December 13, 2022
Chairman John Spangler called the Regular Session, December 13, 2022, meeting to order at
6:35 p.m. in Courtroom 201 at the Fult
on County Courthouse in Lewistown, IL.
County Clerk Patrick J. O’Brian called the roll and found the following members present: Quorum was present. (Present-P; Absent-A)
James Barclay – P |
Daniel Kumer – P |
Lauren Southwood – P |
Barry Beck – P |
BJ McCullum – P |
John Spangler – P |
Stan Berry – P |
Joe Murphy – P |
Lisa Thompson – P |
Jared Heller – P |
Brian Platt – P |
David Widger – P |
Laura Hepp Kessel – P |
Ryan Sloan – P |
Karl Williams – P |
Elected/Appointed Officials Staci Mayall- Treasurer, Patrick O’Brian – County Clerk, Julie Russell – Supervisor of Assessment, Chris Helle – ESDA/ETSB Director, Jon Webb – Sheriff, Keith Munter – Fulton County Engineer
Staff – Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Administrative Assistant, Audra Miles – Comptroller
Guests – None
Media- John Froehling – Fulton Democrat
A. Regular Session – November 15, 2022
Member Berry moved to accept the minutes and place on file the special session November 15, 2022 minutes with a second from Member Thompson. Motion carried by roll call vote (14-0).
Member Beck moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Murphy. Motion carried by roll call vote (14-0).
A. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Fulton County Disaster Proclamation
Member Thompson moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Berry. Motion carried by roll call vote (14-0).
Name: Joe Schuab
Topic: Property Taxes
Mr. Schuab discussed the P- tax notice he received by mail from Fulton County. Mr. Schuab is concerned about the notice and stated his property value increased $9,000.00 from one year ago, a time when people are trying to make ends meet and inflation is so high and the county is assessing property at a higher value. Mr. Schaub stated he is aware every county can increase the percentage of taxation by 5% every year without having a truth and taxation meeting with the public. If this is the case Mr. Schaub stated the tax on his home increase $3,000.00 per year. Mr. Schaub stated a lot of people are outraged with the tax increase and this affects the hard working people of Fulton County that can hardly afford their current Property taxes.
Chairman Spangler suggested Mr. Schaub speak to the Assessor and file an appeal with the Board of Review.
Name: Cole McDaniel
Address: Canton, IL
Topic: Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development
Cole McDaniel Executive Director of Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development, introduced himself. Cole stated he has been with the Partnership since 2020. Cole will be back in January to give the Fulton County Board the 2022 Annual Report for SRPED.
Member Williams inquired about the Buckheart Solar Project for Fulton County and what taxes this will be generated for Fulton County. Cole stated the project is currently proposed for 800 megawatts and 8000 acres of property in Fulton County. The increase to the tax base for Fulton County is approximately $600 million.
The project over 30 years will have an estimated value of tax payments of approximately $120 million. The tax payments would be higher the first few years and would lower with depreciation. The state permit process is occurring and the plan and permits should be completed at end of January 2023, with more details known in early spring. Cole stated there is approximately 4000 acres in the levy district that is non-farm ground the company is trying to use. Buckheart Solar is currently waiting on IDR and FEMA to rezone the property in the flood plains in order for the permitting to take place. More information can be found at Buckheartsolar.com.
Member Murphy moved to approve the consent agenda with a second from Member Heller. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
Claims- Courts, Sheriff, Jail, Board of Review, Zoning, County Board, 4Q FY22 County Board Mileage & Per Diem, Miscellaneous, 4Q FY22 Wellness Benefit, Public Defender, Merit, Property, Supervisor of Assessments, ESDA, Animal Control, Highway, VAC, Clayberg, Camping & Recreation, Fulton County Public Transportation, ARPA
Reports- Animal Control, Treasurer, FCCRA POS Report, VAC, Zoning
Other Reports- Public Defender, State’s Attorney/Circuit Clerk, Sheriff, County Clerk
a. General Fund Transfer
b. Other Funds Transfers
c. General Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations
d. Other Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations
e. Trustee Parcels
f. Resolution: Appellate Prosecutor
a. Resolution HWY-23-001 – CAB, FAM, & CH 6 Mitigation
Treasurer Mayall reported for November 2022, County General expenditures were $960,048.23 and revenue was $1,066,013.45. The surplus for November 2022 is $3,769,406.87.
The PTAX was filed with the Department of Revenue in October.
Treasurer Mayall discussed the Cuba Bond issue and the Cuba School District did not receive enough funds to pay their bond payment in 2020. Fulton County loaned Cuba School District the funds to pay their bond payment. The Cuba School District repaid the loan to Fulton County in November 2022.
The Fulton County Audit will begin January 9, 2023.
Member Platt reported 2 cases of Covid at the Clayberg and there are currently 40 residents.
Three of the residents are private pay. The Health Committee approved a room rate increase at the Clayberg. The increase is due to the billing of Medicare. Medicare will not allow you to bill anyone more than you bill Medicare for rooms. The private room rate increased to $350.00 per day and the semi-private room rate is $250.00 per day.
Member Heller reported shoulder work and rock work are being done by the Highway Department.
Stark Excavating had the lowest bid for the bridge work to be done between Astoria and Ipava and the work will begin in the spring of 2023.
Member Williams reported the committee will be reviewing the MSD contract and the property taxes on the additional house on the campground property lease.
PRNEOPERTY & COURTS – Nothing to report
PERSONL/LEGISLATIVE – Nothing to report
a. Discussion/Action: ARPA funds
• Canton Union School District #66 – $30,000.00
Member Thompson discussed the request for $30,000.00 of ARPA Funds from the Canton Union School District #66. The funds will be used to renovate and upgrade the Multi-purpose room space and add a new greenhouse at the Canton High School.
Member Murphy inquired if the current greenhouse will be added to or replaced. Member Thompson stated the greenhouse will be replaced allowing more students to participate.
Member Thompson stated there are hundreds of thousands of dollars needed for projects the county needs done that have been put off due to lack of funding. Member Thompson stated there is approximately $400,000.00 of remaining ARPA Funds to use for these projects. Member Thompson stated the Canton Union High School has over $31 million in reserves and the currently FY23 budget shows a $2.1 million surplus in the budget.
Member Kessel stated for numerous other projects, Fulton County did not review financial documents before approving the projects, and this project should be considered.
Member Williams stated the county should be fair about the funds and give every school in the county a set amount of funds, and the schools would use the funds as they see fit.
Member Kessel moved to approve the Canton Union School District #66 request for $30,000.00 of ARPA Funds with a second from Member Beck. Motion failed by roll call vote (3-12) with Members Barclay, Beck, Berry, Heller, Kumer, McCullum, Platt, Southwood, Spangler, Thompson, Widger and Williams voting nay.
• ARPA Funds $395,742.00 Allocate to County Capital improvements
Member Thompson discussed the remaining ARPA Funds of $395,742.00 plus $30,000.00 from the Canton School project.
Member Kumer inquired if the remaining ARPA Funds are less the funds for the Spoon River Drive. Treasurer Mayall stated yes and this includes all the monies allocated to approved projects. The funds for Spoon River Drive were approved but have not been paid out at this time.
Member Thompson moved to approve the remaining ARPA Funds be moved to Capital improvement for the county with a second from Member Heller. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
• ARPA Interest Earnings
Member Thompson discussed the interest earned on the ARPA Funds could be transferred to the General Fund or kept to earn additional interest.
Member Kessel moved to approve the ARPA Funds interest be kept to continue to earn interest with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
a. Discussion/Action: Approval of Chairman Appointment of Committee Members
Chairman Spangler discussed board members are needed for the 377 Board. The 377 Board is for persons with developmental disabilities and the 708 Board is for persons who need mental health sevices. Chairman Spangler stated the county levies funds for both boards and the members of each committee help determine how the funds are used. The 708 Board meetings are quarterly the first Tuesday at 12:00pm. The 377 Board meetings quarterly on the 3rd Tuesday at 5:15pm.
Member Southwood agreed to be on the 708 Board and Member Berry agreed to be on the 377 Board.
A board member is needed for the WIRC Board and the meetings are quarterly at 5:00pm. Member Heller will confirm with his employer before accepting the position.
Member Murphy moved to approve the Committee lists for 2023 – 2024 with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
b. Discussion/Action: Approval of 2023 Committee Meeting Schedules
Member Spangler discussed the committee schedule for 2023 and asked if anyone has any changes to make.
Member Beck moved to approve the Committee meeting schedules for 2023 with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (15-0).
Chairman Spangler discussed the mailing of the monthly Fulton County Board packet and how board members would like to receive their packets. Board Members were asked to please let Cindy Simpson, Fulton County Board Administrative Assistant, know what their preference is by mail, electronic, or printed for board meeting night.
Chairman Spangler asked Supervisor of Assessment, Julie Russell, to provide information on the PTAX information that was mailed out.
Julie Russell discussed the PTAX for Mr. Schaub and the $9,000.00 increase that Mr. Schaub’s stated his taxes will go up in the public remarks this evening. Mr. Schaub’s taxes will not go up $9,000.00. This is the market value assessment of Mr. Schaub’s property that increased. Mr. Schaub’s tax will approximately increase by $300.00 this next year.
Russell stated the Assessment Office does not assess taxes, the office appraises value, and by Illinois State law, property is taxed at 33.3% of the market value. The exceptions to this is farmland and coal. The Assessment Office is statutorily bound by the State of Illinois to the 33.3% market value assessment. Russell stated the taxes went down in 2020. Russell discussed the increase is due to the housing market being so high currently. The factor for taxes is based on the prior 3 years of housing sales. Russell stated by state law she is required to raise the value of property of home owners, if this is not done by the Assessment office, the State of Illinois will raise the value by what is called an equalization factor. If the equalization factor is issued at the county level, the tax payers have the opportunity to file a complaint with the Board of Review. If the State of Illinois issues the equalization factor, citizens have forfeited the opportunity to file a complaint with the Board of Review. If the state issuing the equalization factor, the first time citizens would see the increase would be on their Property Tax bills. Russell stated the housing market is starting to stabilize as houses are on the market for weeks instead of minutes, and interest rates are increasing. Russell asked any Fulton County Board members that have questions to call her at the Assessment Office.
Time: 7:50pm
Member Kessel made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50pm with a second from Member Platt. The motion carried with all present voting ayes (15-0).
Patrick J. O’Brian, Fulton County Clerk &
Ex-Officio Clerk of the Fulton County Board
C E R T I F I C A T I O N:
I, John Spangler, Chairman of the Fulton County Board, State of Illinois, do hereby certify that I have examined the record of the December 13, 2022 Regular Session of the County Board of Fulton County, Illinois and find the same to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, this day approve the same.
Witness this 10th day of January, 2023.
John Spangler
Fulton County Board Chairman
Signed minutes FCB Dec 13, 2022 Approved Jan 2023