The Fulton County Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 W Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL.
Phone: Janice Emmons at (309) 547-0902
Committee: Zoning Board of Appeals
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 W Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL.
Time: 4:15pm
Date: Nov. 30, 2022
Call information:
Call in number: 1-425-436-6307
Access code: 835427
- Call to Order
Time: 4:15pm
Bob Ackerman (present/xxxxxx)
Sally Jo Clark (present/xxxxxx)
Cathy Eathington (present/xxxxxx)
Mat Fletcher (present/xxxxxx) – by phone
Jayson Herrick (present/xxxxxx) – by phone 4:17pm
Bill Phillips (present/xxxxxx)
Damon Roberson (present/xxxxxx)
ELECTED & APPOINTED OFFICICALS: Janice Emmons Zoning Director
GUEST(S): Brad Utsinger
- Roll Call/Quorum
Roll Call was taken, quorum present
- Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda
Member Roberson moved to approve the agenda with a second by Member Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
- Approval of Minutes – October 4, 2022
- Public Remarks – None
- New Business
Member Phillips swore in Mr. Brad Utsinger to the public hearing. Member Phillips had Mr. Utsinger give an overview of the project. The project is to build a small self-storage garage at 102 East Delaware Circle, includes landscaping being done on the property. Mr. Utsinger provided a list of persons showing interest in renting space in the storage building. Utsinger does not feel the storage facility would affect traffic in the area.
Member Phillips stated a sketch was provided to the Zoning Board of Appeals committee and the building is 40 feet X100 feet.
Member Phillips asked that all those who would like to speak be sworn into the public meeting.
Mr. Bill Riley inquired if boats will be stored outside at the storage facility. Mr. Utsinger stated no boats will be stored outside. Mr. Bill Riley inquired would the Zoning Board of Appeals allow outside conditions to apply to the property for the conditional use permit.
Member Phillips stated the ZBA committee can or cannot make provisions to the conditional use permit for exterior storage.
Victoria Strong inquired how many storage units would be built and what signage would be on the property. Mr. Utsinger stated this will be 20 unit storage facility and the signage would be minimal.
Mr. Utsinger provided a photo of the building type to the ZBA committee.
A member of the pubic inquired if the road is wide enough for the building materials to be hauled in and how will the traffic and the noise from people in and out of the facility be handled.
Mr. Utsinger stated people renting the storage facility will not be coming all at the same time. The current condition of the roads are terrible to start with due to the lack of funding and current traffic.
Wayne Demotte inquired is the storage facility being built due to the location being out of the way.
Mr. Utsinger stated that is correct.
Garrett Carithers inquired about the landscaping to keep the building hidden. Mr. Utsinger stated he would be putting in landscaping to fit in with the surrounding property and its neighbors.
Deb Reavis inquired about the Covenants at Wee-Ma-Tuk and how the Covenants it is up to each individual landowner to enforce.
Mr. Utsinger stated he did not sign any Covenants when he purchased his property and if you live on the North side of Wee-Ma-Tuk you are in Canton. Deb stated the Covenants not being signed is an issue with the realtors in the area.
Member Phillips stated the Covenants at Wee-Ma-Tuk are not governed by the Zoning Board of Appeals and is not the matter for the conditional use permit.
Wayne Demotte stated there are approximately 8 homeowners in the area that do not want the storage units near property he owns. The storage units will decreases property values and the units are not pleasant to view.
Bill Riley stated the Zoning Board of Appeals is here representing Fulton County and not just individual projects that are being built at Wee-Ma-Tuk. The big picture needs to be looked at and does not believe any property zoned AG, recreation or residential and by changing the zoning, this will let property owners build unwanted buildings on property. This is taking a residential area and making the property commercial because the property owner cannot find another use for the property.
Jerry Walleck stated the impression is if Mr. Utsinger could sell the property this would not be before the Zoning Board of Appeals for a conditional use permit.
Joe Roman stated he is the property owner that lives across the street from the location of the proposed storage unit and this is a big concern to him. Mr. Roman stated the landscaping can be done but the landscaping will take 10 to 15 years for growth.
Jim MacCagan stated he does not feel this is the right area to have a business in the middle of a residential area.
Garrett Carithers stated he is concerned with the property value of his home and security with no lights for the storage units and the additional traffic to the area.
Frank Goudy stated he applauded the efforts to establish a business but a storage facility is setting a precedent that is dangerous for home owners. Mr. Goudy stated he purchased the lot next to his property to avoid any building issues near his home. There are other areas in Wee-Ma-Tuk that have empty lots in neighborhoods where storage facility could be built.
John Loebach stated he opposes the storage unit.
Joe Murphy stated as an incoming Fulton County Board member, he could not see any board members approving the building of this storage unit in the Wee-Ma-Tuk area. The big issue is the roads in Wee-Ma-Tuk and the need for road repairs. With the additional traffic, the roads will get worse.
Jean Reeb stated she is opposed to the storage unit as this is a residential area with the families living in the area and the storage facility will cause additional garbage in and around the property.
Jason Herrick inquired if Mr. Utsinger considered building a home on the property to be able to sell the property. Mr. Utsinger stated building a home on the property is not financially realistic with the high cost of materials and the supply chain issues.
Joe Carithers stated his son owns a home in Wee-Ma-Tuk, and this area is family-oriented. Mr. Carithers did not want to down play an idea but feels he needs to protect his property and there are places in industrial parks for storage units to be built and that is not in a residential area.
Member Phillips closed the public testimony.
Mr. Utsinger stated he does not feel there will be much additional traffic in the area as people are not going to their storage units daily or weekly.
Member Phillips closed the testimony from citizens.
The ZBA Members inquired what the cost of the storage unit and driveway is. Mr. Utsinger stated the cost would be approximately $100,000.00 plus road and concrete work. Member Herrick stated Mr. Utsinger stated he could afford to build one storage unit at this time and would consider another storage unit be once this unit is filled.
Mr. Utsinger stated he would put an additional unit next to the current unit once filled, but he would be respectful of others’ property and keep the storage units in the middle of his property.
Member Clark inquired if Mr. Utsinger considered building something instead of a storage unit. Mr. Utsinger stated if building a home, the cost and supply chain demands currently are not good for materials being delivered. Member Clark inquired why the property was purchased originally. Mr. Utsinger stated the property is an investment.
Member Phillips inquired if the property has been surveyed. Mr. Utsinger stated he has not had the property surveyed. Member Phillips stated he looked up the property map from Fulton County website and the property .76 acres and after reviewing the conditional uses permit one of the conditions to obtain a conditional use permit is the property needs to be no less than 1 acre.
Member Phillips stated the finding of facts for the conditional use permit are: one, by issuing the conditional use permit this will create an inharmonious situation between property owners in the area. The second finding of fact: the property is less than 1 acre and does not meet the minimum 1 acre requirement for a conditional use permit. Third, the fact that there is no support from the neighbors for the project and forth is the adjacent properties will lose property value. Fifth, is the roads in Wee-Ma-Tuk would have additional traffic and heavy trucks during construction, sixth, changing residential to AC would set future precedent for Wee-Ma-Tuk.
Member Eathington moved to approve the finding of facts for the conditions for the conditional use permit were not adequate to issue the conditional use permit, with a second from Member Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote (7-0).
Member Roberson moved to deny the conditional use permit to operate a single self-storage unit on parcel # 13-13-02-102-006 in Wee-Ma-Tuk with a second from Member Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote (7-0).
- Old Business – None
- Other
a. Discussion/Action-CO2 pipeline in Northwestern Fulton County.
Member Eathington stated concerns regarding the CO2 pipeline and the pipeline is affecting her property and personal safety.
Member Eathington stated the pipeline will be coming from Galva, IL and currently will be approximately 1 mile from her residence. Member Eathington discussed the company has indicated the property can be obtained by eminent domain if the landowner refuses to work with the company.
Member Clark discussed the Fulton County Board had several public speakers regarding the CO2 pipeline both from Navigator with the pros of the project and public citizens opposed to it.
Member Phillips stated valuable farm ground will be taken out of production indefinitely for the pipeline.
The reasons for not supporting is farm ground is being removed from production, the danger of the CO2 to citizens, and lack of continued compensation to the land owner.
Member Clark moved to approve not supporting the Co2 pipeline in Northwestern Fulton County with a second from Member Roberson. Motion carried by roll call vote (7-0).
- Executive Session – None
- Adjournment
Time: 5:35pm
Member Ackerman moved to adjourn at 5:35pm with a second from Member Clark. Motion carried by roll call vote (7-0).