Fulton County Board Committee Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone 309-547-0901-Fax 309-547-3326-email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Executive Committee
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln St., Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 7:30pm
Date: January 3, 2023
Call in information: 1-425-436-6307
Access code: 835427
1. Call to Order
Time: 7:30pm
Jared Heller (present/xxxxxx)
Laura Kessel (present/xxxxxx)
Brian Platt (present/xxxxxx)
John Spangler (present/xxxxxx)
Lisa Thompson (present/xxxxxx) by phone
Karl Williams (present/xxxxxx)
OTHER BOARD MEMBERS: Barry Beck, Lauren Southwood
STAFF: Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Board Administrative Assistant
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum was present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions to and Approval of Agenda
Member Kessel moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Platt. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
4. Approval of Previous Minutes – December 7, 2022
Member Kessel moved to approve the minutes from December 7, 2022 with a second from Member Williams. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
5. Announcements, Communication and Correspondence
Chairman Spangler discussed the letter of resignation received from Coroner Steve Hines. The resignation will be effective March 1, 2023.
6. Public Remarks – None
7. Old Business – None
8. New Business – None
9. Reports from Committee Chairs
a. Community Development, Zoning
Member Kessel reported Zoning Officer Emmons gave a presentation to the Community Development, Zoning Committee regarding the basics of Zoning Ordinances. Each month Zoning Officer Emmons will give an overview on different Zoning topics to educate the committee.
The reappointment for Sally Clark to the Zoning Board of Appeals was approved.
Member Kessel asked the committee to send her ideas for the 200th year anniversary for Fulton County.
Member Kessel discussed there are several solar projects coming to Fulton County and Member Kessel asked Cole McDaniel from SRPED to take the lead on the solar projects. McDaniel will manage the first initial steps and check lists and will contact the community stake holders to be included on the solar project meetings.
b. Health
Member Platt reported there are 39 residents at the Clayberg. Member Platt reported the Wonder Guard System is out of date and an RFP is being done for the replacement of the system.
The 377 Board appointment for Stan Berry was approved.
c. County Highway
Member Heller reported the Highway Department is working on tree trimming, shoulder work and ditch work throughout Fulton County.
The two resolutions were approved for the Highway Department. Fulton County Engineer Keith Munter is working on soil samples for the new Highway building site and the results should be back in the next two months.
d. Finance, Insurance, Personnel, Legislative
Member Kessel reported 6 appointments were approved for ETSB. A resolution for Fulton County to support the Coal Grant was approved.
The amendments to the Rules of Order 2022- 2024 were approved. The 2023 training for all Departments and Fulton County Board members was approved.
e. Property, Public Safety
Member Williams reported the Property, Public Safety Committee is reviewing the MWRD lease for the Campground. The committee will set up a date to tour the Fulton County Jail and Courthouse property.
Superintendent Young will file a complaint with the Fulton County Board of Review for the property taxes at the campground. A tour will be scheduled for the committee when the weather is better to address any issues at the Campground.
10. Misc.
Chairman Spangler stated Rick Stewart, Fulton County Labor Attorney, will be starting union contract meetings for the union contracts in the next few weeks.
Chairman Spangler will have strategic planning meetings with all the Fulton County department heads the first week of February.
11. Adjournment
Time: 8:10pm
Member Heller moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm with a second from Member Kessel. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
Minutes EXECUTIVE Jan 3 2023