Fulton County Board Committee Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL 61542
Phone 309-547-0901-Fax 309-547-3326-email csimpson@fultonco.org
Committee: Executive Committee
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln St., Lewistown, IL 61542
Time: 6:45pm
Date: September 7, 2022
Call in information: 1-425-436-6307
Access code: 835427
1. Call to Order
Time: 6:55pm
Cindy Arnett (present/xxxxxx)
Steve Bohler (present/xxxxxx) – by phone
Roger Clark (present/xxxxxx)
Mary Deushane (present/xxxxxx)
Laura Kessel (present/xxxxxx)
Nestor Madson (present/xxxxxx)
Craig Medus (xxxxxx/absent)
John Spangler (present/xxxxxx)
Lisa Thompson (present/xxxxxx)
STAFF: Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Board Administrative Assistant
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum was present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions to and Approval of Agenda
Member Kessel moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Madson. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
4. Approval of Previous Minutes – August 3, 2022
Member Madson moved to approve the August 3, 2022 minutes with a second from Member Thompson. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
5. Announcements, Communication and Correspondence
Chairman Clark announced the Fulton County Board purchased Anker portable speakers to be used for committee meetings. This will assist with meeting that are done by phone.
Cindy has a sign out sheet for any committee chair that would like to use a speaker for their meeting.
Public Remarks – None
6. Old Business – None
7. New Business – None
8. Reports from Committee Chairs
a. Community Development
Member Bohler reported the Hampton Subdivision is approved.
b. Finance/Insurance
Member Spangler reported $50,000.00 in ARPA Funds has been approved for the South Fulton Track project.
The Finance agreed to have the Jail meals sent out for bids.
c. Health
Member Kessel reported the Canton Health Department has the new Covid booster Bivalent.
d. County Highway
Member Madson reported County Highway 2 bridge going North over Coal Creek is waiting on guard rails to finish the project to reopen the bridge.
Crews are finishing up guardrail work and cutting high shoulders.
For the Highway building project, work on the building agreement for the new building is being done.
The bridge off Robin Road is in the process of approving a new bridge. The State of Illinois will pay for 80% of the project, 10% from Fulton County and 10% from the township.
e. Property & Courts
Member Arnett reported the Kone elevator agreement has been approved. The Property budget had a few changes for FY23.
Member Arnett reported the Women’s and Men’s restrooms in the courthouse will be remodeled, as well as the bell tower using ARPA funds.
f. Personnel & Legislative
Member Thompson reported one appointment was approved and the amended Sick Leave and Vacation Policy has been approved.
The meeting time for the P&L meeting will change to start at 5:00pm.
g. Public Safety & Campground
Member Deushane reported Sheriff Standard is working on the FY23 budget. The price increased by $7,000.00 for squad cars. The Jail meals will go out for bids.
The Campground road work is being done and FY23 budget will be discussed at the next meeting.
9. Misc.
a. Discussion: Jail Meals
Chairman Clark discussed the Jail meals will be bid. The Clayberg was asked for estimated prices for the Jail meals.
b. Discussion: Cole McDaniel- SRPED
Chairman Clark discussed SRPED will be at the Fulton County Board meeting and give the quarterly report. Member Kessel stated she felt Fulton County needs to contribute more funding to SRPED.
Member Spangler discussed APRA funds distributions around the State of Illinois and some counties have only given hazard pay from their ARPA funds. Member Spangler stated Fulton County has done a great job of distributing the ARPA funds throughout the community, the small business grants and other community projects.
Member Madson reported at the Port Authority meeting last month, Fulton County was recognized with how the use of APRA funds for small business grants has made an impact on the community.
Member Spangler suggested a press release be sent out on what the ARPA funds have been used for.
10. Adjournment
Time: 7:17pm
Member Kessel moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:17pm with a second from Member Arnett. Motion carried by roll call vote (8-0).
Minutes Executive Sept 7 2022