Parking lot- had 2 falls, parking lot in disrepair. Have received 2 bids. Nestor will talk to hwy dept to see if they can help with this. He also suggested contacting City Coal and Asphalt of Pekin, IL for a bid.
13. Adjournment: 6:01 p.m. Nestor Madson made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Heidi Wilner. Roll Call: Laura Kessel, aye; Nestor Madson, aye; Cindy Arnett, aye; Heidi Wilner, aye
Next Health Committee Meeting: Thursday, April 7, 2022 – 5:30pm
SIU/Graham Learning Lab, 175 S. Main Street, Canton,IL
Mintues Health March 3 2022