Fulton County Board- Finance & Insurance Committee Meeting Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone 309-547-0901- email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Finance, Insurance, Personnel, Legislative Committee
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln St., Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 6:30 pm
Date: September 5, 2023
1. Call to Order
Time: 6:31 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum present:
Barry Beck (present)
Jared Heller (present)
Laura Kessel (present)
Brian Platt (present)
Lauren Southwood (present)
Lisa Thompson (present)
STAFF: Audra Miles – Comptroller, Cindy Simpson – Administrative Assistant
ELECTED & APPOINTED OFFICIALS: Staci Mayall-Treasurer, Patrick O’Brian – County
Clerk, Julie Russell – Assessment, Justin Jochums – State’s attorney, Charlene Markley –
Circuit Clerk
GUESTS: Robert Sinkler
Media: NONE
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda: 1
4. Approval of Previous Minutes – August 1, August 8, 2023 and August 22, 2023
Motion to approve the minutes: 1
5. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence
a. Communication: Received grant reimbursement $139,150.63 from DCEO for jail parking
lot completed in 2022.
Sheriff Webb informed the committee that the reimbursement for the parking lot has been
6. Public Comments — None
7. Claims
a. Discussion/Action: Claims
Motion to approve: 1
st Kessel, 2
nd Southwood, Roll call vote 6-0.
Name Yes No
Beck x
Heller x
Kessel x
Platt x
Southwood x
Thompson x
b. Discussion/Action: Claims ARPA – None
8. Transfer of Funds – None
a. General Funds Transfers
b. Other Funds Transfers
9. Immediate Emergency Appropriation(s) – None
a. General Funds Immediate Emergency Appropriations
b. Other Funds Immediate Emergency Appropriations
10.Old Business – None
11.New Business
a. Discussion: Illinois Waterway Ports Commission
The commission has attracted $1 Billion dollars. Illinois Corn Association, Illinois Soybean
Association, and Illinois Farm Bureau has contributed to keep the commission going. Mr.
Speckler reported that this has been a volunteer commission for 2 years and asked the County
to contribute $1.00 per person to the project, which would be roughly $33,000. The Finance
committee did not take any action.
b. Discussion/Action: Office 365- $27,007.50 annual estimate
County Clerk O’Brian made the request that the Finance Committee approve moving forward
with converting to the Office 365 suite for emails and convert them to .gov emails for better
security. This would also include Microsoft Teams, which is a virtual meeting platform that the
County could use moving forward. A more secure email, hosted in the cloud, could provide
lower cyber liability premiums for the County. The Finance Committee made a motion to allow
Clerk O’Brian to spend no more that $27,007.50 on the project.
Motion to approve: 1
st Kessell, 2nd Beck, Roll call vote 6-0.
Name Yes No
Beck X
Heller X
Kessel X
Platt X
Southwood X
Thompson X
c. Discussion/Action: Second LATCF – Local Tribal Consistency Fund approximately
$50,000.00 recommendation
Discussion was had as to what to do with the allocation. Member Kessel volunteered to
work on a recommendation to present to the Finance committee.
d. Discussion/Action: WIRC membership fees 2023/2024-$5,524.20
As the County Board appointee to WIRC, Member Heller reported that WIRC is doing
great things including assisting with recycling programs and food pantries. Mostly in
Macomb and Galesburg. It was decided to put Cole McDaniel of Hometown Consulting,
LLC in contact with new director. Finance committee approved membership fees for
2023/24 in the amount of $5,524.20. Motion carried.
Motion to approve: 1
st Heller, 2
nd Kessell, Roll call vote 6-0.
Name Yes No
Beck X
Heller X
Kessel X
Platt X
Southwood X
Thompson X
e. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Election Judge Pay increase
Clerk O’Brian presented a resolution to increase base election judge pay from $145 w/ a
$20 bonuses for attending class to $200 for a base and a $20 bonus plus IRS mileage for
those that return election materials to the Courthouse. Previously Election judge pay was
not consistent. This will memorialize it and streamline it in the form of a resolution and
should alleviate confusion. Motion carried.
Motion to approve: 1
st Beck, 2
nd Heller, Roll call vote 6-0.
Name Yes No
Beck x
Heller x
Kessel x
Platt x
Southwood x
Thompson x
a. Discussion/Action: FY24 Budget
Discussion was held regarding IMRF and Social Security Other Fund Levies. A
recommendation was made by Treasurer Mayall to leave IMRF as it. Clerk O’Brian and
Treasurer Mayall will work on Other Fund budgets. Discussion was had on Contingency
Fund of $750,000. NO ACTION TAKEN.
Motion to approve: 1
st Heller, 2
nd Kessel, Roll call vote 6-0.
Name Yes No
Beck X
Heller X
Kessel X
Platt X
Southwood X
Thompson X
i. Discussion/Action: FY24 non-union salaries
Chair Thompson stated Non-Union salaries will be set once Union contracts are
settled and will follow wages set by the bargaining agreement.
Motion to approve: 1
st Kessel, 2
nd Heller, Motion carried with All AYES.
ii. Discussion/Action: Board office color copier
Finance committee approved seeking a standalone color copier from Digital
Copy systems.
Motion to approve: 1
st Kessel, 2
nd Beck, Roll call vote 6-0
Name Yes No
Beck X
Heller X
Kessel X
Platt X
Southwood X
Thompson X
13.Safety – Liability Insurance Risk Management
a. Discussion: Liability Insurance quarterly claims
Broker Dan Kiesewetter of Kiesewetter Insurance discussed quarterly claims with the
committee. Talked about the importance of Finance and Insurance continuing to go over
claims quarterly as the “Safety Committee”. Work comp claims are the lowest in 20 years.
Talked about resources from ICRMT and IPRF to improve safety in the workplace.
Reminded committee members that the County Clerk’s office handles all claims in the
County in conjunction with KIA and the two providers. Explained that ICRMT and IPRF
only deal with public entities and are public entity pools. Reminded the committee of the
IPRF safety grant for 2023 in the amount of $38,904.00. Mr. Kiesewetter then answered
questions from committee members and took notes to follow up to provide resources to
specific questions asked. NO ACTION TAKEN
14.Transit — None
15.Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Mayall reported TImeclock Plus training begins 9/7. Guidance needs to be
provided by Dept Heads as to how they want their systems programmed. She reminded
everyone that 2nd installment of taxes were due. Working on legal issues stemming from
Tyler case in preparation of the Tax sale.
16.Assessment Report
Assessor Russell reported that all field work is done. $433,000 of EAV has been recovered.
Certificate of Error cutoff date will be 10/16/23. Next step will be 2023 publications tentatively
in the next month or two.
Personnel, Legislative
a. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Scott L. Bonney – commissioner Reappointment – East
Liverpool Drainage & Levee District
Motion to approve 1st Kessel 2nd Southwood ALL AYES
18.Old Business — None
19.New Business – None
20. Executive Session: 5ILCS 120/2 (c)(1) Performance and Evaluation of an Employee
Time In: 8:21 p.m.
Motion to approve going into Executive session: 1
st Kessel, 2
nd Southwood, Roll call vote 6-0.
Name Yes No
Beck X
Heller X
Kessel X
Platt X
Southwood X
Thompson X
Time Out: 8:36 p.m.
Motion to approve going out of executive session: 1
st Kessel, 2
nd Southwood, Roll call vote 6-0.
Name Yes No
Beck X
Heller X
Kessel X
Platt X
Southwood X
Thompson X
a. Discussion/Action: Compensation of 1st State’s Attorney Assistant
Recommended Action from discussion during Executive session was to give Assistant
State’s Attorney Joseph Padalino a raise.
Motion to approve: 1
st Kessel, 2
nd Southwood, Roll call vote 6-0.
Name Yes No
Beck X
Heller X
Kessel X
Platt X
Southwood X
Thompson X
Time:8:37 p.m.
Motion to adjourn: 1
st Heller, 2nd Platt, Roll call vote All Ayes.