Fulton County Board Committee Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542 Phone 309-547-0901 Fax 309-547-3326-email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Property & Courts
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln St., Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 5:45pm
Date: July 5, 2022
Call in number: 1-701-802-5102
Meeting code: 752 2228
1. Call to Order
Time: 5:47pm
Cindy Arnett (present/xxxxxx)
Stan Berry (present/xxxxxx)
Nestor Madson (present/xxxxxx)
Brian Platt (xxxxxx/absent)
Heidi Wilner (present/xxxxxx) by phone
Other Board Members: Roger Clark
Elected & Appointed Officials: None
Staff: Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Board Administrative Assistant
Guests: None
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda
Member Madson moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Berry. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
4. Approval of Previous Minutes from June 7, 2022
Member Madson moved to approve the minutes from June 7, 2022 with a second from Member Berry. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
5. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – None
6. Public Remarks – None
7. Claims
a. Discussion/Action: Claims
Member Wilner moved to approve the claims with a second from Member Madson. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
7. Old Business
a. Discussion/Action: Property Repairs
Member Arnett discussed the floor tiles in the courthouse and the concern is the broken or loose tiles. Member Arnett discussed the Clayberg was fined for the maintenance personnel removing and replacing broken tiles.
Member Madson discussed the floor tiles with asbestos do not have a lot of airborne materials unless it is specifically broken up. The asbestos on pipe wrap and ceiling has specific requirements for removal and an approved respirator is required for the removal.
b. Discussion/Action: Storage Building Review
Member Arnett discussed at this time she has no additional information on the storage building bids and specs.
c. Discussion/Action: Ground Floor Restrooms Women’s/Men’s
Member Arnett discussed Phillips and Associates is looking into the work for the women’s restroom this year. Bill Smick will look at fixing the hot water heater for the restrooms.
Member Madson suggested putting the women’s restroom out for bid and hold off on the men’s restroom for next year. The on demand hot water is not feasible. The old hot water heater needs to be fixed. Member Wilner inquired if one stall is enough for the women’s restroom on the main floor of the courthouse. Member Madson moved to approve to send the Women’s restroom project out for bid with a second from Member Arnett. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
d. Discussion/Action: Air Conditioner
Member Arnett discussed the air conditioner bid is being worked on.
Member Arnett discussed with the committee if a generator is needed at the courthouse. Member Arnett will discuss with the Finance committee for the use of ARPA funds.
e. Discussion/Action: Property Budget
Member Arnett discussed during the FY23 budget meeting, the repairs and utilities costs was increased to cover any additional cost for FY23.
Member Madson moved to approve the FY23 Property budget with a second from Member Wilner. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
8. New Business – None
9. Declaration of Surplus Property – None
10. Executive Session– None
11. Misc. – None
12. Adjournment
Time: 6:17pm
Member Wilner moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:17pm with a second from Member Madson. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
Minutes Prop_Courts July 5 2022