Fulton County Board- Finance & Insurance Committee Meeting Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone 309-547-0901-Fax 309-547-3326-email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Finance, Insurance, Personnel, Legislative Committee
Meeting Place: Fulton County Courthouse, 100 N. Main St., Room 313, Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 5:45 pm
Date: May 9, 2023
Call in number: (720) 843-2603
Meeting code: 214 7365 #
1. Call to Order
Time: 5:47pm
Barry Beck (present/xxxxxx)
Jared Heller (xxxxxx/absent)
Laura Kessel (present/xxxxxx)
BJ McCullum (xxxxxx/absent)
Brian Platt (present/xxxxxx)
Lauren Southwood (present/xxxxxx)
Lisa Thompson (present/xxxxxx)
Other Board Members: John Spangler
Elected & Appointed Officials: Staci Mayall – Treasurer, Julie Russell – Supervisor of Assessment, Jon Webb- Sheriff, Austin Rhodes – Coroner
Staff: Audra Miles – Comptroller, Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Board Administrative Assistant
Guests: Jeff McPherson – Hunter Grey Stenn, LLC, Cole McDaniel – Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development
Media: John Froehling – Fulton Democrat
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda
Member Southwood moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
4. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – None
5. Public Comments – None
6. Claims
a. Discussion/Action: Claims
Member Kessel moved to approve the claims with a second from Member Platt. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
b. Discussion/Action: ARPA Claims
Member Beck moved to approve the ARPA claims with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
7. Transfer of Funds
a. General Funds Transfers
i. Discussion/Action: Resolution: $50,000.00
From: #001-021-590100 Contingency Fund
To: #001-017-586000 Disaster Relief Funds Newly
Created Fund
Member Platt moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote
b. Other Funds Transfers
i. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Create Expenditure line item Immediate Emergency Appropriation
ARPA INT XER To CO GEN Expenses #087-143-595202 for $25,000.00 from unappropriated funds
Member Kessel moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
ii. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Create Expenditure line item Immediate Emergency Appropriation
Bicentennial Expenses #001-017-586100 for $25,000.00 from unappropriated funds
Member Southwood moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Platt. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
8. Immediate Emergency Appropriation(s)
a. General Funds Immediate Emergency Appropriations
b. Other Funds Immediate Emergency Appropriations
9. Old Business – None
10. New Business
a. Discussion/Action: Sheriff damaged vehicle and vehicle budget for 2024
Sheriff Webb discussed one of the police cars was totaled during the April 4, 2023 tornado.
The insurance company paid $21,225.00 for the vehicle. Sheriff Webb stated the Dodge Chargers are purchased from an Indiana car dealership, but the Dodge Charger will not be made after 2023 for police vehicles. Sheriff Webb reached out to different departments and agencies and most departments are changing to the Ford Interceptor and the cost is $39,985.00 plus the up fit for the vehicle which would cost approximately $13,000.00 to $15,000.00. The difference in the cost of vehicles is approximately $19,000.00.
Sheriff Webb stated the last budget included the purchase of 2 Chargers and 2 Trucks. The Chargers were delivered in March but the trucks have not been delivered and once the trucks are delivered the budget for vehicles for 2023 will be zero. Sheriff Webb is asking for financial help to replace the vehicle totaled during the April 4, 2023 tornado.
Sheriff Webb discussed the ARPA funds are in the budget are for two projects that are in progress but have not been paid for. With the increases in costs of products and services, it is unknown how much ARPA funds would be available until the invoices are received.
Member Thompson stated there have been ARPA funds returned to Fulton County.
Treasurer Mayall stated in ARPA surplus there is $62,059.84 and could be used for the additional funds needed for the Sheriff’s vehicle.
Comptroller Miles commented the officer’s car was damaged by the April 4 storm, was a natural disaster and the officer was responding and doing his job. This meets the definition of an immediate emergency appropriation due to the unforeseen expenses attributable to a public safety emergency. If ARPA was not available, the funds would be taken from an immediate emergency appropriation. The APRA funds allocated to Sheriff Standard, the only restriction on for the funds was a $100,000.00 limit for Hazzard pay and the additional funds are at the Sheriff’s discretion.
Member Kessel inquired if the Safety Grant could be used for the vehicle. Member Thompson stated the Grant states off road vehicles only and would not apply to the Sheriff’s vehicle.
Member Southwood moved to approve using the surplus ARPA funds of $34,000.00 for the vehicle needed for the Sheriff’s office with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
b. Discussion/Action: Sheriff uniforms
Member Thompson stated it has been brought to the committee’s attention the Sheriff’s office needs new uniforms. Sheriff Webb stated the current uniforms are from 3 different uniform companies. During Covid there were supply chain delays in receiving the uniforms and the uniforms are different shades of brown and the employees want all uniforms to look the same.
Member Thompson stated the Safety Grant received by Fulton County. The uniforms do not qualify for the safety grant, but other items that are needed for the officers may qualify for the Safety Grant funds. The total cost for uniforms for sworn officers is $18,126.90.
Member Kessel suggested reviewing the uniforms twice a year for any items that are needed.
Member Kessel moved to approve using the surplus ARPA funds of up to $20,000.00 for new uniforms for the Sheriff’s office with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
c. Discussion/Action: Acceptance of FY-21-22 Audit and OPEB
Jeff McPherson of Gray Hunter Stenn, stated the audit went very well. The draft audit was submitted pending a few confirmations being returned from banks, investment houses and all payments from the State of Illinois sent to Fulton County.
A single audit was done, this is done when over $750,000.00 in federal funds are spent and additional testing was required with the additional federal funds received by Fulton County (ARPA).
The opinion is an unqualified opinion which is acceptable with general accounting principles.
The Fulton County Engineer has a big part in the audit as the engineer values the roads and infrastructure of Fulton County.
If the county spends a considerable amount on a new highway, the auditor will drive out and see and drive the highway.
The liabilities are other post-employment benefits of $19,000,000.00. This represents what the county would need in current dollars today to pay for the Health Insurance for retirees and active employees.
When the interest rate increases, the post-employment benefit liability goes down.
Member Kessel moved to approve and acceptance of FY-21-22 Audit and OPEB with a second from Member Platt. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
d. Discussion/Action: Acceptance of FY21-22 Circuit Clerk Audit
Member Platt moved to approve and acceptance of FY-21-22 Audit and OPEB with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
e. Discussion/Action: CEJA Energy Transition Grant $924,554.00
Cole McDaniel stated this is approving the use of funds allocation of $924,554.00. The public meeting was held at the Fulton County Board office today and the uses were discussed. The approval of the uses needs to be approved and one of the most important is the distribution to impacted taxing districts of $170,000.00. The other uses are Community Revitalization grants $350,000.00 and Fulton County Public Facilities Improvements of $403,554.00.
Member Kessel moved to approve the CEJA Energy Transition Grant fund allocations of $924,554.00 with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
f. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Recalling bond @ 4.5268% interest
Member Thompson stated this is the bond for the roof debt certificate. Funds are available to pay off the bond now and save over $20,000.00 in interest.
Member Kessel moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
11. Budget
a. Discussion/Action: 2024 Budget Goals
Comptroller Miles discussed the FY22 actuals were used plus 3% and additional adjustments, were made. This was based on salaries for Elected and Appointed officials and employees that have agreements in place through FY24.
The actual FY22 surplus was $3,769,489.00 and the step surplus is $2,749,689.37. This does include a significant PPRT number and this number needs to be adjusted. Miles stated the PPRT estimates will be available in August.
Member Thompson suggested changing the PPRT amount to what the county received in 2021.
12. Safety – Liability Insurance Risk Management – None
13. Transit – None
14. Treasurer’s Report – None
15. Assessment Report – None
Personnel, Legislative
16. Appointments – None
17. Old Business – None
18. New Business – None
19. Executive Session – None
20. Misc. – None
21. Adjournment
Time: 6:36pm
Member Kessel moved to adjourn at 6:36pm with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).