Fulton County Board Committee Agenda
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone 309-547-0901-Fax 309-547-3326-email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Executive Committee
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln St., Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 6:45pm
Date: April 6, 2022
Call in information: 1-425-436-6307
Access code: 835427
1. Call to Order
Time: 7:00pm
Cindy Arnett (present/xxxxxx)
Steve Bohler (present/xxxxxx) – by phone
Roger Clark (present/xxxxxx)
Mary Deushane (present/xxxxxx)
Laura Kessel (present/xxxxxx)
Nestor Madson (present/xxxxxx)
Craig Medus (xxxxxx/absent)
John Spangler (present/xxxxxx)
Lisa Thompson (present/xxxxxx)
STAFF: Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Board Administrative Assistant
ELECTED/APPOINTED OFFICIALS: Patrick O’Brian- County Clerk, Jeff Standard – Sheriff, Justin Jochums – States Atttorney
GUESTS: Dan Silverton – Heart of Illinois Regional Port District
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum was present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions to and Approval of Agenda
Member Arnett moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Madson. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
4. Approval of Previous Minutes –March 2, 2022
Member Spangler moved to approve the March 2, 2022 minutes with a second from Member Kessel. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
5. Announcements, Communication and Correspondence – None
6. Public Remarks
Name: Dan Silverton
Address: Peoria, IL
Topic: Heart of Illinois Port Authority
Mr. Silverton discussed the Heart of Illinois Port Authority appointment that is needed. The Port Authority will be run by a nine members. The Board of Directors will be made up of one individual appointed by each of the six counties and three members appointed by the Governor with the consent of the Illinois senate. The Port District will have the purpose of developing, constructing, acquiring or improving properties or facilities for business entities locating in or expanding within the territorial jurisdiction of the district.
The Port District will be able to generate revenues from levied tariffs on certain products in certain conditions for public use.
The Port District will be able to generate the jobs and business growth necessary to position the region and the state as an increasingly competitive force.
The Port District covers over 60 miles of the Illinois River from Marshall County in the North to Mason County in the South. The Port District encompasses Fulton, Marshall, Mason, Peoria, Tazewell, and Woodford counties.
Board members will serve a six-year term and members will hold the office until their respective successors have been appointed.
7. Old Business – None
8. New Business
a. Discussion/Action: Port Authority Appointment
Chairman Clark inquired if any Fulton County Board Member would be interested in serving on the Port Authority. Member Madson volunteered for the appointment.
Member Kessel moved to approve Nestor Madson as the Heart of Illinois Port Authority appointment with a second from Member Spangler. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
b. Discussion/Action: Committee List update 2022
Chairman Clark discussed the changes to the Fulton County Board Committee list; Personnel & Legislative added Member Duquenne, Negotiations removed Member Kessel and added Members Thompson and Spangler and The Heart of Illinois Port Authority added Member Madson.
Member Thompson moved to approve the updated committee list with a second from Member Spangler. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
9. Reports from Committee Chairs
a. Community Development
Nothing to report.
b. Finance/Insurance
Member Spangler stated the Finance Committee had additional discussion regarding a county administrator.
The Treasurer and County Clerk’s salaries were discussed but nothing was decided.
A grant for Transit CVP for two new vehicles was approved.
c. Health
Member Kessel discussed Covid numbers are down in Fulton County.
The Health Department has the second Covid booster shot available for those 50 years and older.
d. County Highway
Member Madson discussed the bridge on County Highway 2 is closed at Coal Creek.
The seal and chip contract was awarded by the Highway Department.
County Highway 34 gravel is being used in the soft spots to build the road up.
e. Property & Courts
Member Arnett stated the tree bids were discussed and Fulton County Tree Service was approved for the bid. The Property committee decided to leave the big pine tree and trim the branch up high. With only two trees being removed the bid will need to be revised.
f. Personnel & Legislative
Member Thompson discussed two appointments were approved. The payroll and time keeping is still being talked about.
Work on a Subdivision Ordinance is being discussed.
g. Public Safety & Campground
Member Deushane reported the new playground equipment arrived at the campground and will be tentatively installed July 2022.
10. Executive Session: 5ILCS 120/2(C)(1) Local Government wage increase transparency act – Grievance
Member Kessel moved with a second from Member Madson to go into executive session at
7:25pm. The motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
Member Madson moved with a second from Member Kessel to return to open session at 7:42pm. The motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
11. Misc.
a. Discussion/Action: Grievance filled by Sherriff’s office
Member Thompson moved to approve and give the Fulton County Board Chairman the authority to consult with labor counsel regarding Grievance S-22-1 and send a response to the grievance within 7days, with a second from Member Arnett. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
12. Adjournment
Time: 8:00pm
Member Kessel moved to adjourn at 8:00pm with a second from Member Thompson. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
Minutes Executive April 6 2022