Fulton County Board Committee Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542 Phone 309-547-0901 Fax 309-547-3326-email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Special Personnel & Legislative
Meeting Place: Fulton County Courthouse, 100 Main Street, Jury Room off Courtroom 201, Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 5:30pm
Date: January 11, 2022
Call in number:(602) 580-9458
Meeting code: 214 7365 #
A MASK is required to attend this meeting in person.
1. Call to Order
Time: 5:30pm
Barry Beck (present/xxxxxx)
Brian Platt (present/xxxxxx)
BJ McCullum (present/xxxxxx)
Lisa Thompson (present/xxxxxx)
Other Board Members: Roger Clark
Elected & Appointed Officials: Charlene Markley – Circuit Clerk, Keith Munter – Fulton County Engineer
Staff: None
Guests: None
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda
Member McCullum moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
4. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – None
5. Public Remarks – None
7. Old Business
a. Discussion/Action: Amended Covid Policy and Vaccines
Keith Munter, Fulton County Engineer inquired about the testing policy for the Fulton County Highway Department employees. He asked if there are any guidelines that the county will be following and who is supplying the tests. Munter stated he is not sure what to tell his employees and is looking for direction.
Member Thompson stated the county will supply the tests and the tests will be available in each county office. The Covid tests are a self-administrated test and an email will need be sent to the County Clerk’s office reporting the results.
Member McCullum stated this is a national issue and the Fulton County Board should weigh in on the issue. Member Beck stated he has received numerous complaints from residents of Fulton County about not being able to get information regarding COVID testing and other Covid issues from the Canton Health Department.
Member McCullum moved to approve the Amended Covid Policy and Vaccines with a second from Member Thompson. Motion carried by roll call vote (3-1) with Member Platt voting nay.
b. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Fulton County Board Members adherence to Covid Policy
Member Thompson discussed that Fulton County Board members need to provide documentation regarding vaccination status or state the county board member has tested negative for Covid. This will be done on the honor system.
Member Platt discussed in the resolution it states the violation is a petty offense. Member Platt inquired what the penalty is for a petty offense. Member Thompson discussed the petty offense would need to be referred to the States Attorney’s office.
Member Thompson moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (2 -1) with Member Platt voting nay and Member McCullum not present to vote.
8. Misc. – None
9. Adjournment
Time: 5:58pm
Member Beck moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:58pm with a second from Member Platt. Motion carried by roll call vote (3-0) and Member McCullum not present to vote.
Minutes P L Jan 11 2022