Fulton County Board- Special Finance & Insurance Committee Meeting Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone 309-547-0901-Fax 309-547-3326-email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Special Finance/Insurance Committee
Meeting Place: SIU/Graham Learning Lab, EP Coleman Building, 175 S. Main St. Canton, IL 61520
Time: 5:30 p m
Date: January 25, 2022
Call in number: 602-580-9399
Meeting code: 7933 753#
A Mask is required to attend this meeting in person.
1. Call to Order
Time: 5:32pm
Barry Beck (present/xxxxxx)
Susan Duquenne (present/xxxxxx)
Laura Kessel (present/xxxxxx)
BJ McCullum (xxxxxx/absent)
John Spangler (present/xxxxxx)
Lisa Thompson (present/xxxxxx)
STAFF: Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Board Administrative Assistant,
ELECTED & APPOINTED OFFICIALS: Staci Mayall-Treasurer, Patrick O’Brian – County Clerk, Keith Munter – Fulton County Engineer, Jeff Standard – Sheriff, Katie Lynn – Health Department Administrator, Chris Helle – ESDA /ETSB Director
GUESTS: Rod Lynch
Media: None
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum was present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda
Member Thompson moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Kessel. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
4. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – None
5. Public Comments
Name: Trudy Williams
Address: Canton
Topic: ARPA Funds
Trudy Williams discussed from Mid-March to May 2020 employees at the courthouse worked rotating weeks in and out of the courthouse. The employees that rotated out of the office were on standby to work every day if called in due to Covid. This was at a time when Covid was unknown and the quarantine time was 10days. Most employees could not work from home and by rotating employees this was a way to have continued services at the courthouse. The county was reimbursed from CURES funds. Trudy quoted board Member Duquenne from the last Finance meeting “In harm’s way”. The union’s position has been for the last two years of Covid that all staff have been in harm’s way. The employees of Fulton County are serving all the residents of Fulton County and are still providing services that were provided pre-Covid. It is Williams’ understanding that ARPA funds are intended to be used for Covid related expenses and ARPA funds have been used in other counties to give bonuses to employees and all employees should be awarded a bonus. It is up to the Finance committee to recognize and acknowledge the work and the risk under taken by the men and women of the Sheriff’s office, and all county employees. An MOU could be drawn up and agreed upon with the recommendation from the Finance Committee and sent to the Fulton County Board for approval. It is difficult to find people to work in a facility 24/7 and more difficult to find individuals that want to become a police officer. The MOU would assure the county can retain its’ presents employees and be more attractive to potential employees.
6. Claims
a. Discussion/Action: Claims
Member Thompson moved to approve the claims with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
7. Old Business
a. Discussion/Action: ARPA Funds
Member Spangler discussed the ARPA Funds and the Standard Revenue allowance to use the funds.
Member Thompson moved to approve to use the ARPA Funds as Standard Revenue allowance with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
Member Spangler discussed what percentage of the ARPA funds the Finance committee wants to use for community projects and what amount toward capital repairs. The projects need to be determined and vetted for eligibility.
Member Duquenne inquired if the original list of uses for the ARPA funds is available for review. Member Spangler discussed several members of the committee will present at the Finance meeting that would like assistance from Fulton County for uses of the ARPA Funds.
Craig McCoy, President of the Fulton County Fair Board, discussed two years ago the Fulton County Fair was canceled due to COVID. Mr. McCoy provided a hand out with information regarding the Fulton County Fair’s losses of $191,887.28. This is the amount after the expenses are taken out. The amount funds that go back into the county due to the Fulton County Fair is approximately $312,272.39. The Fulton County Fairgrounds is in Lewistown Township, not in the City of Lewistown. The Fulton County Fair is 141 years old and some of the current structures were built when the fair was started. The three big items the Fulton County Fair is looking for assistance with is a new restroom costing of $267,000.00, 4H food stand needs exhaust fans and a new air conditioner costing $12,030.00 and fans for the livestock buildings $13,000.00. McCoy stated one local bank in Lewistown added an additional $28,000.00 in funds to the ATM during the Fulton County Fair week. This is just one bank of four banks in Lewistown.
McCoy discussed the Fulton County Fair grounds are used for numerous events throughout the year; 4th of July Chamber of Commerce, FFA tractor pulls, weddings, three livestock show, two truck Boggs, and food hand out for Covid. Mr. McCoy stated any help the county could provide for the Fulton County Fair would be greatly appreciated and is needed in the community.
Sheriff’s office:
Sheriff Standard discussed a proposal to use ARPA funds for Courthouse security. The proposal is a 30 button wireless security system with panic buttons throughout the courthouse. The cost is approximately $8,500.00.
Tyler Technologies electronic citation and electronic crash reporting. This project would allow deputies to file citation and crash reports electronically from their squad cars. The reports would be sent directly to the Circuit Clerk’s office. The cost for this system is mainly for software and licensing. Sheriff Standard indicated the State of Illinois is moving away from paper crash reports. The cost of the project is projected at $52,985.00 with recurring fees of $7,015.00.
Storage building and garage for the Sheriff’s office:
Sheriff Standard proposed to remove the green house beside the Jail. In 2015 the cost to remove the house was approximately $298,000.00. The sheriff is working on a jail grant for the demolition of the building for $150,000.00. The jail grant would help offset the funds needed from ARPA funds for storage and a garage. The approximate cost would be $325,000.00
The Sheriff’s staff did not have the option to work from home and be compensated during Covid in 2020.
Chris Helle, Director ETSB & ESDA:
Chris Helle submitted a proposal for a Ford F150 Supercrew 4WD. The vehicle would replace a 2012 Dodge Charger. The vehicle would be used to move large supplies of PPE. The truck would be used to pull the ESDA trailer which is used for Covid testing and vaccinations. The truck could also be used to transport staff or medical personnel during an emergency or weather related issues.
Keith Munter, Fulton County Engineer discussed the Highway Department facilities are in need of replacement. Currently there are 14 employees that work at the facility. The Highway department maintains 226 miles of roadways and 50 bridges in Fulton County. The current building used to be a spark plug factory and the building was repurposed for the Highway building.
There are issues with black mold throughout the facility, falling ceiling tiles, rotted wood and exterior unsound brick walls and this is a safety concern for all that work at the building.
Currently, the salt storage shed can only hold enough materials to fill one round of salt for the Highway Department trucks. This compromises the roads in Fulton County during the winter for all citizens. Munter received an updated quote in November of 2021 for a new Highway building of approximately $2.7million. This is without the salt storage building.
Member Thompson asked for the plans and specification on the building. Munter stated the preliminary plans could be sent out to the committee.
There could be a price fluctuation due to the price of steel and this would be a 2023 project. The office area of this project would be 30 by 30 feet.
The Clayberg; Request $300,000.00 for insulation.
Member Thompson discussed the Courthouse needs work on the air conditioner, bell tower, windows, back stairs and the air handler.
Member Spangler discussed the Ellisville Opera house that needs an elevator or lift to the second floor.
The Health Department asked for funds for employees, roof project $600,490.00, HVAC system $1,045,000.00 and the parking lot repaving $490,000.00.
The Finance Committee discussed their numerous project that need to be decided on.
A few of the items discussed was $1millon to replace public safety employees’ payroll expenses. This was before the loss revenue calculation $1million for Broadband, EMA asked for a new ambulance and upgrade to the HVAC system in the Ipava EMA building for $267,000.00. Small business grants with SRPED for $750,000.00, City of Bryant storm water project for $300,000.00. Jail upgrades around $250,000.00, Spoon River Scenic Drive $80,000.00, City of Farmington Township Lake amount to be determined from the engineer, and Clayberg ventilation work approximate cost of $303,000.00, and other ventilation work for other county buildings, cost to be determined, Sheriff to attest to salaries for Jailer and staff for FY21/22, Highway building and the Circuit Clerk $100,000.00 for new software. To date, the ARPA funds that have been spent are $145,342.48. The interest earned overall for Fulton County is about $10,000.00.
Member Spangler discussed the small business grants that SRPED will manage for Fulton County the amount was approved but the business plan needs to be approved. Member Spangler inquired if the committee wants to move the small business grants to the board. Cole McDaniel will present the grant requirements to the Finance committee on February 8, 2022.
Member Spangler discussed the Finance committee needs to decide the amount of ARPA funds that will be spent within the Fulton County and what amount will be spent with in the community based projects.
Member Kessel discussed that $2million is too much to put on one specific project. The building for the Highway department is needed but the county should not put all the funds into one project.
Keith Munter discussed the Highway levy funds will be $125,000.00 per year and currently the county can only do a 20-year bond and with a $1millon down payment. This would make the annual payment of $121,000.00. This would still allow the Highway department to purchase the materials.
Member Kessel would like to see more funds used toward county projects. Member Thompson discussed there is a long list of repairs to county buildings and projects. Member Duquenne discussed getting the total percentage of community projects and base the amount on the calculation.
Member Kessel suggested doing 1/3 for community projects and 2/3 for county projects using the ARPA funds. The Finance committee discussed this would be a good start.
Member Duquenne inquired about hazard pay or bonus pay for county employees and how many employees were impacted and what county employees would receive the hazard pay.
Member Spangler stated all of the courthouse employee have had time off in 2020 and have been paid. This has amounted to a very substantial amount of money. Most departments were working staff every other week for 10 weeks to allow services to continue at the courthouse.
The sheriff’s employees and the health department has not received any hazard or bonus pay. The Health department was closed to the public during 2020 due to Covid.
Member Duquenne discussed you can’t just choose part of the employees at the courthouse and part of the employees at the Clayberg to give extra pay to. The Finance Committee discussed how to give the hazard pay and make it fair to all employees.
Member Thompson discussed the purpose of the money for hazard pay is to compensate low wage workers and the risks the employees took to provide services. There were so many people that scarified during the pandemic to provide services that were on the job and had to be at work and received low wages.
If the county is giving money to government workers for being an essential worker, money should be set aside for low income workers that provided essential work for Fulton County.
Member Spangler discussed it will be very difficult to decide who will receive the essential pay premium. Member Duquenne discussed there has been so much suffering during the pandemic.
Treasurer Mayall stated the Clayberg received funding for hazard pay from the government and were awarded money to pay employees for working during Covid. The Sheriff’s office was not awarded any hazard pay and were deemed essential workers.
Member Kessel inquired how many employees the county has. Treasurer Mayall stated the county has 200 or so employees.
Sheriff Standard stated the sheriff’s office had 44 or 45 people with no time off during Covid.
Member Spangler suggested paying the Sheriff employees $3,000.00.
Sheriff Standard inquired is this bonus from March 2020 to January 2022 or what is the time line for the bonuses.
Keith Munter, Fulton County Engineer stated there would need to be some drafted criteria for the hazard pay. Employees will inquire why one employee got pay and another did not.
Trudy Williams discussed the union employees at the courthouse during the March 2020 to May 2020. Williams stated there are four people that work in the States Attorney’s office. States Attorney Jochums discussed with employees that everyone in the office will need to rotate in and out of the office because if someone is exposed to Covid this would have the entire office quarantined for ten days and the office would be closed. If the States Attorney’s office is closed it would not matter what was processed at the Sheriff’s office, because nothing would be processed from the States Attorney’s office. Williams stated the courthouse employees are being penalized for working with the county in keeping county offices and services open during Covid and the county was reimbursed from CURES.
Member Beck suggested some guidelines need to be established for the bonus pay or hazard pay.
8. Executive Session: – None
9. Misc. – None
10. Adjournment
Time: 7:28pm
Member Kessel moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:28pm with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0) with Member Thompson not present to vote.
Minutes F&I Jan 25 2022