Fulton County Joint Advisory Health Insurance Committee Minutes
November 9, 2022
SIU/Graham Learning Lab, 175 South Main Street – Canton, IL 61520
1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by Co-Chair, Jaclyn Webb.
2. Roll Call – Committee members present were: Laura Kessel, Barry Beck, Susan Duquenne, John Spangler (4:40 p.m.), BJ McCullum, Patrick O’Brian, Katie Lynn, Mary Ellen Carmack, Jaclyn Webb, Amber McKenzie, Beth Hadsall, and Trudy Williams.
3. Approval of Previous Minutes- Motion was made by O’Brian, second by Beck to approve the minutes from the November 3, 2022 meeting. Motion carried by roll call vote (12-0)
4. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to Agenda – Motion made by O’Brian, second by Duquenne to approve the agenda. Motion carried by roll call vote (12-0).
5. New Business – none.
6. Old Business – Stan Travelstead stated that he had new information concerning a quote by Blue Cross/Blue Shield. The coverage mirrors the current benefits we have with Health Alliance. The bid, while still high at a 33 % increase above this year’s premiums, is 12% lower than the quote from our current carrier Health Alliance. Member Kessel reported that BC/BS is in a spot with the State that will result in fines and that Springfield Clinic would become an out of network provider. Currently $32,114 is paid to Springfield Clinic as a provider. She commented that no wonder the bid was lower.
Member O’Brian returned to the proposition of the County going with a self-funded insurance where what employees pay would be set rather than paying a percentage of the premium. After posing questions to Stan and discussing the pros and cons of changing, a motion was made by Kessel, second by Beck to change to Blue Cross/Blue Shield fully insured coverage with the HRA. Motion carried by a roll call vote (11-1).
Adjournment – Motion by Duquenne, second by McCullum to adjourn. Motion carried by roll call vote (12-0). Meeting adjourned at 5:44 p.m.
Minutes by: Trudy Williams