Fulton County Board Committee Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone 309-547-0901-Fax 309-547-3326-email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Executive Committee
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln St., Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 6:45pm
Date: November 2, 2022
Call in information: 1-425-436-6307
Access code: 835427
1. Call to Order
Time: 7:23pm
Cindy Arnett (present/xxxxxx)
Steve Bohler (present/xxxxxx) – by phone
Roger Clark (present/xxxxxx)
Mary Deushane (present/xxxxxx)
Laura Kessel (present/xxxxxx) – by phone
Nestor Madson (present/xxxxxx)
Craig Medus (xxxxxx/absent)
John Spangler (present/xxxxxx)
Lisa Thompson (present/xxxxxx)
STAFF: Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Board Administrative Assistant
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum was present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions to and Approval of Agenda
Member Deushane moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Arnett. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
4. Approval of Previous Minutes – October 5, 2022
Member Thompson moved to approve the October 5, 2022 minutes with a second from Member Deushane. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
5. Announcements, Communication and Correspondence – None
6. Public Remarks – None
7. Old Business
a. Discussion: Palin Property
Chairman Clark discussed the County Clerk O’Brian and Chairman Clark had a meeting with Mr. Palin regarding the Palin property. Chairman Clark discussed the county checked into a fire suppression system for the Palin Property and currently the county is not looking to put in an expensive fire suppression system. The goal is to relieve the weight load on the courthouse third floor, this space is currently being used for storage.
The sale of the Palin property includes the storage building, old Dollar General building and parking lot.
Chairman Clark stated there will be an executive session to discuss the property at the Fulton Board meeting November 15, 2022.
Member Madson discussed that once the third floor storage is removed the space at the courthouse could be remodeled and used as office space.
8. New Business
a. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Gracie Long – Fulton County Housing Authority Board – Commissioner
Member Thompson moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Arnett. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
9. Reports from Committee Chairs
a. Community Development – Nothing to report
b. Finance/Insurance
Member Spangler reported the Finance committee approved non-union raises for FY23, with the ESDA Director, Comptroller and Court Security will receive a 3% raise.
The FY22 budget currently has a surplus of $693,871.00.
The workers compensation and Property Casualty Insurance was approved and the increase is approximately $22,000.00.
The Ellisville Opera house asked for additional ARPA Funds of $20,000.00 to complete the lift project.
c. Health
Member Kessel reported the CNA hourly pay scale increase from the State of Illinois will be on the board agenda for approval, pending any other delays.
There are staffing issues at the Clayberg at the administrative level.
d. County Highway
Member Madson reported bids were sent out for a new tandem truck for FY23.
The Fulton County Engineer’s salary for FY23 was determined and Fulton County’s state ranking by counties in Illinois was 35 in 2022 and dropped to 40th for 2023. IDOT pays 50% of the county engineer’s salary as long as Fulton County pays 95% or more of the recommended salary by stated ranking to the county engineer.
The motor fuel tax resolution will be on the board agenda.
Member Thompson inquired what the status on the engineering of the new Highway building is. Member Madson stated the MMLP engineering from Springfield Illinois has not returned the information on the building plan.
e. Property & Courts
Member Arnett discussed the bid for the air conditioner unit of $92,930.00 from Spoon River Mechanical. The cost increased approximately three times the original estimated cost.
Chairman Clark discussed there are additional items on the bid that factored into the cost, there are different controls for each of the third floor courtrooms.
Member Arnett discussed the WIRC board she is a member of and at the last WIRC board meeting, the WIRC board decided to rewrite their bylaws and have one person from the public as a board representive and one member of the Fulton County Board as a representive.
f. Personnel & Legislative
Member Thompson has an end of the year report for P&L. The payroll software is currently on sale and the county is looking to purchase the software before the end of 2022.
The funds listing for the Rules of Order has been updated and will be reviewed by the Finance committee on November 15, 2022.
g. Public Safety & Campground
Member Deushane reported the campground will be closed December 10, 2022 – January 4, 2023. The campground is still waiting on the playground equipment to be delivered. The campground waitlist is 43.
Member Madson inquired if the campground lease for Leonard Cooper will be renewed. Member Deushane was not sure at this time what the status is for Leonard Cooper.
Chairman Clark stated Superintendent John Young was hired to run the campground and the board should stand behind the decisions of the person that is running the campground.
10. Misc. – None
11. Adjournment
Time: 7:50pm
Member Thompson moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50pm with a second from Member Deushane. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
Minutes EXECUTIVE Nov 2 2022