Fulton County Board Committee Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542 Phone 309-547-0901 Fax 309-547-3326-email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Property & Courts
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln St., Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 5:45pm
Date: November 1, 2022
Call in number: 1-701-802-5102
Meeting code: 752 2228
1. Call to Order
Time: 5:45pm
Cindy Arnett (present/xxxxxx)
Stan Berry (xxxxxx/absent)
Nestor Madson (present/xxxxxx)
Brian Platt (present/xxxxxx) arrived 5:48pm
Heidi Wilner (xxxxxx/absent)
Dan Kumer (present/xxxxxx)
Other Board Members: Roger Clark
Elected & Appointed Officials: None
Staff: Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Board Administrative Assistant
Guests: Bill Phillips – Graham and Hyde Architects, Inc
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda
Member Arnett moved old business after public remarks.
Member Madson moved to approve the amended agenda with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
4. Approval of Previous Minutes from October 4, 2022
Member Madson moved to approve the minutes from October 4, 2022 with a second from Member Arnett. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
5. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – None
6. Public Remarks – None
7. Old Business
a. Discussion/Action: Property repairs
Bill Phillips reported he has not marked the floors tiles in the Circuit Clerk and Treasurers offices for the asbestos removal. The committee would like to review the amount of work to be done prior to the project being started.
Member Arnett inquired if the bid has been received for the men’s and women’s restrooms projects in the courthouse. Bill stated the bids are being worked on and will be sent for winter work project.
The bell tower bid is being worked on and will be sent out for bids for spring or summer work.
b. Discussion/Action: ARPA funds
Member Arnett discussed she provided a list of projects to Member Spangler, the Finance Chairman for possible ARPA projects for the Fulton County Courthouse.
c. Discussion/Action: Air Conditioner bids
Bill Phillips discussed three air conditioner bids were received by Graham and Hyde. The lowest bid was Spoon River Mechanical at $92,930.00. Once approved by the Fulton County Board, the work will begin in the spring of 2023.
Member Madson inquired what the difference in the bids were. Bill stated there was not difference in the services being provided. Bill stated projects can be rebid but the Property committee should expect the bid to come in higher. Bill discussed the reasons for the bid being the cost it is. The air conditioner unit to be installed is a 20 ton outside unit with two inside units and new controls that are necessary for a project of this size.
Member Madson stated he received a call from one of the Montefusco foremen, who is in the sheet workers union. There are 47 sheet worker members in Fulton County and there are a substantial number of building trades people that work in Fulton County. The foreman inquired about getting some of the work being bid for projects. Bill stated the lowest bid is taken unless the bid excludes specific conditions stated in the RFP.
Bill stated a similar thing happened a few years ago where Fulton County accepted the number two bid and the lowest bid threatened a law suit with the County. Bill stated the prevailing wage will have to be paid by Spoon River Mechanical for this job.
Member Kumer moved to approve the Air Conditioner bid of $92,930.00 for Spoon River Mechanical with a second from Member Platt. Motion carried by roll call vote (3-1) with Member Madson voting nay.
8. Claims
a. Discussion/Action: Claims
Member Madson moved to approve the claims with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
9. New Business – None
10. Declaration of Surplus Property – None
11. Executive Session: – None
12. Misc.
Member Arnett discussed the WIRC Board she was appointed to be a member of. The WIRC Board at the last meeting voted to rewrite their bylaws to allow one citizen and one Fulton County Board member to be on the WIRC Board.
13. Adjournment
Time: 6:00pm
Member Kumer moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:00pm with a second from Member Platt. Motion carried by roll call vote (4-0).
Minutes Property Courts Nov 1 2022