The Fulton County Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes
Fulton County Board Office, 257 W Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL.
Phone: Janice Emmons at (309) 547-0902
Committee: Zoning Board of Appeals
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 W Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL.
Time: 4:15 PM
Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2024
1. Call to Order
Time: 4:15 PM
2. Roll Call
Roll Call was taken, quorum present
Bob Ackerman (Present)
Sally Jo Clark (Present)
Cathy Eathington (Present)
Mat Fletcher (Absent)
Jayson Herrick (Present)
Bill Phillips (Present)
Damon Roberson (Present)
ELECTED & APPOINTED OFFICIALS: Janice Emmons – Zoning Director; Julie Russell-Supervisor of Assessments
3. Additions, Deletions, and Corrections to the Agenda
Member Roberson moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Ackerman. Motion carried by voice vote with all ayes.
4. Approval of Minutes – January 31, 2024
Member Herrick moved to approve minutes with a second from Member Ackerman
5. Public Remarks – None
6. New Business
Chairman Phillips swore in Patrick Hedger.
This Met Tower is to support a wind farm project and do a wind assessment. The purpose is to get site specific data including, wind speed, direction, temperature humidity, and air pressure at different hits.
It will be place in the middle of the property, and will be 190 ft. tall. With three supports with guide wires, that will be marked for air crafts. It will be powered by solar. No permanent foundation and will be wrenched up.
It will be a 3 year study period.
Chairman Phillips swore in Bryan Porter.
Mr. Porter asked how many towers is going up. At this time it is just the one tower, which is temporary. Another public hearing will take place if the company decides to proceed with a wind farm.
Will need to get more land together and what the wind data is like. And will have to do environment permitting which will take about two years. Would take a day in a half to put up, pending weather and regular maintenance will be done.
Chairman Phillips swore in Kathleen Phillips.
What is the most likely thing that could go wrong?
No wildlife impacts, biggest issue is that a sensor may fail due to heavy wind or snow storms. Tower would be tipped down to replace those.
Finding of fact, no negative impact to residents, positive impact on the county, no concerns of safety of falling over. The permit would expire in four years and would have to be taken down.
Member Ackerman made the motion of finding of fact and approving the conditional use permit, with a second from Member Roberson.
b. Discussion/Action: Public Hearing for the BESS ordinance for Fulton County
No current BESS systems are in Fulton County.
Assessor Russell, explained that is to store energy form solar or wind to sell back to the grid. This ordnance address the concern is safety if there is a fire.
Member Roberson moved to send to community development with a second from Member Herrick. Motion carried by roll call vote.
c. Discussion/Action: Public Hearing for Pricing information for solar and battery storage
Member Eathington moved to send to Community Development with a second from Member Clark. Motion carried by voice vote with all ayes.
7. Old Business
8. Other – None
9. Executive Session – None
10. Adjournment
Member Roberson moved to adjourn at 5:13 PM with a second from Member Ackerman. Motion carried by voice vote with all ayes.