Fulton County Board- Finance & Insurance Committee Meeting Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone 309-547-0901
Committee: Finance, Insurance, Personnel, Legislative Committee
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln St., Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 6:30 pm
Date: April 5, 2023
Call in number: (720) 843-2603
Meeting code: 214 7365 #
1. Call to Order
Time: 6:35pm
Barry Beck (present/xxxxxx)
Jared Heller (present/xxxxxx) arrived 6:43pm
Laura Kessel (present/xxxxxx) by phone
BJ McCullum (present/xxxxxx)
Brian Platt (xxxxxx/absent)
Lauren Southwood (present/xxxxxx)
Lisa Thompson (present/xxxxxx)
Other Board Members: John Spangler
Elected & Appointed Officials: Staci Mayall – Treasurer – by phone, Julie Russell – Supervisor of Assessment, Patrick O’Brian – County Clerk – by phone, Charlene Markley – Circuit Clerk
Staff: Audra Miles- Comptroller
Guests: None
Media: None
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Agenda
Member Thompson called for Old Business 10b to add the word” pursue hiring County Administrator,” and move public comments under pursue hiring a County Administrator.
Member Kessel moved to approve the amended agenda with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
4. Approval of Previous Minutes – March 7, 2023 and March 14, 2023
Member Southwood moved to approve the minutes from March 7, 2023 and March 14, 2023 with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
5. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – None
6. Claims
a. Discussion/Action: Claims
Member Southwood moved to approve the claims with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
b. Discussion/Action: Claims ARPA – None Presented
7. Transfer of Funds – None
a. General Funds Transfers
b. Other Funds Transfers
8. Immediate Emergency Appropriation(s) – None
a. General Funds Immediate Emergency Appropriations
b. Other Funds Immediate Emergency Appropriations
9. Old Business
a. Discussion/Action: Retirement Recognition Policy – tabled
Member Thompson inquired with the committee if anyone has suggestions for this policy. Member Southwood suggested recognition for 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of service. Member Southwood will work on suggestions for the type of service recognition with County Clerk O’Brian and will report back to the committee in May.
Member McCullum discussed maybe a book with items that can be ordered for the number of years of service.
Member Thompson inquired if a budget item line item needs to be established.
b. Discussion/Action: Pursue hiring County Administrator
Public Comments:
Member Thompson opened the discussion up for anyone who would like to make comments regarding the Administrator.
A member of the public inquired what the salary would be and are other benefits included with the Administrator position.
Member Thompson stated the job description and salary details have not been defined.
Member Thompson stated median salary recommended by UCCI for an Administrator is $98.000.00 plus benefits.
Comptroller Miles inquired how large the scope of the job is and what are the staff needs to fulfill the duties for the Administrator. Miles stated there is a wide range of topics proposed and one person could not execute everything. Miles discussed insurance is in the job description under the Administrator duties. Currently, there are 2 staff members in the County Clerk’s office performing this job and how does this affect their jobs. Central purchasing has been discussed in the job description, someone to maintain purchasing, storing and billing all the items and who would be responsible. The office space needs to be considered, where the Administrator and staff would be located. Some of the job duties overlap with the Comptroller and the Fulton County Administrative Assistant job duties and would the Administrator be the County Board department head. This would need to be defined in the job description. The budget is stated in the job description and currently this is a big part of the Comptroller’s current job duties and this needs to be considered how this will impacts the position.
Member Thompson stated she understands all the concerns and the details need to be worked out. Member Thompson inquired with Comptroller Miles, does she see the county could improve county functions by hiring a county Administrator. Miles stated the county could benefit if the job description is not too broad and provides measurable tasks. There are many gaps needing to be filled and the administrator could be beneficial with the right person in the position.
County Clerk O’Brian stated from a cultural standpoint, the county is bringing the position of county Administrator back after a 10 years grace after seeing the previous Administrators fail repeatedly. The current job description is taking job duties away from employees’ scope of work, both union and non-union positions. There are gaps needing to be closed in both the jobs description and job duties. From the financial standpoint the county is still seeing rank and file job eliminated and would the county Administrator position help fill the current gaps in departments.
Treasurer Mayall stated she is neutral. The role of the Administrator needs to be defined on for the budget aspect regarding the job duties and is Comptroller Miles still the data collector and is the Administrator having the budget meeting instead of the Board Chairman. The role of Insurance needs to be defined, as this involves 2 union positions and the day to day work. The gaps need to be streamlined and need to be owned by a dedicated person or persons.
Member McCullum stated his concern, after the job description is completed, is finding an employee to match the job description and how the county would repeat the hiring process when the administrator would leave the job.
Member Thompson stated the committee will need to discuss the position and define the scope of work.
Member Beck stated he was here when the previous Administrator worked for the county and there were a lot of communication gaps between the Administrator and Appointed and Elected County Officials and Fulton County Board members. Member Beck stated more input is needed from before pursing the Administrator position.
Member Thompson discussed the amount of work needed to complete the job description is huge and presenting the position to the Fulton County Board and having the position turned down is a lot of work to do for one person. The position will take a lot collaboration from all the officials and the board committees. Member Thompson stated a plan is needed to replace county assets and a multiple year’s budget plan. The biggest problem for the county is the county is reactionary not proactive as the funds have not been available in the past. The coordination between the county board and all the department heads is currently missing. A record management system is needed for Fulton County to coordinate as a team and to avoid long term issues. The safety program has been added to the Finance agenda to manage and there are not enough hours to complete all the work. Economic building grants are a possibility for the Administrator as part of the job duties.
Chairman Spangler inquired, if the information will be pursued prior to going to the board or will the Finance committee present the information to the board for approval to hire the Administrator.
Member Thompson felt the details will need to be completed prior to bringing the job to the board.
Member Southwood stated she is in support of a county Administrator, but the financial information needs to be present on the total cost to make a good decision for the position.
Member Thompson discussed instead of taking the county Administrator job to the board now, that the Finance committee work on the job description and share the information with departments.
Member Heller stated meeting with the department heads needs to be completed first and then work on the job description can be completed.
Member Spangler stated he felt there is a more economical way to complete this task other than hiring a county Administrator.
Member Southwood inquired is the county planning for future building repairs.
Chairman Spangler stated planning is occurring and with many new board members, the goals have changed.
Member Heller stated a yearly outlook meeting needs to occur and the information should be passed along to new board members after an election. This prevents rework and gives direction for the future of the county.
Member Kessel stated there are some board members with more service, it is easy to say things should be done or need to be done. The time commitment is the biggest issue for board members who have a full time job, children, chairpersons of committees, and taking active roles as county board members.
Member Southwood moved to approve to continue pursuing and considering an accurate job description for a County Administrator with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-1) with Member Heller voting nay.
c. Discussion/Action: Part-time county board admin assistant hiring
Member Thompson stated this position needs to be eliminated. Member Kessel suggested to leave the position in the budget until a decision is made about the county Administrator. Member Thompson stated this position will remain in the budget and will be removed from the agenda until further discussion is needed on the position.
Member Heller moved to approve to leave the position in the FY24 budget with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
10. New Business
a. Discussion/Action: 2024 Budget Resolution and Schedule
Member Thompson discussed the tentative dates and next steps for the FY24 budget. The first step is setting the goals for the FY24 budget.
Miles discussed in a two weeks she will send a report with the FY23 budget as the starting point for the FY24 budget. At the May committee meeting, a discussion will be had on what the Finance committee would like to send to the departments as a goal for the FY24 budget.
Member Thompson stated to be prepared to discuss the FY24 budget at the May 2, 2023 Finance Committee meeting.
b. Discussion/Action: Distribution of Draft Finance Policy
Member Thompson discussed this process she would like the committee to work on and develop before getting approval from the county board.
c. Discussion/Action: Member assignment for recommendations: ARPA funds returned- fund 087
Member Thompson discussed the ARPA funds being returned to the county for projects coming in under budget. The Finance committee will need to make a decision if the ARPA funds will be used for community projects, the Highway building or capital projects. Member Thompson would like a committee member to prepare a report and recommendation to the Finance Committee. Member Heller agreed to the task and will report at the May 2, 2023 Finance Committee meeting.
Treasurer Mayall stated the amount of surplus funds year to date is $162,059.84 and includes interest earned.
Member Thompson moved to approve the assignment of Member Heller to make recommendation for ARPA funds returned with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
d. Discussion/Action: Member Assignment for recommendations: Local Tribal Consistency fund 099-155 – $50,118.00
Member Thompson asked which committee member would be willing to work on this task and report back recommendations to the Finance Committee.
Clerk O’Brian stated the Tribal funds and allocating some of the funds to digitize county records. With the storms in Fulton County last week, this would be beneficial for the county.
Member Thompson moved to approve the assignment of Member McCullum to make recommendations for Local Tribal Consistency fund with a second from Member Southwood.
Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
e. Discussion/Action: Member Assignment for recommendations: Opioid Settlement Fund 098-154 – $80,129.00
Member Thompson asked the Finance committee members who would be willing to work on this task and report back recommendations to the Finance Committee.
State’s Attorney Justin Jochums would be happy to discuss the Opioid uses to contact his office.
Member Thompson moved to approve the assignment of Member Southwood to make recommendations for Opioid Settlement Fund funds with a second from Member Heller.
Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
11. Safety – Liability Insurance Risk Management – None
12. Transit
Comptroller Miles reported the state and federal applications have been submitted. The third quarter ended in March and the reports are due at the end of April.
13. Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Mayall discussed the loan letter from County General to Mental Health and Mental Deficient Anticipation Loans, for the loans will be repaid to the General Fund by November 30, 2023. The funds are appropriated in the FY23 Budget and no resolution is needed to complete the transactions.
The audit is on target to be received by the county by the end of April and the auditor will be available during the May Fulton County Board meeting to give the full overview.
14. Assessment Report – No report
Personnel, Legislative
15. Appointments
a. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Gary Mueller Re-appointment Commissioner- West
Matanzas Drainage District
Member McCullum moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
b. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Elaine Stone – Appointment Commissioner – Fulton County Housing Authority
Member Beck moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member McCullum. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
c. Discussion/Action: Resolution: John Velde – Re-appointment Commissioner – Lacey
Drainage & Levee District
Member McCullum moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Southwood. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
d. Discussion/Action: Resolution: Bryson C. Bunch – Appointment Trustee – Cuba Fire Protection District
Member McCullum moved to approve the resolution with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).
16. Old Business – None
17. New Business – None
18. Executive Session – None
19. Misc. – None
20. Adjournment
Time: 7:44pm
Member McCullum moved to adjourn at 7:44pm with a second from Member Beck. Motion carried by roll call vote (6-0).