June 14, 2022
Chairman Roger P. Clark called the Regular Session, June 14, 2022, meeting to order at
6:34 p.m. in Courtroom 201 at the Fulton County Courthouse in Lewistown, IL.
County Clerk Patrick J. O’Brian called the roll and found the following members present: Quorum was present. (Present-P; Absent-A)
Cindy Arnett – P |
Vicki S. Hoke – A |
Brian Platt – P |
Barry Beck – P |
Donna Hudson – A |
John Spangler – P |
Stan Berry – P |
Laura Hepp Kessel – P |
John E. Taylor – A |
Steve Bohler – P |
Dan Kumer – P |
Lisa Thompson – P |
Roger Clark – P |
Nestor Madson – P |
Karl Williams – P |
Mary Deushane – P |
BJ McCullum – A |
Heidi Wilner – P |
Susan Duquenne – P |
Craig Medus – P |
Elected/Appointed Officials Staci Mayall- Treasurer, Patrick O’Brian – County Clerk, Julie Russell – Supervisor of Assessment, Charlene Markley – Circuit Clerk
Staff – Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Administrative Assistant, Audra Miles – Comptroller
Guests – Joyce Blumenshine, Central Illinois Healthy Community Alliance Board Member, Earl Allen U of I Extension office
Media- John Froehling – Fulton Democrat
A. Regular Session – May 10, 2022
Member Barry moved to accept the minutes and place on file the regular session May 10, 2022 minutes with a second from Member Bohler Motion carried by roll call vote (16-0).
Chairman Clark made the correction to the consent agenda 7b. i. resolution should state $294.00 and the agenda is $249.00. Member Spangler pulled under the action agenda Finance #2.
Chairman Clark added to announcement E. cannon wheels.
Chairman Clark pulled from the action agenda Liquor. The Class A liquor license for Lake Bar N Grill was pulled due no documents.
Member Madson moved to approve the amended agenda with a second from Member Thompson. Motion carried by roll call vote (16-0).
A. Hancock County Board Chairman
Chairman Clark discussed the letter received in May from the Hancock County Board Chairman.
The letter thanked Circuit Clerk Markley’s office for their support.
Charlene Markley, Circuit Clerk, discussed her office provided a Criminal Supervisor and Civil Supervisor to assist in the Hancock County Circuit Clerk’s office. The Hancock’s Circuit Clerk retired and all the deputies left except one. The one deputy clerk was trying to run the office with no Circuit Clerk or staff.
B. Joyce Blumenshine – Proposed Navigator CO2 Ventures
Joyce Blumenshine of Central Illinois Healthy Community Alliance Board, discussed the high pressured liquefied Carbon dioxide Co2 pipelines. The proposed pipelines will go from Minnesota to Christian County located by Taylorville, IL. The proposed Navigator Co2 pipeline will be approximately 1300 miles of pipeline and will affect 5 states and 13 counties in Illinois. For Fulton County, the areas of concern are London Mills and Ellisville. Joyce discussed the farmland and rural residents that will face many risks. The pipeline will affect volunteer fire departments and emergency responders that will be the county’s front line for any pipeline rupture or break. There are multiple impacts to agricultural lands and disrupt timber, plants, and hunting areas. The compaction of topsoil and the productivity of the land and the drainage of soil can be affected. There are concerns for lower property values and property insurance will not cover any damages from loss of crops. Currently, Navigator will only pay for three years of crop losses from the impacts of the pipeline. There are life safety concerns with Co2 pipelines leaks. The Co2 pipelines are liquefied and pressurized three times higher than the pressure of gas lines or methane pipelines. If a pipeline is ruptured or leaks Co2, it is heavier than air and will sink in a low land area and has immediate health impacts. The Co2 is colorless gas and the effects of Co2 are 2% exposure is heavy breathing, 4% causes excessive sweating and tremor, 5 to 10% results in unconsciousness and more than 10% can cause death.
In Mississippi in 2020, a Co2 pipeline ruptured one mile from a small community and the community was evacuated. 45 people were taken to emergency rooms for treatment. Concerns for emergency responders are the need for additional oxygen supplies and an electric vehicles would be needed as a gasoline or diesel vehicle could stall out without enough oxygen in the air to allow the vehicles to operate. Livestock in a low area needs to be considered, how are the animals going to be moved. In May, Christian County approved a moratorium that would halt the Co2 project for 6 months. Fulton County needs to take steps to protect its citizens and farming communities.
C. Ella Renick – Eagle Scout Project – Garden project at the Clayberg
Chairman Clark discussed the Eagle Scout project Ella Renick is working on at the Clayberg. The project includes landscaping and new benches. The benches were ordered and Ella is doing fund raisers to help pay for the benches at the Clayberg. If anyone would like to make a donation, the donations can be given to Cindy Simpson, Administrative Assistant to the Fulton County Board, and Cindy will contact Member Kessel.
D. Earl Allen – U of I Extension
Earl Allen discussed the U of I Extension office updates, the changes in the office with 3 retirements the last 3 years. In 2021 the U of I offered early retirement and 7 people elected to retire. Earl discussed there are a lot of new faces.
Janice Blout retired after 40 years of service in the Lewistown Fulton County Extension office. Earl stated he is looking forward to face to face meetings and reestablishing relationships.
E. Cannon Wheels
Chairman Clark discussed the work on the cannon wheels at the courthouse. Work will be finished in the next couple of weeks.
A. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Fulton County Disaster Proclamation
Member Thompson moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Bohler. Motion carried by roll call vote (16-0).
Name: Carla Presnell
Address: Canton, IL
Topic: Opposition to Co2 pipelines in Fulton County
Carla is a lifelong resident of Fulton County discussed the Co2 Pipeline. Currently Fulton County is being marketed as the recreational capital of Illinois due to all the things Fulton County has to offer. The potential hazards for the Co2 project could affect Fulton County greatly. Carla gave a couple of examples of the effects and dangers of the Co2 pipeline.
In 1990 near the Mammoth Lake area, carbon dioxide leaked into the soil from a nearby magma chamber.
The was recognized when a 170 acres of trees and every plant in the area died in a very short time from the effects of the Co2.
In 1986 a small volcano eruption occurred at Lake Nyos in Cameroon and Co2 leaked into the lake. Scientists believe this event triggered an overturn of the lake and released Co2 in to the air. The cloud of Co2 gas drifted to a nearby village and killed 1,746 people and over 3,500 head of livestock.
The overturn of lakes occurs every spring and fall in Fulton County. Carla stated in Illinois there is not volcanic activity but there is seismic activity and this could pose danger of leaks and seeps from the Co2 pipeline.
A pipeline break or leak could occur from earthquakes in Illinois. Scientists suggest in the next 50 years there will be an earthquake on the Wabash fault. Carla implored the board not to allow the pipeline to run under and through Fulton County.
Member Bohler moved to approve the consent agenda with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (16-0).
Claims- Sheriff, Jail, Zoning, County Board, 2Q FY22 County Board Mileage & Per Diem, Miscellaneous, 2Q FY22 Wellness Benefit, Public Defender, Merit, Property, Supervisor of Assessments, ESDA, Animal Control, Highway, VAC, Clayberg, Camping & Recreation, Spay/Neuter Program, Fulton County Public Transportation
Reports- Animal Control, Treasurer, FCCRA POS Report, VAC, Zoning
Other Reports- Public Defender, State’s Attorney/Circuit Clerk, Sheriff, County Clerk
a. Resolution: Ramayya Gowda, MD – Reappointment – Fulton County Board of Health
b. Resolution: Karla Leffler – Reappointment – Fulton County Board of Health
c. Resolution: Geoffrey Lasswell – Trustee – Astoria Fire Protection District
d. Resolution: Katie Batterton -Trustee – Astoria Fire Protection District
e. Resolution: Richard Casper – Reappointment Fulton County Board of Review
a. General Fund Transfer
b. Other Funds Transfers
i. Resolution: $249.00 $294.00 From: 087-143-595904 Coronavirus Asst Fund
To: # 087-143-575301 Hazzard pay
b. General Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations
c. Other Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations
i. Resolution: $49,230.00 State of Illinois Grant obtained by 9th Judicial Court
To: #056 -112- 570150 Courtroom Renovation Fund
d. Addendum to December 1, 2010 Intergovernmental Agreement Between FCRT and Fulton
a. Resolution: Zoning Fee Structure for Maps
a. Resolution: Fulton County Waste Management and Recycling Ordinance “duly authorized agent”
Treasurer Mayall reported County General expenditures of $893,441.41 and revenue of $2,118,122.27. The Surplus for May is $1,224,680.86. The current yearly surplus in County General is $2,105,984.73.
The first distribution went out to the taxing bodies and the next distribution will be sent out the end of June. The US Treasury paid Fulton County the second installment of ARPA funds of $3.3Milliion.
Member Thompson inquired on the summary sheet what the prior year void is. Treasurer Mayall discussed this is cleanup from the Treasurer’s and County Clerk’s offices, for accounts payable, payroll liability and other accounts checks that have not been cashed.
Member Kessel reported the Clayberg has no cases of Covid. Currently there are 42 residents at the Clayberg. The Clayberg hired three CNAs and three additional CNA positions remain open at this time.
The Health Department has submitted their order for vaccinations for children 6 months to 5 years old. Once the vaccine is approved the Health Department will receive the vaccine.
ember Madson discussed mowing and ditch work is being done by the Highway Department.
1. Discussion/Action: Seasonal Part Time Employee Campground
Member Deushane discussed the seasonal part time employee for the Campground, Nick Simpkins will make $13.50 per hour and will work as needed during the Summer. Member Deushane stated the funds are in the Camping and Rec budget for the part time hire.
Member Deushane moved to approve the Seasonal Part Time Employee for the Campground with a second from Member Bohler. Motion carried by roll call vote (16-0).
Member Arnett discussed the courthouse repairs. Bids will be taken for the clock tower, Air Conditioner and the first floor restrooms. The FY23 budget work is completed.
1. Discussion/Action: ARPA Funds
• Tipton System – Cash counter Treasurer’s Office
Member Spangler discussed the Tipton cash counting system for the Treasurer’s Office. The cost is $5,610.00 for the cash system and includes a three-year service contact. The machine detects any counterfeit bills and would help eliminate human error and would be a big time saver for the office.
Member Spangler moved to approve using $5,610.00 of ARPA Funds for the Tipton System – Cash counter and includes a 3-year service agreement for Treasurer’s office with a second from Member Arnett. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-1) with Member Duquenne voting nay.
2. Discussion/Action: Administrative Assistant States Attorney – Pulled
1. Discussion/Action: Approval of Class A, B and C Liquor Licenses
Chairman Clark stated the Lake Bar N Grill liquor license will be pulled due to non-payment and no supporting paperwork was provided.
Member Beck moved to approve the Class A, B and C Liquor Licenses, except Lake Bar N Grill Class A Liquor License, with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by roll call vote (16-0).
1. Discussion/Action: Approval of Election Judges for 2022-2024 term (Democrat/Republican)
County Clerk O’Brian discussed every two years the approval of Election Judges for 2022-2024 term is required statutorily by the established Democrat and Republican parties. The election judges have been certified by each party and need to be approved by the Fulton County Board and are sent to a Circuit Judge.
Member Barry moved to approve the Election Judges for 2022-2024 term (Democrat/Republican) with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by roll call vote (16-0).
2. Discussion/Action: Acceptance of recommendation from JAHIC of American Central Insurance for Fulton County Broker of Records for Health Insurance for a 3-year term commencing 8/1/2022
Clerk O’Brian discussed an RFP was approved by the Fulton County Board, similar to what is done for the Liability Insurance. This was completed by the Joint Advisor Health Insurance Committee and included labor and management staff. There were four agencies that interviewed for the broker of record. The JAHIC committee voted to recommend American Central Insurance for the Fulton County Broker of Record. This is effective August 1, 2022. O’Brian stated members of the committee felt American Central did a good job and there were committee members that wanted to see a change, but the committee came to a consensus for the broker.
An agreement from American Central will be returned to the County Clerk and signed by the Fulton County Board Chairman.
Member Spangler moved to approve the acceptance and the recommendation from Joint Advisory Heath Insurance Committee of American Central Insurance for the Fulton County Broker of Record for Health Insurance for a 3-year term commencing 8/1/2022, with a second from Member Madson. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-1) with Member Platt voting nay.
Member Kumer stated in the past Lake Bar N Grill had issues with their renewal for the liquor license on providing paper work. Chairman Clark stated if Lake Bar N Grill applies for a liquor license and the paper work is in order a license will be issued.
Member Bohler made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:31pm with a second from Member Arnett. The motion carried with all present voting ayes (16-0).
Patrick J. O’Brian, Fulton County Clerk &
Ex-Officio Clerk of the Fulton County Board
C E R T I F I C A T I O N:
I, Roger P. Clark, Chairman of the Fulton County Board, State of Illinois, do hereby certify that I have examined the record of the June 14, 2022 Regular Session of the County Board of Fulton County, Illinois and find the same to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, this day approve the same.
Witness this 12th day of JULY, 2022.
Roger P. Clark
Fulton County Board Chairman
Signed FCB minutes June 14, 2022