Fulton County Board- Special Finance & Insurance Committee Meeting Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone 309-547-0901-Fax 309-547-3326-email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Special Finance/Insurance Committee
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln St., Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 5:30 p m
Date: September 14, 2022
Call in number: 425-436-6352
Meeting code: 262 8269#
1. Call to Order
Time: 5:32pm
Barry Beck (present/xxxxxx)
Susan Duquenne (present/xxxxxx)
Laura Kessel (present/xxxxxx) – by phone
BJ McCullum (present/xxxxxx) by phone arrived at 5:36pm
John Spangler (present/xxxxxx)
Lisa Thompson (present/xxxxxx)
STAFF: Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Board Administrative Assistant, Audra Miles – Comptroller
ELECTED & APPOINTED OFFICIALS: Patrick O’Brian – County Clerk, Julie Russell – Supervisor of Assessment, Charlene Markley – Circuit Clerk, Jeff Standard –Sheriff
GUESTS: Deputy Vincent Porcaro
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum was present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda
Member Spangler moved 7. Budget item b to be on the agenda first.
Member Thompson moved to approve the amended agenda with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
4. Approval of Previous Minutes- August 24, 2022
Member Duquenne moved to approve the minutes from August 24, 2022 with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
5. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – None
6. Public Comments
Name: Lisa Thompson
Address: Canton, IL
Topic: Zoning
Lisa Thompson she would like to take the opportunity to discuss rumors regarding the Zoning Officer. Thompson stated the Zoning Officer does a very good job and Thompson is not looking to have the Zoning Officer dismissed or reduce her wages. Lisa Thompson stated the compensation time needs to be removed from the Zoning Officer’s employment agreement and stated she has discussed this with the Zoning Officer. Thompson stated if anyone has questions she would be willing to share her views and opinions.
7. Budget
a. Discussion/Action: Officer Body Camera Mandate
Sheriff Standard discussed the State of Illinois passing the SAFE-T Act that will mandate all police officers in the State of Illinois wear a body camera effective in 2025. There may be grants for this equipment but currently the grants are not available to apply for. With the increaing cost of body cameras, it may be to the advantage of the County to purchase the cameras now versus later. The grants can always be applied for and the county can look at reimbursement.
Sheriff Standard introduced Deputy Porcaro who has been an officer for 3-years with Fulton County. Officer Parcaro asked Sheriff Standard if he could take the lead on obtaining the information on the body cameras for Fulton County.
Sheriff Standard stated currently, if any violation is not on video, the individual will likely not be prosecuted. It is the officer’s word against the individual and the States Attorney will attest to this taking place.
Officer Porcaro discussed the need is for 23 body cameras and 17 patrol vehicle cameras for Fulton County.
The implementation of a cloud based evidence management system is an industry standard and would minimize the cost of maintenance in house.
Officer Porcaro discussed with upcoming legislation makes video evidence mandatory as the officers’ testimony is not evidence and does not stand up in court. The current rate of prosecution for DUI and probable cause for traffic stops is zero due to video evidence not being available.
Officer Porcaro discussed the two vendors evaluated were; Axon and Motorola. Both of the vendors conform to Illinois law.
Axon’s cost is $344,000.00 for 17 vehicle cameras and 23 body cameras; this includes a cloud based evidence management system to hold the videos. The cloud based system eliminates the need for an in house server and the server cost. Axon does not have any maintenance costs and installation is included.
After 2 ½ years and at 5 years of use all new body cameras are replaced by Axon for no additional cost. The same applies for the vehicle cameras. In 5 years, all new cameras are provided and the old equipment is retained and includes 17 cradle point routers. Currently the Sheriff’s department has Verizon jet pack for internet service in the squad cars and this works for now, but to handle the amount of data for the new body cameras, the jet packs will crash. The Axon cameras for the patrol vehicles are very intuitive and will read license plates and convey to the officer if the car is stolen, has a suspended or revoked license, if the registered owner is wanted on a felony warrant.
Currently, there is not a way to shield deputies from being falsely accused of wrong doings.
Deputy Porcaro spoke with other law enforcement agencies and received great reviews of the Axon equipment. The equipment does have licensing fee and for 23 units includes a 5-year warranty. Redaction assistant is included and blurs people’s faces automatically with very few adjustments needed. The Sheriff’s department would not need to give things to the States Attorney, as a States Attorney portal is included in the price.
Motorola’s cost is $269,000 and offers essentially the same; 23 body cameras, no new in vehicle cameras. The in vehicle camera cost is $12,000.00 versus Axon of $1,800.00. Motorola has the same redaction equipment and States Attorney portal. The Motorola user fees are much higher than Axon. Deputy Porcaro stated if the county goes with Axon there is a greater upfront charge but at the end of 25 years there is a substantial savings to the county for the equipment charges. The user fees for Motorola are exorbitant compared to Axon.
Axon does a great job on audio and eliminates back ground noises.
Deputy Parcaro discussed grants are reimbursement grants. The FY2023 grants are not available at this time and there is no guarantee that the county would receive the grant.
Sheriff Standard could not answer any questions regarding pending or upcoming grants that might be available for the next administration.
Sheriff Standard discussed FOIA requests are very high. The amount of time spent on FOIA requests is exorbitant and the amount of time savings on this program is incredible.
The Motorola equipment requires an in house computer that would cost approximately $5,000.00 to redact information.
Sheriff Standard discussed the body cameras will be required by law in 2025 and if Fulton County waits to purchase this equipment, the cost could increase by 25%.
Member Spangler inquired if the $344,000,000 would need to be upfront and would there be a discount or could the payments be split up over 5 years. Deputy Parcaro will contact Axon for the information.
Deputy Porcaro stated Motorola equipment is increasing 12% in October 2022.
Sheriff Standard confirmed with the Finance Committee, Deputy Porcaro will obtain the information on the best price possible to purchase the cameras and check the price to include a 2-year storage plan.
b. Discussion/Action: FY23 Budget
Member Spangler discussed adding $200,000.00 to the FY23 Sheriff’s budget under equipment.
Member Spangler discussed non-union salaries raises of 2% for everyone and to calculate 2% union raises to have a starting point for the budget.
There are a few employees that will be below minimum wage starting January 1, 2023 and their wages will need to be adjusted.
Miles inquired about 3 confidential non-union employees and if these employees will follow the union pay scale and step raises.
Member McCullum inquired if these employees are truly confidential employees or what the Finance Committee classified as confidential employees. Member Thompson stated States Attorney Jochums confirmed the judge’s Administrative Assistant and the Fulton County Board full time and part time Administrative Assistants are confidential employees. The judge’s Administrative Assistant is a grade 4 job and the Fulton County Board full time and part time Administrative Assistants are grade 3 jobs. Comptroller Miles inquired if this is a one-time pay raise or will the confidential employees continue to follow the union pay scale and step raises. Member Thompson stated these employees cannot join
the union and should follow the union pay scale and step raises. Member Thompson suggested a resolution for the confidential Administrative Assistants to follow the grade 3 pay scale and any employee that is above this pay scale is grandfathered at the current pay scale. New hires will follow a grade 3. Member Kessel inquired what union employees pay for union dues. Treasurer Mayall stated the dues are $24.60 per pay period.
Member Thompson discussed there are two additional non-union Administrative Assistants in the Public Defender’s office that pay needs to be determined in the Public Defender’s Office. Treasurer Mayall discussed if the two employees join the union this would need to be negotiated during the union contract negotiations.
The kennel assistants pay needs to be increased to at least $13.00 per hour starting January 1, 2023. Member Thompson discussed union minimum wage is a salary grade 1 and is $14.23 per hour. Member Thompson suggested taking the kennel assistants to $14.23 and every year increase the salary according to the unions scale for a grade 1 salary. This will ensure the kennel assistants are above minimum wage.
Sheriff Standard stated he is having a hard time finding people to work that are reliable for these positions. A person could work at a gas station and not clean kennels for the same wage or higher.
Sheriff Standard discussed the guards at the court house security positions.
A guard has worked 20 years and makes the same as a guard just starting in the same position.
Member Thompson discussed a longevity bonus for years of service and is a one-time bonus.
The current guard pay scale is $16.22 per hour with a 2% pay raise and a one- time longevity bonus. The longevity bonus is given for courthouse security after 5 – 9 years of service of $300.00, 10 –14 years of service $400.00, 15 –19 years of service $500.00 and 20 years or more of service $600.00 will be awarded. The longevity bonuses apply to court house non-union security and kennel assistants.
Member Spangler discussed the Circuit Clerk salary. The current salary for the Circuit Clerk is $63,001.00 and 2% and a salary adjustment of $1,479.00 this would be in line with the other elected officials, and would make the salary $65,740.00.
The current Assessor’s salary is $64,000.00 plus 2% and an adjustment of $460.00 the salary would $65,740.00. Member Thompson discussed the difference in salary from an Elected official is a difference $8,700.00 in sick and vacation benefits.
The Supervisor of Assessment, Julie Russell stated that Elected officials can come and go as they please. In accordance to the Assessment contract,
there are specific hours stated on the agreement to be worked. There are other benefits that the Supervisor of Assessment does not receive, such as compensation time, no vehicle to drive to and from work, and sick and vacation time that is not taken is not paid out. Russell stated she has taken on additional duties outside the Assessment job description without compensation for the last 2 years. The Supervisor of Assessment stated the position can be an elected position by putting a referendum on the ballot or the position can remain appointed.
The Assessor will provide a new letter with the corrected amounts to the Finance committee.
The Zoning officer salary will be increased 2%.
Member Spangler discussed the Assistant Public Defender’s current salary is $52,000.00. Member Spangler discussed a $5,000.00 raise. Member Kessel discussed increasing the salary $3,000.00 to $55,000.00 for FY23. Member Thompson discussed this needs a 2% increase and a salary adjustment.
The Assistant States Attorneys raise will be 2%.
Comptroller Miles discussed the ESDA Director is being paid a salary and the ESDA director does not know if he is exempt. Miles stated there are federal labor regulations for an exempt employee that need to be followed. Miles stated there is a minimum pay that exempt employees get paid a week of $640.00 regardless if an employee is full time or part time. The ESDA Director is also paid from ETSB and this is not Fulton County. A Labor Attorney need be consulted regarding the salary for the ESDA Director.
Treasurer Mayall stated there is another employee that is considered salary but does not meet the minimum threshold for the salary.
Member Spangler discussed a 2% raise for the ESDA Director and discuss the issues and questions with the Labor Attorney to make any adjustments needed.
Miles discussed the VAC budget and in effective in January 2023 there is legislation that removes the County Board authority from funding and any pay scale changes. This will be solely up to the VAC Board on what their employees are paid. This would remove oversight from claims and the budget very similar to ETSB. The funds would still go through the county’s accounts. Miles stated in the past the VAC has followed the non-union courthouse raise.
Member Spangler discussed the Comptroller salary is paid from funds 19 and 78 for a total salary of $59,416.00. A 2% raise was decided.
Comptroller Miles discussed the Sheriff’s deputy salary for Astoria. Currently Astoria will not have a full time deputy and will cause a gap in the budget. Sheriff Standard discussed back in June, Astoria sent a letter indicating they will not renew the contract for a deputy to patrol the Astoria area for 40 hours a week. Sheriff Standard stated currently there is a contract with Cuba for a deputy. The deputy’s salary needs to be put in the Sheriff’s budget. If this is not done, the position will be eliminated. The salary for the officer is approximately $55,000.00. Member Spangler discussed Fulton County is a big county to cover for 3 officers.
Miles discussed the proposed raise for the assistant at the campground of $7,500.00 to $17,500.00. Currently the campground assistant is paid a salary and Superintendent Young wants to make the assistant full time. The position is currently listed in the courthouse contract as a union position and the position should have a wage rate and a minimum and maximum number of hours that can be worked weekly. The current wage is $15.88 per hour and if the campground assistant is working 35 hours that is approximately $28,000.00 per year.
Member Spangler inquired what the current salary is for the assistant. Miles stated the salary is $7,500.00 per year.
Member Spangler discussed a 2% raise for the Campground assistant. Treasurer Mayall stated this should be an hourly paid position.
Comptroller Miles discussed this would affect the campground budget and Superintendent Young would need to adjust the campground budget.
Member Thompson stated the position is a union position and the Finance committee needs to set a maximum number of hours that can be worked by the Campground Assistant.
Member Beck inquired what this position does. Treasurer Mayall stated the assistant is doing book work for the Campground.
Member Kessel discussed the Labor Attorney needs to weigh in on the question of hours worked, and how will this affect the salary and benefits with the county and working for a spouse. This will protect the county’s interests. Treasurer Mayall stated IMRF is effective after a 1000 hours are worked.
Comptroller Miles discussed the Sheriff’s budget and the increased cost for vehicles is reflected in the vehicle purchase line item.
Sheriff Standard discussed the new vehicle price list and the vehicles’ cost increased $7,000.00 each. The other change to purchasing cars is a purchase order is needed. The last truck cost $26,500.00 and took a year to receive the vehicle. The budget needs to be increased to $145,000.00 for the new vehicles purchase.
Sheriff Standard discussed the fuel estimate of $5.00 may be a little excessive with the current cost of fuel at $4.00 per gallon. The cost of fuel is anyone’s guess.
Sheriff Standard discussed there have been meetings regarding the Jail meals with the Director of Clayberg and the kitchen manager. This cost was exceptionally higher and the meals were estimated to cost $20.00 per day. With the new SAFE -T Act going into effect January 1, 2023, the population at the Jail will be unknown. An RFP will be done with the options of two hot meals and one cold meal and a second option is, two cold meals and one hot meal. Sheriff Standard will send the RFP out.
Member Kessel stated the food containers are hard to obtain and very costly and attributed that to some of the cost. The distributors of food products are harder to find to meet the needs of the facility.
Member Kessel stated the Clayberg will recalculate the cost of the Jail meals. Sheriff Standard stated with the Clayberg being a county entity, they should do the meals for the county but the facility should still make a profit.
Member Kessel stated maybe the weekend meals could alternate to two cold and one hot to help cut costs.
Member Spangler inquired if the normal jail population is down and asked if in January will Federal prisoners be housed at the Fulton County Jail. Sheriff Standard stated the new administration will look at housing Federal prisoners after January depending on what occurs with the SAFE -T law.
Comptroller Miles stated the Court Services budget was received and this is a lump sum that is paid for probation services and the revenue was adjusted but there may be additional changes.
A $77,000.00 rebate will be received this month but rebates for FY23 amounts are not known by the county.
The Property Committee requested a few changes to the Property budget, added $5,000.00 to contractual labor totaling $20,000.00, added $5,000.00 to utilities for the courthouse. The Finance committee provided funds for Capital Improvement fund of $250,000.00 and the Property Committee reallocated funds from repairs and maintenance of $65,000.00 and moved the funds to Capital Improvement to total $315,000.00 for FY23.
Miles discussed the bond for election equipment and when the first payment will be due. Typically, when the bond is issued the payment is due in 1 year. Depending on the bond issuance date, the payment could be due in FY23 or FY24.
The Animal Population Control Fund, the revenue has been updated and the expenditure amount needs to be determined. Currently, the expenditures balance is $1,044.75. The Finance committee discussed and the expenditures will remain at $14,500.00 for FY23.
The Child Advocacy fund will remain the same at $500.00 for FY23.
Miles discussed the Property Committee has discussed the purchase of the old Dollar General property. Member Spangler discussed to remove this from the FY23 budget.
Comptroller Miles inquired for Other Funds, will the county motor fuel budget be added to the FY23 budget. Member Kessel discussed the Finance committee wanted the county motor fuel budget added.
Member Spangler discussed the funding for SRPED (Spoon River Partnership for Economic Development) and the current funding is $10,000.00. Member Spangler proposed increasing the funds to $60,000.00. Cole McDaniel is potentially looking to add another person in the office.
Member Kessel discussed the Health Department for FY22 paid the admin fee increase of $11.25 per employee per month. The Health Department now incurs their cost of the Audit of $7,000.00 per year. The FY23 budget for the Health Department now includes HRA of $48,600.00.
The next Special Finance meeting will be on September 29, 2022 at 5:30pm.
8. Executive Session: None
9. Misc. None
10. Adjournment
Time: 8:22pm
Member Duquenne moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:22pm with a second from Member Kessel. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
Minutes Special F&I Sept 14 2022