Fulton County Board – Special Health Committee Meeting Minutes
Committee: Special Health
Meeting Place: Fulton County Board Office, 257 West Lincoln Street, Lewistown, IL
Time: 6:00 PM
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Conference Call-in Information
Call in information: 1-425-436-6307
Access code: 835427
1. Call to Order
Time: 6:10pm
Jim Barclay (present/xxxxxxx)
Barry Beck (present/xxxxxx)
Dan Kumer (present/xxxxxxx)
Brian Platt (present/xxxxxxx)
Lisa Thompson (present/xxxxxx)
OTHER BOARD MEMBERS: John Spangler, Laura Kessel
ELECTED & APPOINTED OFFICIALS: Tammie Denning – Clayberg Administrator, Staci Mayall – Treasurer
STAFF: Cindy Simpson – Fulton County Administrative Assistant, Diana Keime – Clayberg Office Manager
2. Roll Call
Roll call was taken, quorum was present
3. Call for Additions/Deletions To and Approval of the Meeting Agenda
Member Thompson moved to approve the agenda with a second from Member Barclay. Motion carried by voice vote with Member Kumer voting nay.
4. Announcements, Communications and Correspondence – None
5. Public Remarks – None
6. Executive Session: For the discussion of Personnel Issues as Described in: 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1)
Member Thompson moved with a second from Member Barclay to go into executive session at 6:12pm. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
Member Thompson moved with a second from Member Beck to return to open session at 6:36pm. Motion carried by roll call vote (5-0).
7. Misc.
a. Discussion/Action: Personnel issues – No Action
b. Discussion/Action: Approval of funds for fine payment for the Clayberg
Member Platt discussed the approval of funds needed for the fine at the Clayberg. A survey was conducted and in the survey, the fall of a resident was reported. In the report of the fall, the treatment was not done in a timely manner and this was elevated to level A report. A level A violation is a $25,000.00 fine and if the fine is paid within 10 days the fine is $16,250.00.
Member Thompson inquired where the funds came from to pay the fine. Treasurer Mayall stated the fine was paid from education training and dues and this will need to be adjusted internally as the line item does not have sufficient funds. Treasurer Mayall will make the necessary adjustments.
Member Beck moved to approve paying the fine for Clayberg with a second from Member Thompson. Motion carried by voice vote with all voting ayes.
8. Adjournment
Time: 6:45pm
Member Thompson moved to adjourn at 6:45pm with a second from Member Kumer. Motion carried by voice vote with all voting ayes.