Chairman Madson called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. at the Fulton County Highway Department, Canton, IL.
Call in number for the Committee Meeting 1-602-580-9764, meeting password – 1886497
Committee: Quorum Present – Present – Madson, Spangler, Deushane, Williams; Excused- Berry
Elected/Appointed Official(s): Keith Munter, County Engineer
Staff: Thomas Howe, Assistant County Engineer; Tonya Holmes, Executive Assistant; Amber McKenzie, Executive Assistant
Announcements, Communications and Correspondence None
Call for Additions/Deletions to and Approval of the Agenda
Mr. Spangler made a motion with a second by Ms. Deushane to approve the agenda. Roll call vote, the motion passed (4-0).
Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
A motion was made by Ms. Deushane and a second by Mr. Williams to approve the minutes from the January 4, 2022. Roll call vote, the motion passed (4-0).
County Engineer’s Report
• IDOT Audit Completed
• Snow Removal
• Building Replacement Discussion/Health and Safety Concerns
o Figures given last, did not include a salt storage facility or current material cost. With the new rules of ARPA funding, increased material costs, and a salt storage facility, the Highway Department would request at least 2 million of the ARPA funds. The Highway Department would bond out remaining balance if needed. Anything less than 2 million, the level of service and highway infrastructure would be affected. The continued level of deterioration of the Highway Department facility continues at an alarming rate.
Consent Agenda Items
a. Claims
A motion was made by Ms. Deushane, a second by Mr. Spangler to approve the consent agenda items and recommended they be put on the Board’s Consent Agenda. Roll call vote, the motion passed (4-0).
Action Agenda Items None
Other Business None
Mr. Spangler made a motion to adjourn at 8:05 a.m. with a second from Mr. Williams. Roll call vote, the motion passed (4-0).
Minutes Highway Feb 1 2022