July 12, 2022
Chairman Roger P. Clark called the Regular Session, July 12, 2022, meeting to order at
6:30 p.m. in Courtroom 201 at the Fulton County Courthouse in Lewistown, IL.
County Clerk Patrick J. O’Brian called the roll and found the following members present: Quorum was present. (Present-P; Absent-A)
Cindy Arnett – P |
Vicki S. Hoke – P |
Brian Platt – P |
Barry Beck – P |
Donna Hudson – P |
John Spangler – P |
Stan Berry – P |
Laura Hepp Kessel – P |
John E. Taylor – A |
Steve Bohler – P |
Dan Kumer – P |
Lisa Thompson – P |
Roger Clark – P |
Nestor Madson – P |
Karl Williams – P |
Mary Deushane – P |
BJ McCullum – P |
Heidi Wilner – P |
Susan Duquenne – P |
Craig Medus – A |
Elected/Appointed Officials Staci Mayall- Treasurer, Patrick O’Brian – County Clerk, Julie Russell – Supervisor of Assessment, Charlene Markley – Circuit Clerk
Staff – Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Administrative Assistant, Audra Miles – Comptroller
Guests – Alec Messina – HepplerBroom LLC
Media- John Froehling – Fulton Democrat
A. Regular Session – June 14, 2022
Member Berry moved to accept the minutes and place on file the regular session June 14, 2022 minutes with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).
Member Spangler removed from the action agenda under Finance #1. ARPA Funds.
Member Spangler moved to approve the amended agenda with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).
A. Illinois Department of Veteran’s Affairs – Hours of operations
A. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Fulton County Disaster Proclamation
Member Madson moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Thompson. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).
B. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Connie Kucinski Retirement for the Circuit Clerk’s Office
Member Kumer moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Berry. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).
Name: Alec Messina
Topic: Heartland Co2 Pipeline
Address: Springfield, IL
Alec Messina of Heartland Greenway, is an Environmental Attorney for 23 years and is overseeing the Co2 pipeline project. Alec stated he understands there are a lot of questions about the project and what are the economic and environmental benefits are for Fulton County. He knows that questions such as how is Heartland going to be different from other developers versus other projects that have come before Heartland, and why is Heartland coming through Fulton County and is willing to answers any question.
Alec spoke with Chairman Clark about coming back to the next Fulton County Board meeting to give a broader discussion on the subject and to answer any questions and concerns.
The Heartland project is a pipeline project that will transport liquefied condensed Co2 from over 30 ethanol plants in the Midwest and 5 states to two sequestration sites in Eastern Illinois. This has significant benefits to the industry and the environment. There are a lot of important issues related to pipeline safety and land restoration.
Alec is here to help fill in some of the gaps and answer any question. Currently no paperwork has been filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission which would be the first formal steps in establishing the Co2 pipeline.
Member Williams inquired what is the economic upside to this pipeline. Alec stated Illinois is one of the states that does not tax pipeline. When Navigator developed this project, Navigator anticipated paying taxes and since the payment of taxes is not required, Navigator will pay the tax fees to landowners as part of the cost of the project. There will be short-term construction jobs for Fulton County for this project. Heartland will pay modest forms of payments for easements. There are two sites to sequester-one is near Decatur and the other at Hennepin is anticipated to bring other businesses to the areas.
In Hennepin, a low fuel jet fuel manufacturer is planning to relocate to the area and there is the potential for additional business relocating to the area.
Member McCullum inquired how often is eminent domain used. Alec stated it is not in the company’s interest to pursue eminent domain as this takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money. Alec discussed Navigator sees landowners that pool together as groups and hire a lawyer to negotiate the agreements with the pipeline.
Member Hudson inquired about the underground shaft mines that are not mapped in areas. As the land agents reach out to land owners it is hopeful this will be discovered.
Alec discussed the map on the web site is a broader outline than the pipeline will actually be.
Member Bohler moved to approve the consent agenda with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).
Claims- Sheriff, Jail, Zoning, County Board, Public Defender, Merit, Property, Supervisor of Assessments, ESDA, Animal Control, Highway, VAC, Clayberg, Camping & Recreation, Spay/Neuter Program, ARPA
Reports- Animal Control, Treasurer, FCCRA POS Report, VAC, Zoning
Other Reports- Public Defender, State’s Attorney/Circuit Clerk, Sheriff, County Clerk
a. Resolution: Rescind Appointment for Geoffrey Lasswell -Trustee – Astoria Fire Protection District
b. Resolution: Geoffrey Lasswell -Trustee Appointment – Astoria Fire Protection District
a. General Fund Transfer
i Resolution: $8,377.00 From: #001-015-510106 Salary – PT Zoning
To: #001-015-560200 Vehicle Maintenance
b. Other Funds Transfers
a. General Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations
i. Resolution: $2,251.00 From Unappropriated Funds in the General Fund to Salary- State’s Attorney, Line Item # 001-007-500107 and $2,026.00 From Unappropriated Funds in the General Fund To Salary- Public Defender, Line Item #001-022-500122
b. Other Fund Immediate Emergency Appropriations
i. Resolution: $16,440.00 Immediate Emergency Appropriation from Unappropriated Funds in the Zoning Vehicle Fund to line item #080-136-570100 Vehicle Purchase
c. 2022 Fulton County MTAD Redistricting Proposal
d. Resolution: Collect Real Estate Taxes from State Property
e. Trustee Parcels
a. Resolution: HWY22-005 Highway Building
Treasurer Mayall reported County General expenditures of $985,453.24 and revenue of $1,328,563.23. The surplus for June is $343,109.99. The current yearly surplus in County General is $2,449,094.72.
The Property tax distribution received by Fulton County is $51.9 million and $3.20 million has been distributed to the taxing bodies.
Mobile home tax bills have been mailed and the taxes are due September 2, 2022.
The sealed bid auction is going on currently and all bids need to be turned in by Friday, July 22, 2022.
Member Kessel reported no Covid at the Clayberg. Currently there are 40 residents at the Clayberg. The Clayberg will submit the bid for work being done at the August Board meeting.
Member Madson reported mowing is being done throughout Fulton County.
Culvert work is being done on County 15 and the road is closed.
Member Hudson inquired about the resolution for the Highway building. The Highway department is receiving $2,000,000.00 in ARPA funds and bonding for $1,500,000.00. Member Madson discussed the architect is drawing the building up to give an estimated cost for the new building. The final cost of the build is yet to be determined until the project is bid.
County Engineer Munter discussed the $2,000,000.00 is what the Finance Committee allotted from the ARPA funds and the remaining funds will need to be bonded. The repayment of the bond amount will be done through County Highway Tax levy. Munter discussed when the bids are received for the Highway building, the bids will be approved through the Fulton County Board. By having the bond ready, it will allow the Highway department the opportunity to move forward with the project. Munter stated last year the County Highway Tax levy was increased from .0756% to .1% that has not been received in the past. This allows the extra funds from the tax levy to be applied toward the bond repayment.
Member Williams inquired what the fall back plan is if the building comes in at $4,000,000.00. Munter stated the Fulton County Board will cross this bridge when it comes. The board can always reject the bids and ask for a revised plan for the building.
Treasurer Mayall stated this will be separated out and a Highway Bond Fund will be created for the bond. This is similar to what the Fulton County did for the Clayberg bond.
Member Berry inquired will the county roads suffer any maintenance with the money being used for the Highway Building bond. Munter discussed this is the first year for the extra levy funds being received and the extra funds are being set aside for the building bond.
Fulton County Engineer Munter stated the current building is so far beyond repair and needs to be replaced. It is truly a safety issue.
Member Hudson inquired if the office portion of the Highway building is being replaced too. Munter stated the entire building in coming down and a staging plan is in place. The Highway department will continue to maintain the county roads and continue to work out of the yard.
Member Deushane reported Sheriff Standard will donate the Crown Victoria car to the Canton Union High School Automotive Tech program for the 2022 – 2023 school year.
The campground is relocating 3 ½ boats dock and repairs are being done from the recent storms.
Member Arnett discussed Phillips and Associates are getting bids on several project.
1. Discussion/Action: Vacation, Sick Leave, Holiday Policy and Memorandum for At-Will Employees
Member Thompson discussed the policies on tonight’s agenda will complete the policy manual updates.
Member Spangler inquired how this differs from the old policies. Member Thompson stated the holiday policy aligns with the union contacts. This is documenting so the non-union employees have guidelines for the county policies. There are some differences from the union contracts. The sick time was changed
Chairman Clark discussed the sick time of 1680 hour that accumulated shall not be paid to non-union employees upon termination or resignation is not in the courthouse contract. Member Thompson stated that is correct it is not stated the same in all the union contracts.
Member Thompson discussed this is to help the county set guidelines from non-union employees as the county may not be aware of what was promised to non-union employees when they were hired. If employees hired prior to July 12, 2022 and have been promised something other than what is listed in the current sick or vacation policy, the Memorandum for At-Will Employees will need to be completed and turned into the Treasurer’s office no later than July 26, 2022.
This is a guideline for hiring any new non-union personnel and the county needs to treat all employees equally.
Chairman Clark inquired if the county is going to do this why doesn’t the county follow what is negotiated for the union contracts and put the “me too” clause in the contract for non-union employees. By doing this it would help with turnover in employees for non-union positions due to non-union employee’s moving to the union positions.
Member Thompson stated typically companies have non-union positions and have policies for non-union employees.
Member Berry stated some companies allow non-union employees to pay half dues to follow the union contract.
Member Thompson discussed this started when salary increases were discussed and some non-union employees were promised the same wages as the union contract for pay raises. The Finance committee put into place that nonunion employees do not follow union salary schedules. The Finance committee will set the non-union employees salaries and raises.
Member Madson inquired if the policy can be changed at any time. Member Thompson stated the policy can be changed.
Member Thompson moved to approve the Vacation, Sick Leave, Holiday Policy and Memorandum for At-Will Employees with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (12-6) with Members Berry, Clark, Deushane, Hoke, Kumer and Williams voting nay.
1. Discussion/Action: ARPA Funds Pulled
1. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Green Subdivision – Luann Grigsby
Member Bohler discussed the Green Subdivision off from West Hickory by Skateland in Canton, IL. The property owner is selling the house and buildings but will keep the farm ground to farm.
Member Thompson commented that Jackson Road on the plat should be marked as a public Right of Way. Member Thompson discussed this was not indicted on the plat.
Chairman Clark, County Clerk O’Brian and Supervisor of Assessment Julie Russell reviewed the plat. The plat has lot lines that stop at Jackson road and the public for the Right of Way this is indicated in the legend of the plat.
Member Thompson stated the public Right of Way should be marked on Jackson Road on the plat. Supervisor of Assessment Russell stated on the plat this shows the ingress and egress to access the roadway to the home via the public Right of Way. Russell stated it is not stamped on this plat but this is an existing roadway and is known as a public Right of Way. The stamping of Jackson Road as a public Right of Way would need to be amended by a resolution to the Plat Act.
Member Thompson stated the easement intersects the public right of way on Jackson Road and does not clearly show the Right of Way.
Member Bohler moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by roll call vote (17-1) with Member Thompson voting nay.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Real Estate Matters: 5ILCS 120/2(c)(5)
Member Kumer moved with a second from Member Madson to go into executive session at
7:43pm. The motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).
Member Bohler moved with a second from Member McCullum to return to open session at 8:13pm. The motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).
1. Discussion/Action: Recommendation for offer on Fred Palin Property (Old Dollar General)
Member Bohler moved to not pursue the purchase of the Fred Palin Property (Old Dollar General) with a second from Member Madson. Motion carried by roll call vote (14-4) with Members Beck, Berry, McCullum and Platt voting nay.
2. Discussion/Action: Updated Committee List
Chairman Clark discussed Member Wilner and Member Taylor have been removed from Community Development committee.
Member Kumer inquired to remove Tonya Holmes from the JAHIC committee and add Amber McKenzie.
Member Bohler moved to approve the updated Committee List with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (18-0).
Time: 8:26pm
Member Bohler made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:26pm with a second from Member Hudson. The motion carried with all present voting ayes (18-0).
Patrick J. O’Brian, Fulton County Clerk &
Ex-Officio Clerk of the Fulton County Board
C E R T I F I C A T I O N:
I, Roger P. Clark, Chairman of the Fulton County Board, State of Illinois, do hereby certify that I have examined the record of the July 12, 2022 Regular Session of the County Board of Fulton County, Illinois and find the same to be true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, this day approve the same.
Witness this 9th day of AUGUST, 2022.
Roger P. Clark
Fulton County Board Chairman
Signed FCB minutes July 12 2022