January 10, 2023
Vice Chairperson Laura Kessel called the Regular Session, January 10, 2023, meeting to order at
6:30 p.m. in Courtroom 201 at the Fulton County Courthouse in Lewistown, IL.
County Clerk Patrick J. O’Brian called the roll and found the following members present: Quorum was present. (Present-P; Absent-A)
James Barclay – P |
Daniel Kumer – P |
Lauren Southwood – P |
Barry Beck – P |
BJ McCullum – A |
John Spangler – A |
Stan Berry – P |
Joe Murphy – P |
Lisa Thompson – P |
Jared Heller – P |
Brian Platt – P |
David Widger – P |
Laura Hepp Kessel – P |
Ryan Sloan – P |
Karl Williams – P |
Elected/Appointed Officials Staci Mayall- Treasurer, Patrick O’Brian – County Clerk, Julie Russell – Supervisor of Assessment, Keith Munter – Fulton County Engineer, Justin Jochums – States Attorney, Charlene Markley – Circuit Clerk
Staff – Audra Miles – Comptroller, Lieutenant Chris Ford
Guests – Cole McDaniel – Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development
Media- John Froehling – Fulton Democrat
A. Emergency Session – November 30, 2022
Member Berry moved to accept the minutes and place on file the Emergency session November 30, 2022 minutes with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (12-0).
B. Reorganization Session – December 5, 2022
Member Southwood moved to accept the minutes and place on file the reorganization session
December 5, 2022 minutes with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by roll call vote (12-0).
C. Regular Session – December 13, 2022
Member Platt moved to accept the minutes and place on file the regular session December 13, 2022 minutes with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (12-0).
Member Southwood moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (12-0).
A. Cole McDaniel – SRPED (Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development) 2022 Annual report
Cole McDaniel discussed the annual report and what the partnership does. SRPED is a 509 (c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization that is publicly and privately funded and was created in 2006.
In the last 12 months, the total projects SRPED assisted directly with was 23. 14 of the projects were completed and 9 projects are in progress. The estimated investment for projects in progress is $809.5 million and includes the Buckheart Solar project.
The Buckheart Solar project includes leasing over 8,000 acres in Fulton County. The solar project is not fully designed yet and completion of the design is needed before the permits can be applied for.
The completed projects in 2022 include nine new business and five expansions for current business.
McDaniel stated a few of the new business include Arby’s, Line-X protective coatings and Cup of Canton.
The partnership assisted in the construction project at Nature’s Grace and Wellness, a cannabis cultivation operation located near the village of Vermont.
The partnership was involved in the Fulton County Small Business Covid-19 Relief Fund. The program was designed to help business affected by the pandemic. A total of 63 businesses applied throughout Fulton County The purpose of the project was to provide assistance to businesses that for other reasons did not received state and federal grants. The county used part of the Federal American Rescue Plan Act relief funds of $787,500.00 to provide grants to Fulton County businesses.
Graham Health System purchased the former Family Video in Canton and is renovating the building to be used as a prompt care facility.
Cole discussed in 2023 much of the visitor guides and restaurant guides will be digital due to the high cost of printing. Both guides will have QR codes for scanning for mobile devices.
Cole discussed the main goal for the partnership is focus on the growth of Fulton County.
A. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Fulton County Disaster Proclamation
Member Murphy moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (12-0).
Member Platt moved to approve the consent agenda with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (13-0).
1. Claims- Sheriff, Jail, Board of Review, Zoning, County Board, Miscellaneous, Public Defender, Merit, Property, Supervisor of Assessments, ESDA, Animal Control, Highway, VAC, Clayberg, Camping & Recreation, Fulton County Public Transportation, ARPA
1. Reports- Animal Control, Treasurer, FCCRA POS Report, VAC, Zoning
2. Other Reports- Public Defender, State’s Attorney/Circuit Clerk, Sheriff, County Clerk
1. Resolution: Chris Ford – Appointment – ETSB (Emergency Telephone System Board)
2. Resolution: Elaine Stone – Reappointment ETSB (Emergency Telephone System Board)
3. Resolution: Andrew Thornton –Reappointment – ETSB (Emergency Telephone System Board)
4. Resolution: Mike Eveland – Reappointment – ETSB (Emergency Telephone System Board)
5. Resolution: Jana Eveland – Appointment – ETSB (Emergency Telephone System Board)
6. Resolution: Nicholas Stevens – Reappointment – ETSB (Emergency Telephone System Board)
7. Resolution: Stan Berry – Appointment – 377 Board
8. Resolution: Jay Valencia – Appointment – Merit Commission
9. Resolution: Sally Clark – Reappointment – Zoning Board of Appeals
a. General Fund Transfer
i. Resolution: $715.00 From: #001-016-510100 Deputy/Clerk/Secretary To: #001-016-535100 Office Supplies & Expense
b. Other Funds Transfers
c. General Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations
d. Other Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations
e. Resolution: Fulton County Support of Coal Grant
a. Resolution: HWY 23-002 Local Appropriation for CH 15
b. Resolution: HWY 23-003 RBI Resolution for CH 15
Treasurer Mayall reported for December 2022, County General expenditures were $607,012.39 and revenue was $992,242.08. The surplus for December 2022 is $385,229.69.
The yearend report on payroll will be given in February. W2s are being worked on and an employee benefit letter will be included in the W2s.
The county’s audit is in progress.
Member Kessel reported the Community Development, Zoning & 200th Anniversary committee will have a special meeting on January 30, 2023.
Member Kessel is collecting ideas for the 200th Anniversary celebration and asked that if and anyone has suggestions, to send her the ideas.
Member Heller reported the Highway Department is doing ditch work and tree trimming.
a. Discussion/Action: Vacation carry over for Clayberg Administrator
Member Platt discussed the Health committee recommends the Clayberg administrator be allowed to carry over 40 hours of vacation time due to staffing issues that occurred in 2022.
At the Health committee meeting there was discussion to carry over 40hours of vacation time and pay out 39 hours of vacation time. Currently the administrator has 79 hours of unused vacation time. The Health committee did not agree to payout the 39 hours of vacation time.
Member Williams inquired how much vacation time is given to the Clayberg Administrator.
Member Kessel stated the Clayberg Administrator’s contracts states she receives 15 days of vacation with no carryover.
Member Platt moved to approve the Vacation carryover and the 40 hours must be used by March 1, 2023 for the Clayberg Administrator, with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by roll call vote (12-1) with Member Southwood voting nay.
Member Platt discussed an RFP will be sent out for the Wander Guard System for the Clayberg.
a. Discussion/Action: Amendment to Rules of Order 2022-2024 – tabled
Member Thompson reported the UCCI and ICBM training programs will be held in Springfield, Illinois on January 23, 2023 and January 13, 2023. Both organizations provide legislative assistance and continued education to Fulton County Board.
Member Thompson discussed the amendments to the Rules of Order and some of the changes included articles and section numbers, more gender neutral reference throughout, and defining committee language.
Member Murphy stated the amendments are not clear as a clean copy was included in the Fulton County Board packet.
Member Thompson discussed tabling the amendments to the Rules of Order and providing the marked up copy.
Member Thompson moved to approve the Amendment to Rules of Order 2022-2024 with a second from Member Sloan.
Member Thompson rescinded the first and Member Sloan rescinded the second.
c. Discussion/Action: 2023 Training Requirements
Member Thompson stated a memo will be sent to all departments, officials and Fulton County Board members to do the training.
Member Thompson moved to approve the 2023 training requirements be sent to departments, officials, and Fulton County Board Members with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (13-0).
c. Discussion/Action: Broadband Map Challenge
Member Thompson discussed the FCC released the broadband maps and funding that will be going out for broadband expansion. The FCC is asking everyone to look at the map and mark your __cpLocation and indicated what sources of internet service are available in your area. Action on the broadband maps needs to be taken by January 13, 2023. Member Thompson stated the internet is important to everyone and everyone should take action on the broadband map. County Clerk O’Brian stated the broadband link is on the Fulton County website.
Member Williams discussed a date will be determined for the committee to tour the Courthouse and Fulton County Jail properties.
Member Williams inquired about the Dollar General property and if any additional information has been received.
Clerk O’Brian stated Mr. Palin has not declined the county’s offer. Mr. Palin did indicate he has another offer coming in on the property and inquired if the county would match the new offer. Clerk O’Brian stated once the new offer is received he will notify the Fulton County Board Chairman.
Member Williams discussed at the campground there are some tax issues on farm ground and a house that the county has no access and is not receiving income on but is paying property taxes on.
Member Platt inquired if the amount of taxes being paid is included in the campground budget. Member Williams stated that yes, the amount is included in the campground budget.
Member Williams stated the current lease with MWRD is being reviewed.
MISC. – None
Time: 7:32pm
Member Kumer made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:32pm with a second from Member Berry. The motion carried with all present voting ayes (13-0).
Patrick J. O’Brian, Fulton County Clerk &
Ex-Officio Clerk of the Fulton County Board
C E R T I F I C A T I O N:
I, John Spangler, Chairman of the Fulton County Board, State of Illinois, do hereby certify that I have examined the record of the January 10, 2023 Regular Session of the County Board of Fulton County, Illinois and find the same to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, this day approve the same.
Witness this 14th day of February, 2023.
John Spangler
Fulton County Board Chairman
Signed FCB minutes Jan 10, 2023