Mr. Spangler called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. at the Fulton County Highway Department, Canton, IL.
Call in number for the Committee Meeting 1-720-843-2906, meeting password – 1886497
Committee: Quorum Present – Murphy, Williams, Spangler; Excused – Berry, Heller
Staff: Keith Munter, County Engineer; Thomas Howe, Assistant County Engineer; Amber McKenzie, Executive Assistant
Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – None
Call for Additions/Deletions to and Approval of the Agenda
Mr. Williams made a motion with a second by Mr. Murphy to approve the agenda. Motion carried by voice vote with all
Public Comments – None
Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
A motion was made by Mr. Murphy and a second by Mr. Williams to approve the minutes from 1-3-24. Motion carried
by voice vote with all ayes.
County Engineer’s Report
• Maintenance – Snow/Ice Removal, Rock Application, Grading, Pothole Patching
• New Building Update – Mr. Munter gave a brief overview of the building progress. Construction
start date will begin March 4, 2024. CEJA reimbursements are further being discussed with Mr.
Cole McDaniel.
Consent Agenda Items
a. Claims
b. Hwy 24-003 – Resolution for Replacement of 029-9908 {Pleasant Township)
c. Hwy 24-004 – Ordinance to Purchase and Finance an End Loader
A motion was made by Mr. Murphy, a second by Mr. Williams to approve the consent agenda items
and recommended they be put on the Board’s Consent Agenda. Motion carried by voice vote with
all ayes.
Action Agenda Items – None
Other Business – None
Mr. Murphy made a motion to adjourn at 7:55 a.m. with a second from Mr. Williams. Motion carried by voice
vote with all ayes.