Fulton County Board – Health Committee Meeting Minutes
Committee: Health
Meeting Place: SIU/Graham Learning Lab, EP Coleman Building, 175 S. Main St. Canton, Illinois
Time: 5:30 PM
Date: Thursday, August 4, 2022,
Conference Call-in Information 425-436-6333
Access Code: 3726216
1. Call to Order: 5:37 p.m.
The Governor of the state of Illinois has issued a disaster declaration related to public health concerns and Fulton County is covered by the disaster declaration. Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/7, The Fulton County Board Chairman has determined that an in-person meeting or a meeting conducted under the Illinois Open Meeting Act is not practical or prudent because of the disaster, and board member’s physical presence at this meeting is waived and may be made by audio or video conference pending the termination of the State of Illinois Disaster Proclamation.
2. Roll Call: Laura Kessel, present; Susan Duquenne, present; Cindy Arnett, present; Nestor Madson, Present; Heidi Wilmer, Present, after roll and agenda roll call; also present: Tammie Denning, Administrator; Diana Keime, BOM.
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Meeting Agenda: Susan Duqenne made a motion to accept the agenda as presented, 2nd by Nestor Madson. Laura Kessel, aye; Susan Duquenne, aye; Cindy Arnett, aye; Nestor Madson, aye.
4. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – All Health Facilities: The facility is doing a fund raiser for the Cass-Putman Rescue Squad – 9/28/22 from 4-6 p.m.
5. Public Remarks: None
Members of the Public who wish to address the Board must provide the Chairperson with prior written notice of their intent to speak. The written notice shall identify the name and address of the speaker, as well as a short statement indicating the speaker’s topic. Each citizen is limited to five (5) minutes. Citizen’s remarks shall not exceed 30 minutes per meeting.
6. Review of Minutes from Previous Month’s Meetings: Susan Duquenne made a motion to accept the minutes from the July 11, 2022 meeting, 2nd by Cindy Arnett. Roll Call: Laura Kessel, aye; Susan Duquenne, aye; Cindy Arnett, aye; Nestor Madson, aye; Heidi Wilmer, aye
7. Claims/Review of Accounts’ Payable Items – All Health Facilities Discussion/Action: The Committee reviewed claims. Susan Duquenne made a motion to pay the claims, 2nd by Nestor Madson. Roll Call: Laura Kessel, aye; Susan Duquenne, aye; Cindy Arnett, aye; Nestor Madson, aye; Heidi Wilmer, aye
8. Transfer of Funds – All Health Facilities – None
9. Immediate Emergency Appropriations – All Health Facilities – None
10. Resolutions for Board Meeting – All Health Facilities:
11. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Ella Renick – Eagle Scout Project – Garden Project: Nestor Madson made a motion to present the Resolution at the County Board Meeting, 2nd by Cindy Arnett. Roll Call: Laura Kessel, aye; Susan Duquenne, aye; Cindy Arnett, aye; Nestor Madson, aye; Heidi Wilmer, aye
12. Old Business
a. Discussion/Action: Financial Update – Previous Month’s Facility Data Review
1. Admissions/Census (Clayberg) census held steady at 40 the entire month – in packet
2. Accounts’ Receivable/Aging (Clayberg) discussed aging with committee – info in packet
3. Facility Operational Status Updates (Clayberg) Working on FY 2023 budget, difficult to budget until we know what wages will be. Preliminary info is in the packet, will present completed budget at the next Committee meeting.
b. Discussion/Action: Facility Capital Improvement Projects
1. Bids for Shower Room –
2. Bids for Kitchen Floor Tile –( potential arpa fund contribution) project to start in Aug. Schedule attached.
13. New Business:
1. Discussion/Action: HFS CNA pay-scale subsidy. Tabled until next meeting
14. Adjournment 5:55 p.m. . Susan Duquenne made a motion to adjourn, 2nd Cindy Arnett. Roll Call: Laura Kessel, aye; Susan Duquenne, aye; Cindy Arnett, aye; Nestor Madson, aye; Heidi Wilmer, aye
Next Health Committee Meeting: September 8, 2022 – 5:30 p.m -SIU/Graham Learning Lab, 175 S. Main Street, Canton,IL
Minutes Health August 4 2022