Fulton County Board – Health Committee Meeting Minutes
Committee: Health
Meeting Place: Jane Boyd Building, 260 W Lincoln St, Lewistown, IL
Time: 5:30 PM
Date: Wednesday, January 3, 2024
1. Call to Order: 5:39 p.m.
2. Roll Call: Brian Platt, present; Barry Beck, present; James Barclay, present; Lisa Thompson, present; Dan Kumer, absent; . Also present Tammie Denning, Administrator, Diana Keime, BOM
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Meeting Agenda: Beck made a motion to approve the minutes, 2nd by Barclay. All in favor motion carried.
4. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – All Health Facilities: None
5. Public Remarks: None
a. Members of the Public who wish to address the Board must provide the Chairperson with prior written notice of their intent to speak. The written notice shall identify the name and address of the speaker, as well as a short statement indicating the speaker’s topic. Each citizen is limited to five (5) minutes. Citizen’s remarks shall not exceed 30 minutes per meeting.
6. Review of Minutes from Previous Month’s Meetings: Thompson made a motion to accept the minutes from the December meeting, 2nd by Beck. All in favor, motion carried,
7. Claims/Review of Accounts’ Payable Items – All Health Facilities Discussion/Action: Thompson made a motion to pay claims, 2nd by Barclay. Roll call vote was conducted, all in favor, motion carried.
8. Transfer of Funds – All Health Facilities – Discussion/Action: None. But mention was made Health Committee is responsible for all transfers of funds for 045, then taken to Full Board for approval.
9. Immediate Emergency Appropriations – All Health Facilities: None
10. Resolutions for Board Meeting – All Health Facilities: Discussion/Action: None
11. Old Business
a. Discussion/Action: Financial Update – Previous Month’s Facility Data Review
i. Admissions/Census (Clayberg) discussed census information in packets.2 new admissions, 4 discharges and 2 deaths during the month.
ii. Accounts’ Receivable/Aging (Clayberg) reviewed aging and discussed the impact of the medicare probe audit.
iii. Facility Operational Status Updates (Clayberg)
b. Discussion/Action: Facility Capital Improvement Projects
i. Shower Room – Project update working on shower room 2 at this time.
c. Discussion/Action: Jail Meals – convection oven and hood installed, up and running. Providing meals for a month and all seems to be going well. The first billing has been submitted.
12. New Business:
a. Discussion/Action: Metrics for Financial Performance: Thompson presented an outline of Financial Goals for the Clayberg to work toward the of goal of self supporting/ sustaining. Therapy Bond, be sure the department is bringing in revenue to support the addition.
b. Discussion/Action: Options for Consulting for Clinical & Payment Metrics: The Committee wants to be sure we are maximizing patient revenue and would like the facility to research possible consultants to assist with this.
13. Miscellaneous; Chairman Spangler has received calls regarding an Advisory Committee for the facility and would be willing to spearhead the project.
14. Adjournment: Beck made a motion to adjourn at 6:25 p.m., 2nd by Barclay. All in favor, Motion carried
15. Next Health Committee Meeting: February 6, 2024 – 5:30 p.m. Jane Boyd Building, 260 W Lincoln., Lewistown, IL