Fulton County Board – Health Committee Meeting Minutes
Committee: Health
Meeting Place: Jane Boyd Building, 260 W Lincoln St, Lewistown, IL
Time: 5:30 PM
Date: Wednesday, July 5, 2023,
1. Call to Order: 5:30 p.m.
2. Roll Call: Brian Platt, Barry Beck, James Barclay, Lisa Thompson. Also present Tammie Denning, Administrator and Diana Keime, BOM.
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Meeting Agenda: Approve Meritt bill from last month’s meeting.
4. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – All Health Facilities: None.
5. Public Remarks: Kristine Haynes – Reasons the Clayberg should not be sold or leased! Top quality care, positive attitudes, bright and caring atmosphere.
a. Members of the Public who wish to address the Board must provide the Chairperson with prior written notice of their intent to speak. The written notice shall identify the name and address of the speaker, as well as a short statement indicating the speaker’s topic. Each citizen is limited to five (5) minutes. Citizen’s remarks shall not exceed 30 minutes per meeting.
6. Review of Minutes from Previous Month’s Meetings: Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes 2nd by Beck. All in favor, motion carried.
7. Claims/Review of Accounts’ Payable Items – All Health Facilities Discussion/Action: Thompson made a motion to approve payment of Merritt construction bill from last month, 2nd by Beck. All in favor, motion carried. Beck made a motion to approve the bills presented, 2nd by Barclay. All in favor, motion carried.
8. Transfer of Funds – All Health Facilities – None
9. Immediate Emergency Appropriations – All Health Facilities: None
10. Resolutions for Board Meeting – All Health Facilities: None
11. Old Business
a. Discussion/Action: Financial Update – Previous Month’s Facility Data Review
i. Admissions/Census (Clayberg) 6/1/30 census 41; 4 admits, 1 discharge and 1 death.
ii. Accounts’ Receivable/Aging (Clayberg) reviewed open payors.
iii. Facility Operational Status Updates (Clayberg)
b. Discussion/Action: Facility Capital Improvement Projects
i. Shower Room – Project update: complete, waiting on temporary approval to use. Will then start work on next shower room.
c. Discussion/Action: Resident Monitoring System update: no update, Brian will contact again for an update.
12. New Business: None
13. Miscellaneous: Staffing notice from IDPH. Administrator to prepare a plan of correction, which will refute the issues stated in the report. The Committee would like a total number of signatures on petitions for the next meeting. Find old Clayberg web pages and send information to Cindy, website should direct all Clayberg pages to the new website. Report findings at next meeting.
14. Adjournment: 5:20 pm. Thompson made a motion to adjourn, 2nd by Barclay. All in favor, motion carried.
15. Next Health Committee Meeting: August 1, 2023 – 5:30 p.m. Jane Boyd Building, 260 W Lincoln., Lewistown, IL